Problematic: Problematic: Some will be from Caribbean islands, Latin America, various regions in the United States, countries in Africa, or elsewhere. In Alaska, the Indigenous People may identify as “Alaska Natives.” The Indigenous Peoples in Alaska, Canada, Siberia, and Greenland may identify as a specific nation (e.g., Inuit, Iñupiat). Do not assume that members of minority groups are underprivileged; underprivileged means having less money, education, resources, and so forth than the other people in a society and may refer to individuals or subgroups in any racial or ethnic group. Capitalize “Indigenous” and “Aboriginal” whenever they are used. • Do not hyphenate (eg. (2015). Proper nouns and the capitalization of job titles and positions are covered in Sections 6.14 and 6.15 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition. There are compelling reasons to use any of the terms “Latino,” “Latina,” “Latino/a,” “Latin@,” and/or “Latinx” (see de Onís, 2017), and various groups advocate for the use of different forms. All participants were Caucasian. Problematic: Terms like Caucasian and African American are also allowed (and capitalized), but they are not preferred. When writing about people of Asian ancestry from Asia, the term “Asian” is appropriate; for people of Asian descent from the United States or Canada, the appropriate term is “Asian American” or “Asian Canadian,” respectively. “Latinx” can also be used as a gender-neutral or nonbinary term inclusive of all genders. “Non-White” implies a standard of comparison and is imprecise. minority students, Preferred: When writing about people of African ancestry, several factors inform the appropriate terms to use. When you are writing, you need to follow general principles to ensure that your language is free of bias. Likewise, capitalize terms such as “Native American,” “Hispanic,” and so on. the articulate Mexican American professor, Preferred: For example, people might identify their race as Aboriginal, African American or Black, Asian, European American or White, Native American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Māori, or some other race. In general, refer to an Indigenous group as a “people” or “nation” rather than as a “tribe.”. If a distinction is needed between the dominant racial group and nondominant racial groups, use a modifier (e.g., “ethnic,” “racial”) when using the word “minority” (e.g., ethnic minority, racial minority, racial-ethnic minority). Rather, a minority group is a population subgroup with ethnic, racial, social, religious, or other characteristics different from those of the majority of the population, though the relevance of this term is changing as the demographics of the population change (APA, 2015). To answer your question, yes, the latest edition (6th) of the APA style manual does require capitalization of Black and White. We interviewed 25 Afro-American people living in rural Louisiana. The 50 Indigenous People (23 First Nations and 27 Inuit) represented…. Specify region or nation of origin when possible to avoid the impression that all people of African descent have the same cultural background, family history, or family experiences. Preferred: Problematic: Your first stop in answering questions about the capitalization or spelling of a specific word in an APA Style paper should be the dictionary. In New Zealand, the Indigenous People may identify as “Māori” or the “Māori people” (the proper spelling includes the diacritical macron over the “a”). Preferred: Others have made the change only in the last few months. Capitalization Style for Black and White as Race Terms. The 50 Indigenous People (23 First Nations, 17 Inuit, 10 Métis) represented…, Comment: When appropriate, authors should identify groups indigenous to North America by specific group or nation; when the broader designation is appropriate, note that “Native American” may be preferred to “American Indian.” “Indian” refers to people from India. “Asian” refers to Asians in Asia, not in the United States, and should not be used to refer to Asian Americans. (After reading this) .. For more information and examples, see the Publication Manual. have different meanings; ask participants to self-identify with a term and use a precise nationality if possible. American Psychologist, 70(9), 832–864. The 50 Native Americans (25 Choctaw, 15 Hopi, and 10 Seminole) represented… Some use the word “Hispanic” to refer to those who speak Spanish; however, not every group in Latin America speaks Spanish (e.g., in Brazil, the official language is Portuguese). American-Indian or African-American) • Capitalize racial identities – … This guidance is the same as in the 6th edition. Some American people of African ancestry prefer “Black,” and others prefer “African American”; both terms are acceptable. Problematic: This post deserves a standing ovation. Terms used to refer to racial and ethnic groups continue to change over time. What's in an “x”? I'm a bilingual students but I'm still facing... Wasn't much explained about when to add an apostrophe at the en like your last... First off, love the blog! Likewise, capitalize terms such as “Native American,” “Hispanic,” and so on. When writing about people of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) descent, state the nation of origin (e.g., Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel) when possible. Thank you so much it will help me. Terms such as “economically marginalized” and “economically exploited” may also be used rather than “underprivileged.” Whenever possible, use more specific terms (e.g., schools with majority Black populations that are underfunded) or refer to discrimination or systematic oppression as a whole. Comment: Qualifying adjectives may imply that the “articulate” Mexican American professor is an exception to the norm (for Mexican American professors). Hawaiian Natives may identify as “Native American,” “Hawaiian Native,” “Indigenous Peoples of the Hawaiian Islands,” and/or “Pacific Islander.”, In Canada, refer to the Indigenous Peoples collectively as “Indigenous Peoples” or “Aboriginal Peoples” (. Be sure that the racial and ethnic categories you use are as clear and specific as possible. "The cat's toy" means one cat owns that toy. When writing about people of European ancestry, the terms “White” and “European American” are acceptable. Comment: “Orientals” is considered pejorative; use “Asian” for people from Asia, “Asian American” for people of Asian descent in North America, or be more specific by providing nation and region of origin (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.). So nice to hear the positive feedback! Capitalize “Indigenous People” or “Aboriginal People” when referring to a specific group (e.g., the Indigenous Peoples of Canada), but use lowercase for “people” when describing persons who are Indigenous or Aboriginal (e.g., “the authors were all Indigenous people but belonged to different nations”). The word “Latino” is gendered (i.e., “Latino” is masculine and “Latina” is feminine); the use of the word “Latin@” to mean both Latino and Latina is now widely accepted. Participants were from Central America (150 from Guatemala, 50 from Honduras, and 50 from Belize). The use of the term “Caucasian” as an alternative to “White” or “European” is discouraged because it originated as a way of classifying White people as a race to be favorably compared with other races. Thank you, Sarah! An exchange about the politics of “Latinx.” Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 1(2), 78–91. For some, like APA and the Diversity Style Guide, it’s been standard for a while. The following are examples of bias-free language for racial and ethnic identity. Capitalize proper nouns in APA Style. “Indian” usually refers to people from India. At the Columbia Journalism Review, we capitalize Black, and not white, when referring to groups in racial, ethnic, or cultural terms.For many people, Black reflects a shared sense of identity and community. For example, phrases such as “the Black race” and “the White race” are essentialist in nature, portray human groups monolithically, and often perpetuate stereotypes. Comment: Native peoples of northern Canada, Alaska, eastern Siberia, and Greenland may prefer “Inuk” (“Inuit” for plural) to “Eskimo.” Alaska Natives include many groups in addition to Eskimos. However, “African American” should not be used as an umbrella term for people of African ancestry worldwide because it obscures other ethnicities or national origins, such as Nigerian, Kenyan, Jamaican, or Bahamian; in these cases use “Black.” The terms “Negro” and “Afro-American” are outdated; therefore, their use is generally inappropriate.
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