silhouette cameo 4 autoblade not cutting
What version of the software are you using? I was only one update away from being current but that’s all it took. The blade is dull, damaged, or broken. I know that is VERY frustrating, Keila! How long a blade will last … Then I press send and it won’t cut all the way through. Looking at the blade from the top, the fin will be at the 6 o’clock position when properly inserted. I'm sure I read that the fabric blade is exactly the same as the ratchet blade except the color? I’m so sorry you’re having trouble! (I read some tips about closing the lid on the silhouette while cutting, if the glare of the light caused it, and it helped, but it’s still not on point). I tried cleaning the blade, but I’m pretty sure I accidentally twisted the way the blade is supposed to be facing and I don’t know how to fix it! Then click on the “Test” button in the lower right of the screen. I’ve had the original Cameo for years. This one is pretty self-explanatory. You need to make a “kiss-cut” that cuts through the vinyl but leaves the backing intact. You can read my post that discusses firmware updates in more detail by clicking here. These lines can sometimes be hard to see when the line color is very light (yellow, for instance) and/or matches the fill color. Glad you enjoyed it. If your firmware is not up-to-date, you may experience cutting issues. Fabric or fleece backing? The main thing to check in that case is that you’ve chosen the correct paper size to match your printer, that you haven’t adjusted the registration marks, and that none of your design is in the cross-hatched areas shown in the Silhouette Studio workspace. My goal is to help others learn more about the various Silhouette machines and all the wonderful ways they can be used. If your blade raises slightly when locking into place, open the lock lever and push the blade all the way down again. Suzanne. Each of these squares indicates a node. and it’s not cutting, then the problem is either with the settings you’re using or the blade is not making contact with the vinyl for some reason. I’m so sorry you’re having trouble. Occasionally, you may also find that your blade is damaged or broken from cutting denser materials. The first thing you want to check is to ensure your blade is loaded correctly. What cut settings are you using, what machine, and what type of faux leather? I contacted Silhouette but the process they wanted me to go through to prove that the blade wasn't cutting correctly was so ridiculous (multiple photos + videos from a specific angle which is impossible for me to get on my own) that I just didn't bother. I can use an older-style ratchet blade in the adapter and it will cut fine. You can purchase a replacement cutting strip here. Can someone please tell me which way the blade needs to be facing?? This one is pretty self-explanatory. I tried cutting an even circle both as a kiss cut as well as with a tiny boarder, but it’s all off.. do you have any idea why this is happening? Is there any way you could send me a video via email or private message?


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