Historical or past weather forecast page provides historical weather forecast from 1st July, 2008 till now in 3 hourly interval. The visibility is going to be around 10 km i.e. Low 13ºC. Partly cloudy. The thick line represents the most probable trend. Use up and down arrows to change selection. Recently searched locations will be displayed if there is no search query. Chance of rain 30%. Partly cloudy. It will be mostly dry with little or no precipitation and cloud covering 47% of the sky, the humidity will be around 65%. The first option will be automatically selected. 68 °F: 10 mph ↑ 66%: 3%-0 (Low) 7:14 am: 6:09 pm: Fri Oct 16: 72 / 65 °F: Light showers. The forecast is created with „ensemble“ models. High 16ºC. Please let us know if you agree. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Weather data including temperature, wind speed, humidity, snow, pressure, etc. Tuesday seems to be moderate rain. We hope you like it. Today, Sunny and a gentle breeze . The average minimum temperature will be 15°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Thursday 29th at 12°C. The deviance is coloured within the temperature graph. Winds SW and variable. There will be notable uncertainties after 6-10 days. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Low 14ºC. Text weather page will allow you to get a weather text summary for next 14 days and weather chart page displays weather pattern like temperature, wind speed, gust, pressure, etc. High 19ºC. Low 9ºC. High 14ºC. 5 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1015 mb . Temperature chart displays the maximum and minimum temperature over next 15 days. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. 6 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1017 mb. Destinations. It will be dry with no precipitation and cloud covering 17% of the sky, the humidity will be around 75%. Weather; Maps; Satellites; Radar; Models; World; Alerts; 228 °F. Chance of rain 50%. Partly cloudy. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph. Find out more. Last updated today at 11:32. Partly cloudy. Long range weather outlook for Odessa includes 14 day forecast summary: Over the next 14 … Partly cloudy. Partly cloudy will be the weather pattern for the Wednesday. It will be mostly dry with little or no precipitation and cloud covering 29% of the sky, the humidity will be around 53%. (More Info). Chance of rain 50%. We use cookies on this site to improve your experience as explained in our Cookie Policy. To learn more: Privacy & Terms. Partly cloudy. (More Info), The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at. Cloudy. In winter when cold air from Siberia enters the country, it can freeze severely for weeks on end. Mostly cloudy. Day Temperature Weather Feels Like Wind Humidity Chance Amount UV Sunrise Sunset; Thu Oct 15: 69 / 51 °F: High level clouds. Please also visit Odessa Historical Weather, Weather widget and Weather Charts pages. High 18ºC. 68 °F: 10 mph ↑ 66%: 3%-0 (Low) 7:14 am: 6:09 pm: Fri Oct 16: 72 / 65 °F: Light showers. 14-day Weather forecast for Odessa (Ukraine Ukraine).
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