Mathew Owen is a teacher in Classics at Caterham School, Surrey. Leave a comment on paragraph 6 0 Martin. [2] In the nearly half century since Goodyear’s first volume, scholarship on classical historiography and on Tacitus in particular has in many ways been reshaped by the work of Woodman himself. More about OpenBook Publishers. Commentary. Bryn Mawr PA 19010. Finally, for the “archaizing deligere” he refers us not to his earlier commentary with Martin but to Malloch’s more recent one on Book 11. It is the end (of what we have left, at least) of Tacitus’ work, and it also marks the beginning of the end for Nero and the Julio-Claudians. The helpful structural schema illustrating the ring composition of Book 4 from 1989 (15ff.) 4. Leave a comment on paragraph 2 0 Journalism, Media Studies & Communications, 2.2 Tacitus' times: the political system of the principate, 2.3 Tacitus' oeuvre: opera minora and maiora, 2.4 Tacitus' style (as an instrument of thought), 2.5 Tacitus' Nero-narrative: Rocky-Horror-Picture Show and Broadway on the Tiber, 2.6 Thrasea Paetus and the so-called ‘Stoic opposition', (ii) 22.2: Review of striking prodigies that occurred in AD 62, (iii) 23.1–4: Start of Tacitus' account of AD 63: the birth and death of Nero's daughter by Sabina Poppaea, Claudia Augusta, (i) 33.1–34.1: Nero's coming-out party as stage performer, (ii) 34.2–35.3: A look at the kind of creatures that populate Nero's court – and the killing of an alleged rival, (iii) 36: Nero considers, but then reconsiders, going on tour to Egypt, (iv) 37: To show his love for Rome, Nero celebrates a huge public orgy that segues into a mock-wedding with his freedman Pythagoras, (vi) 42–43: Reconstructing the Capital: Nero's New Palace, (vii) 44: Appeasing the Gods, and Christians as Scapegoats, (viii) 45: Raising of Funds for Buildings, 6.3 Family Tree of Nero and Junius Silanus. It is here in the footnotes that graduate students and scholars will find the most value, while undergraduates will profit from the main text of the introduction. This work is licensed under a All rights reserved. Characters in the text and themes like shame are discussed as they come up. The Annals (Latin: Annales) by Roman historian and senator Tacitus is a history of the Roman Empire from the reign of Tiberius to that of Nero, the years AD 14–68. XLI. Commentary. Ingo Gildenhard is Reader in Classics and the Classical Tradition at Cambridge University, and a Fellow of King’s College Cambridge. A brief outline of Tacitus’ life follows, including an interesting mention of the anecdote from Historia Augusta, Vita Taciti 10.3 concerning the emperor Tacitus’ role in preserving the text of his supposed ancestor during the third century. All of this is primarily aimed at helping a student reader with the grammar, vocabulary, and imagery—in short, with what Tacitus is saying at that moment. In 2009, he gained a first class degree in Classics at Brasenose College, Oxford. Tacitus - Tacitus - Sources: For the period from Augustus to Vespasian, Tacitus was able to draw upon earlier histories that contained material from the public records, official reports, and contemporary comment. Accordingly, Woodman’s new commentary on Book 4 pays special attention to literary matters, as is also fitting both for the orange commentary series[5] and for the dramatic narrative of Annals 4. This building project stoked the rumours that the emperor himself was behind the conflagration, and Tacitus goes on to present us with Nero's gruesome efforts to quell these mutterings by scapegoating and executing members of an unpopular new cult then starting to spread through the Roman empire: Christianity. Dictatorships were held for a temporary crisis. ¶ 6 The Annals of Tacitus. in A.J. The Annals are an important source for modern understanding of the history of the Roman Empire during the 1st century AD; it is Tacitus' final work, and modern historians generally consider it his greatest writing. A look at what Woodman has now done with the same Book 4 passage (4.2.2) chosen by Gibson supports Gibson’s observations: although both commentaries provide some interpretive guidance, the green-and-yellow explains grammar and syntax while keeping citations to a minimum, whereas the orange supports its new material with more expansive references to scholarship and comparanda. Source:, Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentary, by Mathew Owen and Ingo Gildenhard, Tacitus’ times: the political system of the principate, Tacitus’ style (as an instrument of thought), Tacitus’ Nero-narrative: Rocky-Horror-Picture Show and Broadway on the Tiber, Thrasea Paetus and the so-called ‘Stoic opposition’, Latin text with study questions and vocabulary aid, (ii) 22.2: Review of striking prodigies that occurred in AD 62, (iii) 23.1–4: Start of Tacitus’ account of AD 63: the birth and death of Nero’s daughter by Sabina Poppaea, Claudia Augusta, (i) 33.1–34.1: Nero’s coming-out party as stage performer, (ii) 34.2–35.3: A look at the kind of creatures that populate Nero’s court – and the killing of an alleged rival, (iii) 36: Nero considers, but then reconsiders, going on tour to Egypt, (iv) 37: To show his love for Rome, Nero celebrates a huge public orgy that segues into a mock-wedding with his freedman Pythagoras, (vi) 42–43: Reconstructing the Capital: Nero’s New Palace, (vii) 44: Appeasing the Gods, and Christians as Scapegoats, (viii) 45: Raising of Funds for Buildings. [1] The other volumes in the series are F.R.D. The green-and-yellow book provided its student readers with fourteen pages of background on Latin historiography, the career of Tacitus, and the Annals in general before spending twenty more on various aspects of Book 4 itself. line to jump to another position: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License,,,, Od. Eodem anno Romae insignia scelera, alterum senatoris, servili alterum audacia, admissa sunt. Printed and digital/e-book editions of this title are available for purchase – either from the Open Book Publishers site or from good bookshops. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Owen's and Gildenhard's incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both A2 and undergraduate level. 2.3 Tacitus' oeuvre: opera minora and maiora; 2.4 Tacitus' style (as an instrument of thought) 2.5 Tacitus' Nero-narrative: Rocky-Horror-Picture Show and Broadway on the Tiber; 2.6 Thrasea Paetus and the so-called ‘Stoic opposition' 3. ¶ 5 Tacitus. This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and a commentary. Tacitus. Current location in this text. Fratantuono gives the basics of Nero’s life and reign and then examines some main points of book XVI. He ties chapter one of book XVI nicely back to the final chapter of book XV by comparing Tacitus’ portrayals of Nero’s level of rationality in the two passages. [10] This new note on “adeundo, appellando,” then, primarily calls detailed attention to a recurring feature of Tacitean style without explicitly illuminating the specific passage at hand. We especially welcome thoughts and ideas from students of the text. Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, Commentary, and Translation. This last is naturally the bulk of the work, weighing in at 279 pages (the entire 1989 book from Introduction to Index had only 281). The introduction opens with a description of the structure of the Annals, its basic contents, and its missing parts. XL. [9] R. Gibson, “Fifty Shades of Orange: Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries” in Classical Commentaries, ed. He has also published three textbooks with Open Book Publishers: Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53-86.
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