When Alice's finger stopped throbbing she picked up the teapot, removed the top and saw that inside was five quarters. A blood-spattered smile charmed across her face. Alice exploded in the man's face. "You have never given me an orgasm," Alice replied. John's stomach grumbled painfully at the lack of ready food. His hair had gone gray and he was heavier than he'd ever been before. The two had been eating well and never getting any exercise. Beneath the worries that his wife might suffer a hemorrhage and die was the worry about the impending hospital bill. The pictures that had been on the mantle were smashed. The story ends just after Alice stabs the repairman and earns ten thousand dollars. With her long fingers she pushed a brass teapot into Alice's hands. "Miss, I don't make the rules...." he started to say. They drink their coffee and John finds a two-dollar bill in his mouth. When she hugged her, just before climbing the stairs to go to bed, Alice pinched her daughter beneath her arms and on her back. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Select a subject to preview related courses: Eventually their refrigerator breaks, and when the repairman comes to fix it, Alice stomps on his face, breaking his nose. "What if someone broke in and stole it?" The pain sent icy blood in every direction starting at his heart. "I hit myself with the iron," she said. "You're crazy!" "I'm sorry...." He started to say as he took her hand to kiss it. John had passed out on the couch not long after they returned home. The bile that churned, and had been churning everyday for months, had created an ulcer in John's stomach. The moment we get any money something breaks or one of the children....". The insults, the beatings, the degradations were having a slightly more permanent effect on him. He had written John's answers into a little notebook and showed John pictures of Alice's bruises. "Fine," John replied. John asked again. When a couple discovers that a brass teapot makes them money whenever they hurt themselves, they must come to terms with how far they are willing to go. John walked over to the teapot and pulled out a newly formed hundred dollar bill. John thought as he sat at the table, still trying to form the picture of what their postman looked like. She tried to hide her face with a pillow from the couch, but he saw the bruise and the swelling. Her eyes had no white, only red and green. "The electric one's broken," she reported. He dipped a metal spoon into the cavernous depths of the darkening teapot. "What'd you do that for?" Something that will really hurt my feelings.". "Maybe because you punched it a thousand times.". The clank of the wooden spoon hitting his rings had played in unison with the change rattling in the teapot. "We have to stop this!" With all of their secrets scattered about their modest home, covered in broken glass and splintered wood, the two were forced to go back to beating themselves. They had found through trial and error that the teapot only worked when it was within a certain range of the person being wounded. The tuition bills came every three months, they were on the payment plan. She said it was an accident, but the teapot had been suspiciously in the room with her. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. "We have an opportunity to finally get ahead!" She knock herself unconscious with a shovel trying to provide for their little family. Be the first to contribute! Both Alice and John were thinking of the teapot which was sitting, waiting on the coffee table in front of them. Undeterred, she scooted a chair over and took it down. If she proved her worth too quickly he might find himself out of a job. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? She could handle it on her own. To add to that, her mother pinches her and then shoves her down the stairs to earn money from the teapot. They were eleven dollars short of even being able to pay the check, much less leave a tip. "Today's already set us back....", "We'll never get ahead, John. Not to mention the fact that they had to take Alice to the emergency room to treat a concussion that she had given herself with one of the garage shovels. "So you're blaming me for the refrigerator being broken," he asked her. John got a call on the fourth day from his boss saying that he shouldn't bother coming in again. "Late," he replied. He could hear whispers of "ow" and "shit" coming from the room, followed by the sound of change sprinkling into brass. They are just barely getting by when their daughter comes to visit. she asked. "We'll have to get his body into his work truck outside. How Do I Use Study.com's Assign Lesson Feature? They told him he looked "beat up." the girl yelled. Lo and behold, these angry words yield them a hundred dollars. © copyright 2003-2020 Study.com. he asked, after he devoured his salad. They wouldn't let her wear sneakers because of the dress code so her feet were always blistered. The brass teapot quickly takes over their lives. With every ounce of his courage he ran the water as hot as it would go, sitting on the bathroom floor to the right of the spigot, and he held his hand beneath it for twenty seconds while it burned his skin. Everything about her seemed to have once suffered an altering cold. His face was beginning to not spring back. Soon, Alice is unable to have normal relationships with people unaffected by the pot. Decisions Revisited: Why Did You Choose a Public or Private College? Based on the comic book series "The Brass Teapot" about a mid-twenty-year-old couple who, in these difficult economic times, finds a mysterious, magical brass teapot which makes them money but at a surprising price. It is Alice, in the end, who begins to winder just how much money a human life would be worth. There was just over four hundred dollars.
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