This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sometimes the best time to relax, the best time to stop and look around is right now. It likes to generate dissatisfaction in our own lives — what we don’t have, what we should have, what we want to have, what we once had. The grass is greener where you water it and care for it. . Like reading more of Jeffrey Archer's short stories. I am sure you will not be able to put it down till you finish this. Way too many characters for such a short story. August 18th 2011 Great reading! Real life is a way lot complicated than that. That’s right, we choose to make the grass where we’re standing greener or we just keep staring and comparing with others!! Nicely told. I really like this concept of short reads which acquaints you so well with the author over time. You see, you can keep moving and going to greener grassfields, however every green place you’ll go will die as you keep searching for an even greener spot. We obsess on watering, fertilizing, and weeding this grass patch we have to look like the seemingly nicer one we see over the fence, not knowing that others are also tending, trimming, and shaping their grass patch to look like ours. You actually connect with the characters they feel real and alive, it seems more like a real life story but a fast read. I enjoyed it! Perhaps it is in our evolutionary instinct to make us strive and work towards a greater goal, to. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. I choose to make the grass where I’m standing the greenest of all greens! Diverse voices and sparkling debuts dominate today's contemporary short story collections. I’ve recently started blogging, and would love to have some feedback and make friends worldwide . A relevant read, something I am sure most of us would relate to. Because in the end, no matter how green (or ungreen) your grass is, the cows are still going to eat them all, might as well roll in it while you can. Perhaps it is in our evolutionary instinct to make us strive and work towards a greater goal, to create this need to change our current situation for something greater in the future. Its a short story and a page turner. create this need to change our current situation for something greater in the future. The grass always look green from afar. Boy your neighbor’s lawn, over there on the other side of the fence, looks good! by Pan. Age old concept - every person thinks the other has a better life. ( Log Out / The grass is always greener on the other side phrase. For this roundup, we took a look at the... To see what your friends thought of this book, The Grass Is Always Greener: The Year of Short Stories. Across the company, from lowest to highest ranking, each looks at what the other has. Generalizations aside, it’s mostly like this — the single man looks at the married man and yearns to find his one true love and get married; The married man looks at the single men and yearns for his long lost solitude and freedom he once relished. How? Jeffrey Archer has written a good short story and given a good blend of a plot, storyline, characters, thrill and emotions. They were a small gang of … “The grass is always greener on the other side.”. I choose to make the grass where I’m standing the greenest of all greens! By taking care of it rather than admiring other grassfields and letting my own die whilst staring. ( Log Out / Pride and ego – the perfect cocktail, the perfect blend if you wish to fail. this journey to what we want achieved, is where our happiness truly is. © Copyright | All Rights Reserved 2016 | Theme by, Generalizations aside, it’s mostly like this —. End of story. really appreciate the grass that you already have, not everything is a race, a competition, because in the end the grim reaper always wins. As cliche as it sounds, what I’m trying to say is to really appreciate the grass that you already have, not everything is a race, a competition, because in the end the grim reaper always wins (I apologize if this sounds really morbid). Start by marking “The Grass Is Always Greener: The Year of Short Stories” as Want to Read: Error rating book. If you’ve ever been responsible for mowing and maintaining a lawn, you have experienced this sensation many times. He chose the other side, because he thought it was greener, little did he know it would turn into a misdemeanor. Not knowing that in. sorry its kinda long for a short story)) ... but as they say "The grass is always greener on the other side," the motto we pretty much lived by. Not knowing that in this journey to what we want achieved, is where our happiness truly is. Will always stick to be one of my very best stories. You choose where the grass is greener.. I liked this book, the way the story begins with the homeless guy on the pavement and moves upwards into the lives of higher officials of the corporate bank revealing the intrigues and paradoxes of their lives is compelling. Be the first to ask a question about The Grass Is Always Greener. Generalizations aside, it’s mostly like this — the single man looks at the married man and yearns to find his one true love and get married; The married man looks at the single men and yearns for his long lost solitude and freedom he once relished. The poorer blue-collar looks at the wealthier white-collar and longs for one day when he can earn much more money and enjoy a comfortable life with his family where money is not a big issue; The white-collar looks at the blue-collar and longs for one day when he can at least make it back once to dine with his wife and daughter and not get caught up in overtime. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. “The grass is always greener on the other side.” False. Great post, thanks for sharing We are constantly in pain, struggle, and agony — when we are in our jobs, study, and perhaps family. Awesome writing. perhaps better than they know themselves. Well that is all of us except for The Fang. ( Log Out / There are just the two choices…. . Please do visit my blog when time permits, thanks in advance and see you there! The Grass is Greener (short story) (( a short story by me!!! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. These are just some very broad examples about how grass is greener on the other side. It likes to generate dissatisfaction in our own lives — what we don’t have, what we should have, what we want to have, what we once had. I really liked it. Short Stories; English Poems; Poem Topics; TOP 100 Poems; English Songs; Famous Quotations; Business Dictionary; Essays; The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. the single man looks at the married man and yearns to find his one true love and get married; The married man looks at the single men and yearns for his long lost solitude and freedom he once relished. Very interesting and quick read showcasing how there's always 2 sides of every coin and we should not envy anyone... Best of the short stories I have read yet. For a short story, Archer has created a well spun story with sufficient depth that doesn't make one leave thinking someting is missing. He thought the grass was greener on the other side, so he chose to give in to his pride. An interesting short story... very crisp, clean and to the point. Bill has had the same spot under the archway outside Critchley's Bank for years. I am reading Les Miserables and meanwhile read a short book in contemporary genre. Taken from Jeffrey Archer's fourth collection of short stories, To Cut a Long Story Short, comes The Grass Is Always Greener, an irresistible, witty and ingenious short. A funny story from a master of short fiction Archer effortlessly glides through various characters of his story, mopping up their emotions and thoughts, tied together by an olden but golden truth about human psychology, also the title of the story, that 'grass is always appears greener on the other side'. What does The grass is always greener on the other side expression mean? Each stop steps into the unique shoes of the individual at his own mark in life - with his own trials, challenges and aspirations around the corporate later and in their personal lives. It would be nice if you check out my blog. Grass is never greener on the other side!! You choose: own the greenest field or be a starer. A short story from the year of short stories by Jeffrey Archer. Refresh and try again. . We’d love your help. The human mind is a very weird thing. Of course, there are many people who understand this and live by this, I just want to put it out for more people to see. !keep writing and inspire us…. Great r. I liked this book, the way the story begins with the homeless guy on the pavement and moves upwards into the lives of higher officials of the corporate bank revealing the intrigues and paradoxes of their lives is compelling. That’s not how anything in life works…, SO… With effort, work and care, you’ll get the greenest grass that will make others stare. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Great post, well done!! The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. We are constantly in pain, struggle, and agony — when we are in our jobs, study, and perhaps family. Another throwaway line on which Mr Archer, master of the short story, weaves an unbroken line of threads as finely as a careful spider. The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side Meaning. Change ). Hey, I found your little space in the community pool, so glad I did!! . Thank you so much for reading! We are forced to think on the real meaning of existence! The twist comes when the narrative completes a full 360-degree circle and ends with the bank chief feeling envious of the homeless guy and his supposed easy life, makes it both comical and sad at the same time. Lets begin with the grass is always greener. The quick peek into the lives of 7 individuals in the hierarchy of a bank. Welcome back. amazing write up!! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. But with every rung further up the ladder problems become increasingly complex and more difficult to escape from . Jeffrey Howard Archer, Baron Archer of Weston-super-Mare (born 15 April 1940) is an English author and former politician. This idiom encapsulates the human quality of always wanting something different than what you have. We are forced to think on the real meaning of existence! If you liked it, consider sharing and subscribing. The plot could've been a bit more sound. The twist comes when the narrative completes a full 360-degree circle and ends with the bank chief feeling envious of the homeless guy and his supposed easy life, makes it both comical and sad at the same time. This article was originally published on Medium, 9 January 2016. Definition: When someone is not satisfied with their own lot in life and always assumes that there are better things in other places. Only when you go closer will you realize that it is not so. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. The human mind is a very weird thing. The Grass is Greener on the Other Side Like, always. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published The Grass Is Always Greener is part of THE YEAR OF SHORT STORIES and is one of several free digital shorts released to celebrate the publication of Jeffrey Archer’s magnificent seventh collection, Tell Tale. The grass is always greener on the other side - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. He knows all the staff: the yuppies, the middle-management, the executives . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out / Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 17 Contemporary Short Story Collections to Devour. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Have come to love Jeffrey Archer's work. The grass is always greener on the other side, always searching for another high — Ludacris We tend to believe that by changing external factors, … Taken from Jeffrey Archer's fourth collection of short stories, To Cut a Long Story Short, comes The Grass Is Always Greener, an irresistible, witty and ingenious short read.
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