Boy Willie knocks at the door and calls for his Uncle Doaker. Wilson calls for a portentous "stillness" akin to the gathering of a storm. Changing the subject, Willie asks about Doaker's brother and ex-recording star, Wining Boy. He has not seen her in three years, having spent time on the Parchman Prison Farm. Lymon plans to stay in Pittsburgh. The action of the play takes place in the kitchen and parlor of Doaker's sparsely furnished home in 1930s Pittsburgh. Visit to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. /Note. Doaker lets him in, and Willie enters with his more taciturn partner, Lymon. The two have come from Mississippi in a rickety truck to sell watermelons. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. She enters on the stairs and chides her brother for making so much noise. Willie then asks his uncle for a drink for they all have cause to celebrate: the Ghosts of the Yellow Dog have drowned Sutter in his own well. Against Doaker's admonishments, Willie calls for his sister Berniece. She wants them out of her house as soon as possible. When a Man Loves a Woman - Opening scene - Duration: 3:50. A summary of Part X (Section1) in August Wilson's The Piano Lesson. Berniece presses him to explain and we will learn Lymon's story later. Berniece returns upstairs in frustration. UV0023 Recommended for you. The Piano 1993 Opening Scene Montage - Duration: 6:18. Lymon bought it, needing a place to hide from the sheriff and Jim Stovall. Willie immediately calls Maretha down. Maria Alessia Loche 53,396 views. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Piano Lesson and what it means. Indeed, she is surprised they have not woken her daughter, Maretha. After the war, Szpilman is back at the Polish Radio, where he performs Chopin's "Grand Polonaise brillante" to a large prestigious audience. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. As we learn later, the Sutter family owned the Charles during slavery. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Suspicious, she asks how the boys procured their truck. Berniece refuses to believe such foolishness. The play opens at dawn. In his middle age, Wining Boy has become a wanderer, returning to his family when broke. The old, upright piano, its legs decorated with mask-like totems in the manner of African sculpture, dominates the parlor.
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