Cut out stripes, rectangles, and other shapes. Spread in a large jelly-roll pan, lined with triple thickness of paper towels. Add oil, and heat to slow-fry stage, 275 degrees. Then, mix in flour and knead into smooth soft dough. Mongolians and Turkic peoples sometimes dip boortsog in tea. Boortsog Recipe; Preparation Time: 5 Minutes Cooking Time: 30 Minutes Difficulty: Easy Recipe Type: Veg. Altaa’s Kitchen geed suvag baigaa. Pull out with the strainer and put on the rack to cool down. In a bowl, mix together the flour, water mixture, and butter and knead extensively to a tough, dense dough, add flour or water as necessary. [1] It is shaped into either triangles or sometimes spheres. Ingredients: 1 kg Wheat Flour A pinch of Salt 150 g Sugar 100 g Butter Warm Water (as required) Oil (to fry) How to make Boortsog: Melt sugar, salt, and butter in warm water. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment. tegeerei. When the dough is cut, the profile must be absolutely smooth and homogenous with no hole or air bubble whatsoever. There are many flavors of this kind of homemade cookies. Reduce heat to low, then add peanuts to oil. Mix water, butter, and flour, and knead extensively to a tough, dense Одоо нэг боов хийж үзье. (Nuts can be fried immediately, or left overnight. Photo about Boortsog, fried dough food, Kyrgyz cuisine, Traditional assorted dishes, Top view. Simply click on the link or the photo in the journey by country posts to get them. Dissolve salt, sugar and butter in warm boiled water and blend until the sugar and butter are completely dissolved and a smooth homogenous mixture is formed. Cover pot tightly, simmer 5 minutes, then add the peanuts. roll out the dough to about 1/2 inch thickness and cut into rectangles about 2 x4 Cut a slit in the middle and pull one end through making sort of a knot shape. I hope you enjoy this culinary and cultural adventure around the world. Seasoning The Nuts: Combine peppercorns, anise, salt, sugar and water in a medium sized saucepan. 4. let the dough rest 1-2 hours in warm place.5. The dough is deep-fried golden brown. Mozzarella and Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Breast. Thank you for sharing your recipe! Reduce heat to 300. This is the most common homemade cookies in Mongolia. Reaching such a state will require a series of kneading and leaving the dough to rest. Altaa. To promote cultural appreciation by cooking our way across the world, one nation at a time. I will make a video tutorial soon. Boortsog werden als Süßigkeit oder Snack geknabbert. Good luck and if you have any questions let me know Have a good one. You can bend the pieces as you like, and even tie knots into them. Cut out stripes, rectangles, and other shapes. Let it rest for half an hour, and then knead again, until no air bubbles Now, you can use your imagination to cut the dough into different shapes. Hi. We like to eat this cookie with Mongolian Dumpling milk tea It tastes very good together…, Дүүгийнхээ гое хоолуудийг санаад л байна. Tracy, Hello dear. When the dough is ready, roll out until it is about 1-1.5 sm thick. [10], Kyrgyz boorsoq being fried in a stove-top qazan, Traditional fried dough food found in Central Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "В Уфе на изготовление самого большого баурсака России потратили 1006 яиц // ОБЩЕСТВО | новости башинформ.рф", "Новый рекорд Гиннесса установили в Алматы в День Матери - Фрагменты жизни в Казахстане и мире – интересные истории | Tengrinews",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from February 2011, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Bashkir-language text, Articles containing Mongolian-language text, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles containing Turkmen-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 March 2020, at 20:34. If you make the same size of my pictures. sz. The quantities given can be varied by quite a margin depending on 3. Come join the journey, explore a new country each week and embark on a fantastic culinary adventure. My family like this one. Bring to a boil over high heat, stir, then reduce heat to maintain steady simmer. The native name, Slovensko, is derived from the ... Hello my name is Darlene and thank you for stopping by! Jul 2, 2017 - Mongolian butter cookies are more like fried dought than a cookie and who doesn't love fried dough! Spread on towel lined tray. Boortsog can be eaten as is or with jam, butter, cheese or anything else of your choice. If you would like to learn more about the country of Mongolia or get more authentic Mongolian recipes like these Mongolian butter cookies, be sure to check out “Our Journey to Mongolia”. Some people cut the dough into rectangles that are 3 sm wide and about 10 sm long, make a long cut in the middle, pull simultaneously the two edges through the cut and twist to the opposite sides.
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