Added tab completion to most GUIs that take Pokémon names, move names or item names as text input. If they still did then our particle animations would be off! From Pixelmon Generations. Check the wiki for them. Fixed /teach displaying Pokémon names as 'null'. Fixed JEI compatibility with the battle GUI. Xerneas and Yveltal were definitely fixed, though. Added BaseStatsLoadEvent to modify base stats as they are cached. Fixed Pokéball inheritance not using generation 7 mechanics where it gives equal chance for same-species parents. Fixed Eviolite working on Phione. Added a large and versatile spawning API. Updated animations for Excadrill, Sableye and Araquanid. Woops! Fixed the animate button in the chisel GUI not sending those changes to everyone else on the server. Put enchantment books in the fishing loot. Mais n'oublions pas non plus l'ajout de deux séries de quêtes violettes disponibles au COS314 ainsi qu'à Krosrod. Updated fr_FR (French) translation (Merci beaucoup, Zangdorx! Added Tree Top location type to the spawner. A fair few evolution lines are now exclusive to fishing. Explaining that bug is a long story. Fixed Natu appearing as just a shadow. The allowMoneyMultipliers config option has been split up in to multiple options for Happy Hour, Pay Day, and Amulet Coin. Fixed rarity multipliers and composite spawning conditions not working properly in pretty much all cases. Added BetterSpawnerConfig.json for more advanced configuration of the Better Spawner. Fixed Trick, Thief, etc being able to take items which have special value to the user. Quests can now be set to be repeatable explicitly. Fixed Vivillon apparently thinking it can't fly. Fixed the Mega Evolution button showing up in battle even if you didn't have the correct Mega Stone on the Pokémon. All generation 1 Pokémon now use this system - riding these Pokémon will feel entirely different, with each Pokémon individually customized. Fixed Pidgeot not using its flying model when flying. Fixed re-ordering and deleting a Pokémon's moves not working. Fixed Water Floats sending you underground if you sneak while trying to sit on them. Added Altaria, Amoongus, Audino, Axew, Azumarill, Azurill, Baltoy, Beautifly, Bergmite, Bibarel, Bidoof, Bouffalant, Braixen, Breloom, Buneary, Cascoon, Cleffa, Corsola, Deerling, Emolga, Fennekin, Foongus, Happiny, Haxorus, Kirlia, Klefki, Luxio, Mamoswine, Mime Jr., Minccino, Noctowl, Noibat, Ralts, Sawk, Seedot, Sentret, Shiftry, Shinx, Shroomish, Silcoon, Skarmory, Smoochum, Spinarak, Sunflora, Sunkern, Sylveon, Teddiursa, and Throh. Fixed those random Pokémon Centers not having a nurse in them. Fixed Lucky Punch and Leek not applying critical modifier properly. Added "percentage" option for spawns. N/A Fixed PokemonSpec giving abilities before setting the form, causing Pokémon to have the wrong abilities on spawn. Oops. Fixed caught count in Trainer Card always displaying as zero. Nous espérons que ce nouveau site vous plaira et nous reviendrons bientôt vers vous afin de vous annoncer de superbes mises à jour concernant, cette fois-ci, le contenu In Game du serveur ! Fixed Badge Cases stalling a server when trying to remove a non-existent badge. Added evolution moves; moves that are taught on certain evolutions. Fixed a few health updating bugs that would cause desync or waiting issues.
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