The protagonist of this novel, young Vladimir, quietly adores his father, but is estranged from his (abusive) mother. It is telling that in the book and movie “Damage” (1992) which touches upon similar themes–a father and son in love with the same woman–the father’s passion for the mysterious Frenchwoman, Anna Barton, is made transgressive for us only because she is already his son’s lover and fiancee. First Love Ivan TURGENEV (1818 - 1883), translated by Constance GARNETT (1861 - 1946) The title of the novella is almost an adequate summary in itself. The "boy-meets-girl-then-loses-her" story is universal but not, I think, banal - despite a surprise ending which notoriously turns out to be very little of a surprise. I like Turgenev's style. Turgenev captures both these characters exceptionally well in his simple descriptions and scenes. Your email address will not be published. Turgenev’s story captures the sway an enchanting young woman full of spirit and life can hold over men; the crazy, intoxicating feeling of being deeply infatuated for the first time; the gut-churning attraction of the unattainable Other. Turgenev shows us how Zinaida’s family is clinging to a shabby social respectability; Vladimir’s mother dismisses Zinaida as an “adventuress.” But Vladimir is drawn into the circle of suitors around the young beauty, and, while he is aware he is acting the fool, can not help himself–he becomes obsessed with the girl. Turgenev's novella First Love is one of the most resonant books on young love I have had the pleasure of reading. First love is not an easy thing. Polk. When Petr slashes at Zinaida’s bare arm with his whip, we recognize his frustration–he lacks the courage to defy social convention–but it is Zinaida’s disturbing reaction that seems compellingly authentic. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 124 pages and is available in Paperback format. The intimacy of the scene shocks. Before he died, he admitted that First Love: “is the only thing that still gives me pleasure, because it is life itself, it was not made up...” Even without that perspective, the story stands alone as great craftsmanship wherein illogical love, and even something akin to the passion of poetry, burns on the page. I was captivated by the arc of the story; the way in which Turgenev leans into instinctive language through the retrospective narration of an older man who, at sixteen years old, falls in love with a woman five years his senior; how the story stays emotionally awake through evocations; how the ending throbs with bewildering revelations. But, let’s begin our subject at hand: specifically my impoverished understanding of the narrative alchemy in First Love. We acknowledge (and remind and warn you) that they may, in fact, be entirely unrepresentative of the actual reviews by any other measure. First Love remains a classic of first love -- in part also because Zinaïda is more than a mere object for adolescent projection. A charming, quick novella with that typical Russian sadness. This story, as it's title suggests, is about the first love of 16 year old Vladimir, the son of a wealthy Russian family, who falls in love with the 21 year old daughter of their new neighbors. youth! Trying to meet all your book preview and review needs. The days of young men making fools of themselves (then again, they still do). I find myself currently feeling highly emotional, over sensitive, and sentimental. It is the two love stories 'Asya' and 'First Love' that are the most beautifully written. I think it is fair to say that even in 1860 Russia a common theme in life is not noticing the faults in those you care for. Zinaïda likes to play games, and Vladimir isn't quite sure where the games begin and end. The childlike, impetuous Asya, and the vain, complex Zinaida, linger in the mind long after the stories are over - much as they linger in the minds of the narrators. First love. This short novella captures all the confusion and naïveté of young love.
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