Store staff will help delivery agent find the product mentioned. Japanese casual wear clothing giant Uniqlo is opening its first store in India, at Ambience Mall in Vasant Kunj… To check the availability, request you to please contact the store at the following numbers:-, UNIQLO Ambience, Vasant Kunj - 011-40870760 UNIQLO is not responsible if any damage is caused to the product once the product is handed over to the delivery agent. Kindly check the FAQs on the delivery process before placing your order. Japanese casual wear clothing giant Uniqlo is opening its first store in India, at Ambience Mall in Vasant Kunj, in October. eg: Product: Women AIRism Wide Ribbed Crew neck Long T, Product code: 422832, color code: 53 Green, Size: S, Note: Some products are available only in select stores. iii. Please donât make the payment if the request isnât from one of the above IDs. The same shall be processed in accordance with the payment gateway / bank / credit card service provider terms and conditions. Any failure in delivering the purchased Products arising out of the Userâs failure to provide correct, complete and accurate information or a failure of a delivery agent to contact the customer shall not make UNIQLO liable at any point in time. b. An order is completely fulfilled when the same is handed over to the delivery agent and UNIQLO shall not have any liability thereafter. Currently there are lot of delivery apps in the market which can be used to get delivery at home. Any exchange or refund can be facilitated after a visit to any of the stores. The Customer and store staff would not be able to communicate directly except when the customer is facing payment issues and needs assistance in ordering the right product / replacement for unavailable products. **Applicable for location Delhi/Gurgaon. UNIQLO DLF Avenue, Delhi â 011-4072-7600 Step 3: Enter the product code, color code and size of the product/s you wish to buy Step 4: Pay the delivery fees to the delivery agent Party speakers you can get under Rs 20,000 for a safe Diwali party at home, Fire TV offers discounts on subscription plans of Zee5, Discovery Plus and others, Kolkata: NGO conducts food drive to ensure 'no one sleeps hungry' during Durga Puja, Woman orders McDonald's burger, gets ketchup packets instead. Please click here to see our exchange & refund policy. UNIQLO DLF CyberHub - 0124-4197060. 3. The cost of delivery has to be borne by the Customer and it would be directly paid to the delivery partner/ agent. The recycling of fibers reduces dependency on natural resources and eases landfilling. UNIQLO sends a message with payment link to customerâs number. All order fulfilment shall be subject to realisation of payment by UNIQLO. UNIQLO is not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy and it does not warrant and will not have any liability or responsibility for any third-party materials or Website/Apps, or for any other materials, products, or services of third-parties. UNIQLO will not be responsible for non-delivery by the delivery agent. How do I ensure that the product I get is the one that I chose? Have you seen these 10 super stylish pictures of Hailey Bieber? UNIQLO Ambience Mall Vasant Kunj measures close to 35,000 square feet in total sales area on three levels and will feature prominent store-front branding through UNIQLO… Click here to join our channel (@indianexpress) and stay updated with the latest headlines. Any issues regarding the same would have to be raised directly with the delivery service provider. Customer to review the amount and name of the company and click on Pay. For all the latest Lifestyle News, download Indian Express App. The exchange/ refund policy would be the same as products sold at stores. For this you need to follow below mentioned steps: An order is fulfilled at UNIQLOâs end once the package has been handed over to the delivery agent. To know our return & exchange policy, Click here. In case the delivery agent is unable to make the payment, you may make the payment to UNIQLO remotely using Paytm. For example, UNIQLO DLF Avenue Saket. The standard terms and conditions for products and services applicable to UNIQLO products and services shall apply to all purchases and delivery, to the extent they are applicable. b. Currently, we donât have this facility of picking up the products. In case of unavailability, UNIQLO will, on a best effort basis, try to notify the client before an order fulfillment. Ask delivery agent to let you speak with store staff who takes your number. Where a product is not available, UNIQLO will refund the price of the unavailable product to the original payment method. Considering the circumstances and the need to ensure safety and meet consumer demands, UNIQLO offers its products to local customers by accepting orders placed by the Customers through various delivery apps. Please feel free to reach out to us for further assistance. Certain content, products and services available may include materials from third- parties. Shopping at the Japanese Apparel brand Uniqlo. If you are fascinated by Japanese minimalism and wish it was part of every facet of your life, including clothes, then there’s good news for you. Step 8: Products are handed over to delivery agent, who delivers it at your home, Please check our website or our UNIQLO In app - and mention the product code in the description.
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