the secret world server status
But we also have some events to look forward to, especially as Halloween approaches! If you're keen to start an event like this, or perhaps even already do, we want to hear from you, so we can make these sorts of events more prevalent and commonplace.Look for all of these in the coming weeks, as I first get my bearings everything else that becoming a moderator entails! Our goal with these forums is to unify the information by which we can communicate with our friends a…, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, READ ME - An intro to Secret World Legends' forums, Hotfix: October 14, 2020 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Hotfix: October 1 2020 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Update: September 29 2020 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Dungeon and Raids Rebalance: September 29, Autumn Equinox 2020: September 16 - September 30, Server Restart: September 16, 2020 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: September 1 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: August 18 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: August 4 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: July 23 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: July 9 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, A Balancing Act - Open Beta on the Weekend of July 4th, Anniversary Sale: 40% off Imbuers, Catalysts, and Agent Boosters, Server Update: June 25 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: June 19 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: June 2 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: May 22 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server restart: May 7 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Update: April 21 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Update: March 24 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Update & Equinox Spring 2020: March 17 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT, Server Restart: February 26 @ 9:00 AM EST. The Secret World‘s server – pardon me, dimensions – information has finally been posted, so anyone playing and wanting to plan with their friends can rejoice! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SecretWorldLegends community, Continue browsing in r/SecretWorldLegends, The official subreddit for Secret World Legends! Funcom has stated that as they fill up, more can be added on very short notice. You can export your pads as html or pdf to archive them, The Code pads use markdown and can be great to post longer text in a nicely formated, view only mode, There is no automatic highlighting of the text a user has typed, Like in google docs, you can just change the background color to indicate who typed what. In the past we did not have a public guideline of how we handle incidents outside of our properties. Hat: Unicorn’s Visage A time-limited, exclusively solo gameplay experience, Dark Agartha faces you with five procedurally-generated bosses; and with no teammates at your side, it's entirely on you to figure out how to overcome it. Whether you're unable to committ to being in a cabal, new or independent and curious about getting involved, or just interested in some crossover RP, this is an opportunity to get involved with the group in a way beyond simply socially. The Official Discord server for the story-driven, shared-world action RPG Secret World Legends! And straying just a little from RP, but not too far, the Saints and Sinners Creative Competition is running all October, with the theme of 'Broken Stories'! Big-Timber's Pagan Picnic is exactly what it sounds like: a picnic, with discussions on subjects like nature spirits and the living earth. If you have any more questions, please let Big-Timber know through Twitter. I've loved the community ever since joining it back in 2012, and I'm very happy to step up to nurture it as best I can.Many of you probably know me from the character I'm most known for playing, Ash Clerisy. Sorry to necro a post here a bit, but are there certain conditions that need to be met before you can do this? OK, for those that would like to know, you have to finish the tutorial and get to the center area of Agartha before you can subscribe. Copyright © 2020 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. It has been a bit since the last official update here. As players traverse the globe unraveling complex investigations into the unknown, they’ll need to uncover clues and use their own wits as much as their characters’ abilities. © Valve Corporation. anyway, the original Secret World was a real gem and featured some exciting gameplay and a really cool setting that certainly made it stand out from the crowd. Some pads become rather big despite being not really much text. I don't see how the relaunch affects world exploration at all and for virtually everything besides defensive target selection and interaction with many world objects, the reticle play was superior in TSW. share. © Valve Corporation. I hope people generally have positive views of me from that, but I know Ash can be more than a bit of a prickly person. More information will be coming soon, but if you're already interested and/or have further questions, contact Cordite on her Twitter. Well the Anniversary event and the Megaversary community celebrations are coming to a close, and I hope everybody had a lot of fun celebrating and killing golems! Using the dynamic difficulty scaling introduced for the recently returning faction missions, and introducing some more complicated enemies to handle than the Seek and Preserve scenario, it aims to test as much of your mettle as you've got. The whole encryption / decryption happens inside of your browser, not on our server. ), I'm joining the SWLRP team as a moderator. Dark Agartha is content not quite like any other in the game. But for those of us who want something a little calmer and simpler to get involved with, we've got a one-off social event coming. The only thing that can’t be done cross-dimension is Fusang, TSW‘s large warzone for 24/7 PvP. The Secret World is an MMORPG created by Funcom (Anarchy Online, Age of Conan: Unchained), with Senior Producer and Creative Director Ragnar Tørnquist (The Longest Journey, Dreamfall). Spotlighting fledgeling/upcoming plots!In talking to Rovena about previous blog posts that spotlighted community-driven plots, I was told that a major criticism was that the plots being focused on were often already active and ongoing; plots that didn't necessarily need the extra attention, and that were so popular they could be hard to get into for newcomers. There are no duplicate names across the dimensions. Titles include Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends. There are a few things you should be aware of: There was one other option which is a bit more user friendly and suposedly has not that much of a file-size issue. Yeah, they will definitely go down. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). On a lighter note, the winter event Krampusnacht is back! For more information on how TSW’s servers operate, Martin’s dev blog goes into detail. Play for free today! Game Features A storyline unlike anything seen in an MMO From creative mind of Ragnar Tørnquist – creator of the award-winning The Longest Journey – comes a story unlike any before seen in an MMO. If you’re reading this, and we certainly hope you are, you’re now a part of the new Funcom community forums. Orochi Labs For nitty-gritty discussion and theorycraft of game mechanics. I've been trying to find the answer to this as well to no avail.. :(. All story content is supposed to be free in SWL. It is a known problem and I had a lengthy talk with one of the Devs about it last night. There is no way to reset your password if you loose it. We had some pretty big in-game developments sneak up on us in the month-plus immediately following the last blog post! When I try to login, I get the message "Cannot connect to login server, please check your connection or firewall." In the time following the relaunch, we will release Tokyo, Nightmare Dungeons, Raids, and the rest of the content that is currently live in The Secret World. The website tells you if you are a patron or not. The Secret World was one of the most interesting and unique MMORPG’s released and it still has a cult following to this do. Copying them into a new file is a good workaround since it is the history that makes it grow so much. So much so that EA wanted an enhanced version put out. READ ME - An intro to Secret World Legends' forums. Anything at all, as long as it's creative and adheres to the theme, is an acceptable entry. It's on the patron page when you click the hexagon icon on top menu. Cabals, TSW‘s guild equivalent, can be created with people across multiple dimensions. Let them know on Twitter if you want to take part, or just turn up to watch and join in the ending free-for-all. guide. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. primechaegood. Will the original Secret World servers stay up? as it can make you land into traps. The old cosmetics are back, though, so if you want the Wassailer set, a mountie outfit, or an Orochi-branded woolen sweater it's there for the taking. With Cryptopad it is simply not possible.) General Discussion Your spot to discuss all things Secret World Legends. Hat: Fiery Tentacle Toppe…, It’s our favorite time of year - Samhain is here :jack_o_lantern: Title I just started playing the game and realized I might be totally wasting my time. Aug 1, 2017 @ 5:16am Cannot connect to the login server, please check your connection or firewall. The plot will develop more and become more public starting in January, but if you're interested in being involved, feel free to check out both the single-author thread, and the external involvement thread, or just contact me either by Enjin, Discord, or Twitter. Our goal with these forums is to unify the information by which we can communicate with our friends a… 7: 3531: March 15, 2019 Hotfix: October 14, 2020 @ 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00 GMT.


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