The "Teaching and Learning with FRASER" collection provides resources for teachers, students, librarians, and anyone else interested in economics, data, or financial and banking history. ©2017 Council for Economic Education FEDERAL RESERVE ECONOMIC DATA (FRED) AND FEDERAL BUDGETS LESSON FRED Activity Worksheet Directions Part A 1. Describing the source of data used in a presentation, written report, or research project with a citation makes that work more thorough and easier to replicate. Graph and download economic data for All Employees, Health Care (CES6562000101) from Jan 1990 to Oct 2020 about health, education, establishment survey, … a. Mr. Reams is President of the Reams Foundation Inc. and is a Trustee of Ed Choice and FEE. Graph and download economic data for All Employees, Construction (USCONS) from Jan 1939 to Oct 2020 about construction, establishment survey, employment, and USA. Above and beyond this, there are several programmatic wrappers and toolkits available for the FRED API including Java, .NET, PHP, Python, and Ruby. FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data) provides access to a wide range of data from multiple sources. 2008= 67.87% b. What is the gross federal debt as percent of GDP for the following years? The Governance & Culture Reform hub is designed to foster discussion about corporate governance and the reform of culture and behavior in the financial services industry. Access the online FRED Dashboard: ... ©2017 Council for Economic Education 1. Fred Reams was Co-Founder, Chairman, and Chief Investment Officer of Reams Asset Management Co., now owned by Raymond James Financial. Economic Education Calendar The Economic Inequality & Equitable Growth hub is a collection of research, analysis and convenings to help better understand economic inequality. FRED is also used in Pearson Education’s MyEconLab, a facility designed to help students understand the intricacies of economic data and theory. 2009= 82.36 % Lessons and activities are aligned to national teaching and literacy standards. He received both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics from Western Michigan University.
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