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They are both still avid poker players, but really focusing on playing in what brings them the most joy (much of which is home games). © Cardplayer Lifestyle 2009-2020 – All Rights Reserved | *100% Independent and unaffiliated with Card Player Magazine. This two-part episode includes an interview with Bernard Lee, host of the Bernard Lee Poker Show and fellow member of the Cardplayer Lifestyle Family of…, Blake Bohn is a professional poker player and the all-time leading tournament money leader from Minnesota. RecPoker is a vibrant and encouraging poker learning community. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A BETTER POKER PLAYER? For July, the…, The crew reflects on RecPoker Day at Running Aces on February 29, 2019, including picking Rob’s brain on his two deep runs that day. Welcome to Cardplayerlifestyle.com, the go-to news and information resource for recreational poker players and fans. We know that many people who enjoy online gaming also tend to enjoy poker, so if you like their websites and products, we’re sure that you’ll like ours as well. Running this poker website takes a lot of time and effort, and for that reason we are grateful to our sponsors, such as helpful poker products and online poker sites that teach you how to play poker. He also hosts the podcast, People Reading…, About Us | Advertise | Contact Us | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Responsible Gaming | Terms and Conditions. Discussing the importance of having a group of friends with whom to study the game of poker, General rules for people who are used to playing live and now playing online. 1,000km Charity Poker Challenge – Running Well, A Comprehensive Guide to Online Poker Rooms, Pokio app review: Licensed, regulated Real Money mobile gaming, Poker Affiliate Guide For Making Money 2020, RecPoker | Ep 184 - Bluffing; from the RecPoker July Seminar, RecPoker Podcast | Ep 176 - Zach Elwood talks tells. We…, The crew chats with Zach Elwood, author of Reading Poker Tells, Verbal Poker Tells, and Exploiting Poker Tells. You can join for FREE, giving you access to the groups, forums, and other member benefits. Steve also works diligently to encourage people live their most fulfilling lives through coaching, speaking and writing; information about that is at stevefredlund.com. We are committed to learning the game, but our priority is building healthy relationships where we can not only grow in the game, but grow in our enjoyment of life. Jackson Laskey is an investor, token economist, software developer, pianist/composer, and co-founder of poker education company Just Hands Poker. While Jack is still co-hosting the podcast, Zach has dedicated his time to leading Unbounded Capital, investing in the Bitcoin world, where Jack also contributes. The membership website at rec.poker is awesome, but it’s just a tool to help us build that community. We're sure you’ll love our poker content, which includes interviews, op-eds, lifestyle pieces, tips and strategy articles, and much more. Steve Fredlund is the host of the RecPoker podcast and Rec.Poker website, both of which are committed to building a vibrant and encouraging poker learning community. Jack’s eclectic background and penchant for taking on new challenges has led him to the world of blockchain. If you want to enjoy the premium content, or become part of the RECing Crew, those options are available and you can get $10 off your first payment using the code RECPOKER.


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