alps synonym
Synonyms for the Alps in Free Thesaurus. Synonyms. Which of the following is a fruit named after a Moroccan seaport. Upon the soft green Alp an unseen hand had rolled a mountain of ice. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. The noise of the passing carriage had reminded her of the roaring of the south-wind on the Alp. “Alp.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, n. Alp: an elevation of land higher than a hill. Learn a new word every day. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). The English word Alps derives from the Latin Alpes (through French).. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Alps: an elevation of land higher than a hill. Because I would rather be with my grandfather on the Alp than anywhere on earth. They may say what they like, but compared with him, Alp Arslan is a white-livered Giaour.'. 104 Alps Synonyms in Alps Thesaurus. Top synonyms for alps (other words for alps) are alpine, alpine meadows and alpine region. Another word for alp. What made you want to look up alp? 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? Synonyms for alps include mountains, mounts, peaks, humps, summits, pikes, massifs, crags, fells and height. Which of the following is a fruit named after a Moroccan seaport. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Synonyms: hump, mount, mountain… Find the right word. alpine. Alp Khan, enraged by this scene, threw himself in the contest. What are synonyms for the Alps? Accessed 24 Oct. 2020. adj. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Join our early testers! What made you want to look up alps? Another word for Alps. Learn a new word every day. Antonyms for the Alps. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? The doctor himself was loath to go, for the Alp had become as a home to him. “Alps.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, 1 synonym for the Alps: Alps. phr. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? alpine meadows. Up on the Alp with grandfather is the loveliest spot in all the world. Britannica English: Translation of alps for Arabic Speakers. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? 'Cordial': A Word Straight from the Heart. Delivered to your inbox! Delivered to your inbox! Find more similar words at! The long ascent to the Alp from there seemed very weary and far to the traveller. phr. Find more ways to say Alps, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. French Republic Dolomite Alps Matterhorn the Alps Weisshorn Monte Bianco Svizzera Swiss Confederation Austria Italian Republic Mont Blanc Italy Switzerland Italia Oesterreich Suisse Republic of Austria Schweiz Tyrolean Alps France. Britannica English: Translation of alp for Arabic Speakers. Find more ways to say alp, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Synonyms: humps, mountains, mounts… Find the right word. alpine region. "They 're mean vicious, these Alp dogs, and never to be trusted," said Quackinboss. mountains. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020. 'Cordial': A Word Straight from the Heart. He had certainly not counted on such a reception on the Alp. Alps synonyms. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way.


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