roadless rule 2020
In 2018, the State of Alaska asked Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to direct the Forest Service to revisit the Rule. The state Department of Transportation issued a public notice of the bidding process Thursday. October 17, 2019 The Forest Service releases proposed regulations exempting the Tongass from the Roadless Rule, as well as a Draft EIS for the regulations. Jan. 12, 2001 The Forest Service publishes the Roadless Area Conservation Rule (Roadless Rule). Southeast Alaska Conservation Council v. USFS, No. “This is offset and checked by the fact that SEACC and related groups will continue (to) litigate every sale, thereby making certain that all resource protection laws are being followed.”, In their joint statement, SEACC and its partners said“we oppose any weakening of the Roadless Rule in the Tongass, and will challenge the lifting of restrictions against old-growth logging at every turn.”. Public comments submitted on the proposed repeal made this clear. Cambridge, MA 02138. These combined errors obscured the fact that existing Roadless protections save taxpayers money.”. Nine federally-recognized tribal governments asked the USDA to restart the rulemaking process in July, saying federal officials have brushed aside Alaska Natives’ concerns. Richard Chalyee Éesh Peterson, president of Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, told the Empire Friday working with the Department of Agriculture made him lose faith in the process. The rule protects around 58.5 million acres of roadless areas in National Forest System lands from road construction and timber harvest. Listen here: KCAW Prize Drawings: click on the links for winner info. 2d 1197 (D. Wyo. “If implemented, the plan to roll back the Roadless Rule will open the gates to industrial-scale old-growth clearcutting, with irreversible consequences to the ecosystem on which Southeast Alaskans rely for their salmon and deer,” the statement said. The nonpartisan group Taxpayers for Common Sense issued a statement against lifting the Roadless Rule, calling it an “unjustified giveaway to the timber industry at the taxpayers’ expense.”, TCS was also critical of the Forest Service’s cost-benefit analysis, saying “the analysis neglected to include several costs like increased losses from timber sales and increased road costs. 3:01-cv-00039-JKS (D. Alaska). The data was wrong. California v. USDA, 3:05-cv-03508-EDL (N.D. Cal. The “Roadless Rule” halted the transmogrification of Alaska’s old-growth rainforest, the Tongass, into the kind of devastated landscapes Alaskans sometimes see as they fly over the industrial forests of British Columbia and western Washington. July 15, 2003 The Forest Service publishes two proposals as part of the settlement in Alaska v. USDA. Dec. 12, 2002 The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reverses the district court’s decision and reinstates the Roadless Rule. “The reality is that it takes two to 10 years to get a sale put together and by the time the sale goes out, it’s well-vetted and justified (with sufficient environmental safeguards in place).”. The omission was compounded by shoddy math that overstated the benefits presented by nearly seven times. sign in or December 2017 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) sponsors a rider on an appropriations bill exempting the Tongass from the Roadless Rule (see pp. Southeast Alaska Conservation Council v. USFS, No. The rulemaking process will involve National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review and disclosures, gathering public feedback, conducting public outreach, consultation with Alaska Native tribes and corporations, and cooperation with the State of Alaska. Even before the statement was released, environmental groups condemned the U.S. Forest Service’s recommendation to exempt the forest from the rule that bans road construction and timber harvesting on millions of acres of public lands. June 17, 2011 Alaska files suit, alleging that the application of the Roadless Rule to Alaska was unlawful. Footed by taxpayers, the agency’s cost to lift the Rule is $4.2 million, about $21,000 for each of the 193 remaining timber jobs. June 24, 2020 The U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska vacates (voids) portions of the record of decision and final Environmental Impact Statement for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project that authorize road construction and vegetation management. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. It’s known as the Roadless Rule, and successive Alaska governors and the state’s congressional delegation have pushed to make it not apply in the Tongass. October 1, 2020. Trump administration starts 30-day countdown to exempt Tongass from ‘Roadless Rule ‘ Posted by Jacob Resneck, CoastAlaska | Sep 25, 2020 U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) look at some old-growth logs … Why? Sept. 20, 2006). Organized Village of Kake v. USDA, 1:09-cv-00023 JWS (D. Alaska March 4, 2011). The decision reinstates the Roadless Rule’s application to the Tongass. Bill Walker’s administration petitioned the USDA in 2018 to initiate the process to exempt the Tongass, on some level, from the Roadless Rule. May 10, 2000 The Forest Service publishes a proposed rule to conserve and protect roadless areas in the National Forest System. 2011). June 24, 2020 The U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska vacates (voids) portions of the record of decision and final Environmental Impact Statement for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project that authorize road construction and vegetation management… 11-35517 (9th Cir. Opposition from politicians was immediate, most vigorously from then-Sen. Frank Murkowski. 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July 29, 2015 After rehearing the March 2014 decision en banc, the 9th Circuit affirms the Alaska district court’s original decision vacating the 2003 exemption for the Tongass. Nearly 200 people testified at 18 hearings last year specifically geared towards people who rely on the forest for their way of life — and large majorities supported keeping the rule in place, according to the U.S. Forest Service. In an email, Clark said full exemption would not lead to widescale timber harvest, as some environmental groups have claimed. Ditto 98% from Alaskans and resolutions passed by six Southeast Tribes and six city councils. The decision follows a filing by the Bush administration stating that the Forest Service would let the rule go into effect on May 12 but planned to review the rule and restart the public comment process. May 8, 2020 Nine Southeast Alaska tribes have asked the Department of Agriculture to extend the time for consultation regarding the proposed Alaska Roadless Rule.


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