Attila swings his axe, but Khan also swings, knocking the axe out of Attila's hands. Sometime around 370 BC or thereabouts, Xenophon wrote a book titled The Education of Cyrus, in which he portrays Cyrus extremely positively and holds him up as a model for future rulers. If Genghis starts attacking Normandy, the upper class of the Kingdom of England will rush to the continent and thus Genghis should be able to destroy the warriors and ruling class of the England on his own terms. Although there were certainly many people who did not enjoy living under the Achaemenids, especially in places such as Egypt, most of the people living under the rule of the Achaemenid Empire in Alexander’s time were living relatively happily. Deadliest Fiction Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Both also left the conquered people more or less alone–a Greek or Mongol governor was put in charge and taxes were paid, but local goverence, culture and religion were left along–except if it actively fought against Genghis or Alexander (Alexander actually became quite smitten with the Persian culture, must to the dismay of his Greek generals). He died relatively early in the conquest, but it speaks to his planning that his heirs were able to continue both the conquest and in keeping the empire together. He conquered the entire Achaemenid Empire in less than a decade before he died at the young age of thirty-two. I have an opinion, but modesty forbids :D. Seriously, I’m not sure of their respective tactical abilities on the battlefield - Timur might have a slight speculative edge, just because he won his major victories significantly on his own merits, whereas Genghis had the advantage of having a couple of true geniuses on his staff. Genghis grabs his Mongol lance and uses the hook end to pull Attila off his horse. Attila the Hun: The notorious Barbarian horseman who pilaged early Europe. Wasn’t Danny Kaye a Major Modern General? But in fact, Genghis Khan built a very modern organized army. Most people think of Genghis Khan as just another steppe warlord who got lucky and the Mongols as a bunch of barbarians. Thanks for all the information in your posts. What may come as a bigger surprise to some readers is the fact even many Greeks considered at least some of the peoples living in the Achaemenid Empire to be civilized. The battlefield, and the prize: the whole of Eastern Europe. Second, Attila was not interested in prolonged warfare or sieges, which was the style of warfare in the early part of the fifth century. You cannot have Alexander the military mastermind without Alexander the slaughterer of thousands. Timur’s army on the other hand was, like virtually all others of its ilk, an amalgam of various semi-autonomous tribal levies. I always love getting positive feedback from my readers. In one corner: Attila, “scourge of God,” plus a band of 50,000 Huns in prime fighting shape. I even did a project about him in my seventh grade social studies class where I dressed up as him and gave a presentation about his life. They might send a few lieutenants with armies to harass the opposing power but that would be fewer armies and lieutenants engaged in the fighting that is close to lands that actually matter. He especially loved the Iliad and reportedly kept a personal copy of it given to him by Aristotle, with all Aristotle’s annotations, and carried it with him wherever he went. I am so glad you enjoy reading my articles. We should regard Alexander neither as a benevolent conqueror nor as an inhuman monster, but rather as an exceedingly flawed human being whose actions have made an indelible mark on our history. While all people who died during Alexanders’ wars are accounted at 200.000 to 300.000 people, including the combatants, the same number for Genghis Khan is somewhere 40.000.000 and 50.000.000 people. They had supurb communication abilities as well. 12,* MGH Script Rer Merovinigicarum* III, 219. ) Nonetheless, I do largely agree with the comparison that was made by the original asker of the question. Is this a eurocentric bias or is there a deeper reason?” on Quora. What Does the Genesis Creation Story Mean. Next Round will be the Chechen Rebels, the rebel soldiers who fought against the Russian military for nearly 15 years. The traditional view that Attila and Genghis Khan were ruthless barbarians hellbent on destroying civilization and that Alexander was a benevolent conqueror who wanted the best for all peoples is not accurate. For Genghis Khan, the earliest and most accurate portrait we have of him was made over a generation after his death under his grandson’s supervision. But I’m betting the Mongol Imperial Army at its mature height was better than any other steppe-style army that came before or after, including Tamerlane’s. As he begins to eat, however, an arrow flies toward him, narrowly missing his head. And this is all assuming the time period shenanigans are all hand-waved somehow. Both thought nothing of completely destroying a city that defied them (and killing or enslaving all the people) but both also respected a good fight and would treat an honorable enemy with honor. He was on top of all his other qualities also more cruel and ruthless then the others (who evidently had their shares of this particular gift) and knew how to use that skill effectively. There's such a massive stretch of land between the two rulers that there's almost no reason for them to choose to fight one another as opposed to dealing with rebellions or expanding their conquests in other directions. Attila was an intelligent man, damn fine politician and an at least competent warchief, but he wasn’t a military genius and his forces never defeated a first-class army in the field. I confess that my knowledge of either combatant consists of what’s in those Wikipedia articles. Setting is anachronistic. This was in part the iron discipline Genghis instilled, but even more that he successfully broke up and re-combined traditional tribal groups and promoted/demoted on merit ( within limits ) to create a professional ( or at least near-professional ) army with an extremely high esprit-de-corps. Most intriguing of course would be a comparison between Alexander the Great and Hulagu Khan who conquered more or less the same areas as Alexander did. Attila runs back to to the sword of Mars, and just as Khan is ready to lay the finishing blow, Attila thrusts the sword of Mars through his neck. ABOVE: The most accurate surviving portrait of Genghis Khan, which was made over a generation after his death under the supervision of his grandson. Roman leaders believed large numbers of foot soldiers would carry the day. My main area of study is ancient Greece, but I also write about other areas of history as well. Attila The Hun attempts to conquer Asia while Genghis Khan attempts to conquer Europe. There were even multiple "civil wars" (considering how decentralized and multicultural the HRE was, this is probably a misnomer) that consumed the inner empire centered around what is today Germany. ABOVE: Second-century AD Roman marble copy of a fourth-century BC Greek bust of Herodotos, identified as him by the inscription. Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, on the other hand, did not have professional historians following them around everywhere, writing glowing accounts of their adventures and exploits. I expected this particular article to be especially controversial when I wrote it because it goes against the traditionally positive portrayal of Alexander the Great. Speaking of Mongol hordes, I was in a bar in Beijing the other day where there were Mongol whore’ds. There is some overlap, though, especially since I frequently revise my Quora answers and turn them into articles for my website and I also frequently republish articles from my website on Quora. All you have to do is compare the death toll of Alexander the Great with that of Genghis Khan to get the idea of your failure. For instance, unlike Attila or Genghis Khan, Alexander was young and handsome at the time of his conquests. They had great cities, great works of art, and even great works of philosophy and literature. Each leader is at his physical and mental prime. They certainly knew Alexander better than his enemies, and all of them should have been more grateful to him for all sorts of reasons. Two barbarain hordes enter, one barbarian horde leaves. In my view, there are also at least two other reasons why Alexander the Great is generally better regarded today than similarly brutal conquerors such as Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun. He understood the values of military intelligence, logistics, manueverability, communications, organizational breakdown, and equipment better than any of the men he fought against. I wonder why…. Tudo Discussões Capturas de tela Artes Transmissões Vídeos Oficina Notícias Guias Análises Total War: ATTILA > Discussões gerais > Detalhes do tópico. Khan notches another arrow and fires, but Attila ducks, avoiding the arrow. If we are using contemporaries, Genghis will win and Attila will lose. Does Attila face a significant disadvantage because his battle technology comes from the 400s compared to Genghis Khan’s 1200s tech? ABOVE: Detail of the iconic first-century AD Roman mosaic of Alexander in the Battle of the Issos from the House of the Faun in Pompeii. 10-minute arrow storm followed by 5-minute armoured cavalry charge and it’s all over, I reckon. Required fields are marked *. ABOVE: Coin of Alexander the Great dating to between c. 333 and c. 327 BC, depicting Alexander’s face on the obverse, minted during his reign, ABOVE: Marble statue of Alexander the Great from the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, dating to the late fourth century BC, within a few decades of Alexander’s death, ABOVE: Depiction of Alexander defeating a group of Persians from the Alexander Sarcophagus, dating to within a few decades of Alexander’s death. In other words, I did not think of the comparison between Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun myself. Terror was never one of his tactics, unlike the standard approach of the Mongols and the Huns in warfare who were not beyond butchering entire cities just to “send a message” to anybody wishing to resist their invasions, or collecting thousands of ears from fallen soldiers as proof of their death toll. Alexander and the Arab Caliphs did add something new, which is why the prophet Muhammad is so respected in the Middle East and Alexander was so respected in the ancient world. To give just one chilling example of Alexander’s brutality, according to the first-century AD Roman historian Quintus Curtius Rufus in his Histories of Alexander the Great, after Alexander conquered the city of Tyre in Phoenicia in July 332 BC, he executed 6,000 Tyrians, then had an additional 2,000 Tyrians crucified along the beach. Furthermore, neither of them ever produced any images of themselves. This was hardly the case. Attila The Hun attempts to conquer Asia while Genghis Khan attempts to conquer Europe. Believe me, it is harder for me to accept Alexander as the ruthless man he was than anyone; after all, I am literally named after him. It would also help if Genghis conquered up along what is now Russia, since then he would control the end of the Silk Road which would further supplement his income and allow for more mercenaries. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Then Alexander came along with his armies and destroyed that empire, slaughtering thousands—if not hundreds of thousands—in the process, including many civilians. In the other corner: Genghis Khan, plus 5 tumen (50,000) Mongols in prime fighting shape. Never bet against a man who has been kicked around like that, then goes on to conquer more then the romans did. epyoncloud. FARC, the Colombian terrorists who want to free Colombia from capitalism. Thank you so much! (I will not compare Alexander’s body count to Genghis Khan’s, though; suffice it to say Genghis Khan definitely killed far more people than Alexander.) Attila the Hun vs Genghis Khan Discussion in 'Outskirts Battledome' started by epyoncloud, Dec 12, 2016. Attila swings his axe, but Khan also swings, knocking the axe out of Attila's hands.
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