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The government has adopted a conservation plan to prevent further erosion. Current local time ... Distances from Barbados to other countries. The country also maintains the 3rd largest stock exchange in the Caribbean region. Barbados is entirely surrounded by water. At its lowest point of elevation, Barbados is directly at sea level along the Atlantic Ocean. The highest point on the island is Mount Hillaby which measures 340 meters above sea level. It is the easternmost island in the Caribbean. Barbados is located in the Atlantic Ocean, on the eastern side of the West Indies. It is roughly triangular in shape. What Are The Biggest Industries In Barbados? "Where is Barbados located on a map"? Barbados covers an area of approximately 167 square miles and stretches 21 miles long and 14 miles wide. The Caribbean has approximately 7 thousand islands and islets grouped into three major groups: The Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles, and the Bahamas. Although the country is completely surrounded by water, Barbados is very near to other islands. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Barbados, island country in the southeastern Caribbean Sea, situated about 100 miles east of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Barbados maintains relations with over 100 countries around the world. Therefore, since Barbados is in the Lesser Antilles, it is geographically in the continent of North America. Barbados is an island country located in the Caribbean. East from Mount Hillaby, the land declines sharply to the rugged upland of the Scotland District. Omissions? Either way, Barbados has one of the lowest total area mileages. The Greater and the Lesser Antilles form the Antilles. In the northwest, Saint Lucia and Martinique are northwest of Barbados, while the Grenadines and Saint Vincent are situated to the west. Mount Hillaby, the highest point in Barbados, rises to 1,102 feet (336 metres) in the north-central part of the island. There are only 195 countries in the world, so it makes more sense to say that Barbados is the 13th smallest country. Annual rainfall ranges 40 and 90 inches while temperature ranges from 70 to 88 degrees fahrenheit. Based solely on total area, Barbados ranks as the 183rd largest country. The rocks underlying Barbados consist of sedimentary deposits, including thick shales, clays, sands, and conglomerates, laid down approximately 70 million years ago. Barbados does not share a border with any country. There are no significant rivers or lakes and only a few streams, springs, and ponds. As an island in the Lesser Antilles, Barbados is a country in the West Indies. On a similar note, looking at population density alone, Barbados is the 15th most dense country. Barbados is in the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean. The capital and largest town is Bridgetown. Southward, the highlands descend steeply to the broad St. Georges Valley; between the valley and the sea the land rises to 400 feet (120 metres) to form Christ Church Ridge. It is characterized by a mixed economy and a relatively high standard of living. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. To the east, the most extreme point is located near Saint Philip, a territory of Barbados. United States Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. From here, it is possible to calculate the population density. A desalination plant provides additional fresh water. Geographically, the Antillean islands are considered part of North America. Barbados . The country is categorized among the top 70 high-income economies of the world. Description: This map shows where Barbados is located on the Caribbean map. Barbados’ climate is classified as a tropical monsoon. As an island in the Lesser Antilles, Barbados is a country in the West Indies. It measures some 20 miles from northwest to southeast. On average, the elevation of Barbados is a range between 590.5 and 787 feet above sea level. Coral reefs surround most of the island. The geographical co-ordinates for Barbados are 13º N Latitude and 59º W Longitude. Emeritus Senior Lecturer in History, University of the West Indies, Barbados. Barbados is located in the Caribbean Region of the North Atlantic Ocean. Barbados is also a member of the Organization of the American States, an organization that brings together 35 countries of the Americas. Its physical shape is often compared to a pear or leg of mutton. Queen Elizabeth II is the hereditary head of state. Barbados is not part of the nearby archipelago of the Lesser Antilles, although it is usually grouped with it. The westernmost point of Barbados is in Harrison’s Point near Saint Lucy. Although Barbados relied on sugarcane cultivation, it has since diversified into tourism and manufacturing sectors. Barbados is an island country located in the Caribbean. Barbados has a total area of only 169 square miles. To the southeast lies Guyana. Barbados does not share a border with any country. It is the easternmost island in the Caribbean and completely surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. It is situated in North America, South America, and Central America. Know Where is Barbados located on the World Map? The country’s population is about 285,000 people, the majority of which are of African descent.


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