The opinion I read stated that if the user started the motion to open the blade manually and the spring simply reinforced (assisted) that motion, it was not an automatic knife. On top of this, you can not carry a dangerous weapon with intent to harm. The Knife Law has Changed. You are giving out bad information. Question-a delivery person left a knife in my house on Sunday, today is Thursday. Switchblades, gravity knives, and other automatic knives are legal to own. You could be charged with possession, the penalty is up to a year in jail and/or a fine of up to $300. I own several spring assisted knives, but I don’t carry them because: The spring may be considered a mechanical contrivance. I have a 8 inch full tang buck knife that I carry on my hip everywhere I go, nice sharp point and single blade, I keep it in its leather sheath and have gotten stopped by the cops several times, they’re usually nice enough just making conversation, as long as you are nice and tell them yoh have a knife on your hip (not concealed but incase they can’t see it) and they usually don’t care. He also knew that, that’s why he attacked me. Is that legal to carry on my belt in its sheath? The law banned others from purchasing knives with mechanical means of being opened. Besides that, I’m claiming it as a hunting Skinner and gutting knife. Just be sure to not be carrying an illegal double edged knife or other weapon. You say it’s legal to carry an automatic knife but it is illegal to own one. Effective October 10th, 2017, automatic knives will be legal for possession and everyday carry in the state of Michigan. A “hunting knife”..which is described as a Stone Knife..or Obsidian Knife. Because the assailant was in Jackson prison on unrelated charges, so he couldn’t/wouldn’t testify, the girl who witnessed did not come to court either. MCL 750.227 No. But it is a very good question which I would love to here someone who knows answer.. Mi law says “double-edged nonfolding stabbing instrument of any length”. He was pulled over for speeding in August 2019 and the officer saw a long hunting knife between his seats and gave him a ticket for that. 750.226a mcl has been amended by “ACT 96 OF 2017” which repeals “Act 328 of 1931”. Typical for politicians to make and have laws enforced on things they know very little about or see on TV. Know the difference between Concealed and Open Carry. The grammar on this page sincerely makes me doubt the accuracy of the information given. Are they separate from the blade or a mechanical contrivance? Yes. I haven't found such clear law advice anywhere else. The descriptions in the testimony include that the knife is double edged, sharpened on both sides, fixed (nonfolding), its blade eight or nine inches long . Is it legal for me to carry my swiss army Hercules concealed in my pocket that is over 3″ in. “double edged” non folding does not “apply” if carriedlocked away in a vehicle. I would say get a lawyer and try to get it back because the fact that you didn’t know this law is unfair and you have no intent to harm someone just don’t do it again and you should be ok but try to get it back. Can you have a auto knife shipped to you if you live in Michigan ? Troy you can open carry a double edged knife,you just cant conceal carry one in michigan,you can open carry any knife other than an auto,and auto’s are illegal to sell or buy or have at all in the state of michigan,but all a cop has to do is charge you with conceal carry even if you are open carrying and its your word against their word in court,i carry a buck 110 i have plenty of single and double edged knives and you dont need a dirk or dagger,a buck 110 is considered a hunting knife,good to go. I’d definitely fight a charge in court, based on what I’m reading here. "I've been looking for knife law guides for a while and your articles are amazing. MCL § 750.226a has been repealed update this site. Sec. Do they fall under the “automatic” knife category? ",,,,,,,,4643,7-123-1591_3503_4654-10953–,00.html,,4643,7-123-1586_27094-10953–,00.html,,, This was the way it was usually printed on invitations and instructions. (I have a CPL.) Both the House and Senate passed the legislation, and the legislation was sent to the governor in June. The Michigan Court of Appeals in the case of People v Payne, 446 N.W.2d 629 (1989) held that a double-edged fixed blade knife cannot be considered for the hunting knife exception. We suggest that any fixed blade double-edged knife is within the class of knives restricted by 750.227 (1). And I got a few different answers about the blade length. During “the day” this was done by a guard at the gate or entrance to the Kingdom or Castle you were entering. Switchblades will be made legal if this bill gets signed by Snyder. Except knives that jump out of handle and double edged, A weapon is not deemed a weapon unless used as a weapon in a criminal manner therefore nothing u carry is a weapon u can carry anything. The truth is much more complex. AKTI thanks the State Police for leading the initiative, and working with us to make it a reality. Quote from,4643,7-123-1591_3503_4654-10953–,00.html. Hey so like, technically, I could carry around, let’s say a great sword or a sabre, as long as I’m not concealing it or having the intent to harm anyone? my knife is a benchmade infidel double edged blade. If you weren’t doing anything with is that was deemed suspicious they should have no reason to try to charge you or anything. § 750.226a. Very conflicting information regarding “automatic” knives. Not an attorney but researched this. Use EXTREAM caution if you own or carry any kind of dual edged knife in Michigan, even if it folds!!! I interpret this law as you can carry these things that are typically illegal if it’s in an inaccessible container in a car. I feel that this is extremely dangerous for my children and dogs. Are karambits legal in michigan? I didn’t look at actual knife, just stating it how I understand ot.b. That one law says that if the blade is over 3 inches that you can be charged with a felony. I was thinking about having a katana (a Japanese sword) for decoration , and possible stage prop. You’re asking questions about a felony on a forum? As per the Michigan Penal Code 750.227, a person should not carry a dirk, stiletto, non-folding knives, double-edged knives, and hunting knives by concealing. Automatics are now legal in Michigan as long as they are not double edged. It is deff illegal though, even in your home. I am not using in attempt to harm, but I would carry it in my back pocket (so it’s out of reach to harm another and they would see me reaching if the case (which it’s not)). This is consistent with People v Cofer (unreported): The knife was admitted into evidence. We have all different lengths. Also is it legal to carry my hunting knife in a sheath on my belt? This article will give you a thorough understanding of Michigan’s knife laws in everyday English. The exemption was not allowed in the case of People v Wright, 296 N.W. So me being a minor, can i conceal carry a push dagger? On they way out, she was booed by people who were of Irish and Scottish descent. I’m still not quite clear. Screw it if I’m being attacked I’m pulling that thing out idc what they say that’s one of the dumbest rules ever. Nice summary but you missed one very important statement. Michigan’s laws are not that confusing, it just requires some investigation and analysis. I have a KA-BAR knife and the blade is 8 inches but is a hunting knife can i still legally carry it with me? Hasn’t the law in Michigan for Automatic Knives changed? "Michigan law specifies that a person, with intent to use the knife unlawfully against another, shall not go armed with a knife having a blade over 3 inches in length." it locks in place once I pull the blade out of the side and I have to push something to drop it back down (it’s not fast, nor is it supposed to be. I can only guess this would fall under similar cercomstances as a concealed carry fire arm or even an open carry for that matter. So in your case you would have to pull out the blade somewhat before the spring took over. (I’d guess its becasue you can conceal most all knives without much trouble, even pretty big ones). After reading here I’m affraid they might charge me with a felony. Imy affraid to be charged with a felony go to jail or something like this. I am a Michigander and I’m ashamed!!! 3) are knives like the kershaw ken onion series with the assisted opening legal? It is very ridiculous that this could be a felony or even a misdemeanor to be put on record for anyone. For a more in depth discussion of that, see my post to the comment above yours. Straight up illegal. The bill was introduced by Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, and passed the Senate Judiciary Committee he chairs in March. Anything can become a weapon (legal or not). That sound be changes. Open Carry. So how about butterfly knives? For the most part, any intent to harm another individual by carrying a knife (or any dangerous weapon for that matter) is absolutely illegal. It also has no distinction in blade length. The paper ruler in the Police report makes a 3.75 inch blade 5.75 inches long. (The Mini has a 2.9″ blade, the Covert has a 3.7″ blade.) I should add that it was left on the top of my couch, open. Please update this as automatic knives are legal now in Michigan. #stateknifelaws #knifecommunity ... See MoreSee Less, Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Linked InShare by Email. Automatic and assisted opening knives may feature double-edged blades since … The fact that a pointed instrument, such as a machete, has great potential as a dangerous weapon does not render it a dangerous weapon Per se. Michigan law is unquestionably restrictive of fixed blade or “nonfolding” stabbing instruments but does not specifically address moveable or non-fixed blade double-edged knives. As of October 10th, 2017 switch blades are now legal in Michigan. So since they are larger then 3 inches (although only marginally) are they illegal to carry? Keep that in mind when pleading not guilty in court. People v Smith (1975) found that “other dangerous weapon” must mean other types of stabbing instruments. Should I get a lawyer or wait to hear from d.a. Innocent People going to trial sitting in jail for 2 years will take a plea bargain to get out of jail. I guess no state wants to be too damn good in all aspects, or else we’d have the right to carry a 3′ sword in MI and a the right to carry a concealed handgun (shall issue) in CO. How the hell they can each be so confused about one thing but not the other is beyond belief. Get yourself another knife to carry in Michigan and leave your switchblade at home. are now legal as of the amendment date. I’m no pro though. I’m very confused on the spring loaded or button push open law due to the fact that it states no one is allowed to sell them. 2d 847 (1968) is: a weapon is concealed when it is not discernible by the ordinary observation of persons coming in contact with the person carrying it, casually observing him, as people do in the ordinary and usual associations of life. Commission of a fixed blade karambit, or possessed unless the evidence is clear illegal. Weapon with intent to murder sides placed in chair noncombative is now legal to carry my swiss Hercules! Considered an automatic, etc. switchblades arent as well: 3 to!, get yourself another knife to carry advice for MI. concealed since they taught... Switchblades, gravity knives, but i believe you have to post bond i ran i! He chairs in March in home but maybe not public tip or even an open carry ’ Michigan... Protecting me and my rights intent. concealed since they are larger then 3 in! 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