A Chansey appeared in Let's Try To Be Idols!!. A Trainer's Chansey appeared in Curbing the Crimson Tide!. Chansey is a corruption of chance and chancy. Taking advantage of the Type Weakness(es) of Chansey will allow you to deal more damage during battle. Wouldn't Rhydon with Rock Smash be better than Mud Slap against Chansey? People try to catch it for its extremely nutritious eggs, but it rarely can be found. Chansey's defensive typing is also interesting; while a Normal typing grants it only a single weakness, it also means Chansey has no resistances and only a single immunity. If your CP advantage is high enough, the next steps will not be as important in battle. To defeat Chansey you must first learn its Type weaknesses. Weaknesses. Choose Pokemon with equal or higher CP than that of the Chansey you are battling. Serene Grace: The chances of a move having a secondary effect is doubled. Tip #2. Chansey is a pink, ovoid Pokémon with stubby arms and dark pink feet. Benefits of Type Weakness & STAB Damage. Most of this guide is focused on dealing high amounts of damage in a short period of time, in order to beat Chansey as quickly as possible. Happiny #440 Normal; Chansey #113 Normal; Blissey #242 Normal; Explore More Pokémon. IV. It’s used as a high-class cooking ingredient. Chansey Pokémon TV Episodes ... Chansey Cards Chansey 46 Hidden Fates. Plan ahead for your next gym battle in Pokemon Go. In Lights, Camera, Quack-tion, a Chansey was cast in "Pokémon in Love". A Chansey appeared in Murkrow Row as one of the residents of Gold's house. Please try again. The egg Chansey carries is not only delicious but also packed with nutrition. If you would like more information surrounding terminology, specific Pokemon, Movesets, DPS, etc. Legend has it that this charitable creature brings friendship to anyone who captures a Chansey. It lays several eggs a day and won't share them with those who have evil in their hearts. It has tiny eyes and three hair-like growths on each side of its head. Avoid using Types of Pokemon Chansey Moves are Super Effective against, instead try to use Types of Pokemon of which Chansey Moves are Not Very Effective against. In The Old Chateau, Cheryl's Chansey accompanied her to the Old Chateau. Chansey Pokémon TV Episodes ... Chansey Cards Chansey 46 Hidden Fates. A Trainer's Chansey appeared in League Offenders and Defenders!. Because the eggs on their bellies have been overharvested by people in the past, the Chansey population remains very small. If you have a Pokemon with much higher CP and a high damage Moveset vs. Chansey you will obviously want to use that Pokemon. - Weaknesses. The following chart explains the terms used in this guide: Battle Mechanics Terminology (Quick Reference Guide). Even though it doesn't get a STAB bonus, it does get the 25% weakness bonus against Chansey because it is a Fighting type move. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Support. S2 | Episode 29, Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden Chansey's egg is used as a high-class cooking ingredient due to the nutrition it has. and Battling on the Wing!, a Trainer's Chansey watched the battles during the Manalo Conference. This includes the 25% STAB bonus. Use High DPS Movesets for Max Damage. Abilities: Natural Cure - Serene Grace - Healer (Hidden Ability): Natural Cure: The Pokémon’s status (BURN, PARALYZE, SLEEP, POISON, FREEZE) is healed when withdrawn from battle. When released from a Poké Ball, Chansey will use Soft-Boiled and produce five eggs. Lays very succulent eggs every day. The tufts of hair have dark pink tips. On the other hand, there are certain Types of Pokemon in Pokemon Go, that will take less damage from the Moves of Chansey. The eggs are apparently rich in nutrients and extremely delicious. You can find out more about damage mechanics at the end of this page. A gentle and kind-hearted Pokémon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon. In The Power of One, a Chansey sensed the disturbance caused by Lawrence III. First off, Chansey can deal a great amount of damage using Pound and Hyper Beam. While there, she and Cheryl were haunted and attacked by the ghosts of a butler and a little girl after being invited to stay the night there. Hidden Ability (Available): Healer: At the end of the turn, there is a 30% chance of either Ally being healed from a status condition Also, because Pound and Hyper Beam are weak against Rock type Pokémon, this makes Rhydon a good candidate for attacking Chansey, and by extension Blissey. The tufts of hair have dark pink tips. However, it is extremely fast at running away. The list is sorted by highest Average Damage per Second to lowest. Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations, Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations, Chansey is tied with Happiny for the lowest base, Chansey received the biggest decrease to its. Before we get into the details of this guide, please see below. Chansey 80 XY—Phantom Forces. Ultra League: 0 / 5 A flashback featured a second Chansey. Not only are these Pokémon fast runners, they're also few in number, so anyone who finds one must be lucky indeed. It has tiny eyes and three hair-like growths on each side of its head. A Chansey appeared in The March of the Exeggutor Squad. A Chansey appeared in Pikachu's Birthday Party. S2 | Episode 45, A Dairy Tale Ending S2 | Episode 37, Pokéball Peril In order to defeat Chansey you will want to choose a Pokemon with Move Types Chansey is vulnerable against. If a Pokemon has a double weakness, the Move will deal 56% additional damage. The eggs laid by Chansey are rich in nutrients and a favorite food of many Pokémon. In Securing the Future!, a Trainer's Chansey joined the rest of Alola in showering Necrozma with light so it could return to its normal form. A Chansey appeared in Dawn's Early Night!. S5 | Episode 57. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. A Trainer's Chansey appeared in A Young Royal Flame Ignites!. If you are looking for the best ways to defeat Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go, you've come to the right place! On the center of its belly is a dark pink pouch that contains a single white egg. In Generation 1, Chansey has a base Special stat of 105.; In Generations 1-4, Chansey has a base experience yield of 255.; In Generation 2, Chansey has a base Friendship value of 70. Nurse Joy's Chansey first appeared in Falkner The Bird Keeper's Challenge!!. What is happiness? A Chansey appeared in Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Baseball Tournament!, where it was one of the Pokémon that took part in a baseball match. S4 | Episode 2, Love, Pokémon Style Chansey 70 XY—Evolutions. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Chansey in that game. Use Pokemon & Moves of the Same Type for Additional Damage. Use Move Types Chansey is Weak Against. Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Chansey is also a Pokéfloat. In Agatha's flashback in Take a Chance on Chansey, Professor Oak is seen with Seych, and uses her in his Pokémon League fight with the bitter woman's Gastly more than two decades ago, winning the match after hours. A gentle and kindhearted Pokémon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon. Being a Normal Type, Chansey is vulnerable against Fighting Type Moves. A Chansey appeared in Which One is the Real Clefairy!?. Choose the Best Type(s) of Pokemon. Nurse Joy's Chansey appeared in JNM03 and JNM08. To defeat Chansey in Pokemon Go you must take advantage of its Type Weakness(es). The chart is then sorted by highest Average DPS to lowest. For example, if a Normal Type Pokemon uses a Normal Type Move it will deal 25% more damage. They were strong enough to break free from the ropes that bound them and escape. A Coordinator's Chansey appeared in Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!. The moves of these types are shown below: Before we go any further, please take a minute to consider the following. She reappeared in a flashback in Beauty and the Breeder. If you have questions, comments, or tips of your own, feel free to leave a message in the comment section at the end of this guide! This includes the 25% STAB bonus. The egg is said to be very nutritious and it lays a several new ones every day. Boosts the likelihood of additional effects occurring when attacking. - As the Pokédex mentions its frequent laying of nutritious eggs, Chansey may also be based on chickens or other poultry, and its "ears" give it the semblance of an axolotl.
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