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The same is true with the English language. The 3 biggest improvements you can make to your English writing, The key to understanding natural spoken English, 5 steps to achieving your New Year's resolutions, 8 reasons why your English isn't improving, How your brain learns English (and how it doesn't). An idiom is a word, group of words or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is not easily deduced from its literal definition. Infographic: How many words do you 'need'? When you're guest-starring on another show, it really requires you to jump through hoops in a way, because you're servicing the stories of the main characters. For example, when you're applying for a green card you have to: These steps are complicated and annoying, so you can call it "jumping through hoops. —  We went through hoops to get a new hotel after our travel agent had booked us into a noisy hotel that was undergoing renovations. —  I'll jump through as many hoops as I have to in order to get a job with Apple. Jump through hoops: to do a series of difficult or unpleasant things in order to get something you want or something you need to do. Listening | TED Talks | Speaking | Grammar | Vocabulary | Idioms | Blog, Copyright © 2013-2020  All rights reserved  |   Privacy policy. It was difficult to get. An infograph was widely shared on Monday that showed the application process for what it is – a nightmare. —  I went through hoops getting to this appointment through the snow and ice and you're telling me that the doctor didn't come in today? So just utilize this great resource of English idioms with meaning. 0 My theory of "hook phrases", “The Immigration office makes you jump through all kinds of hoops to get a green card.”, Six Skills to Develop As You Learn the English Language, How the Benefits of Tutoring to Learn a Language Outweigh Those of the Classroom Environment, Sign the application in front of a licensed "notary public" who confirms that you signed it. To understand this phrase, imagine a little dog which has been trained to do circus tricks. Whether you are a keen learner or trainer of the English language, the knowledge about idioms will surely benefit you in the long run. You'll also be first to find out when I launch my writing contests. It's the best way to find out when I add new lessons and information to my website. Show random sentence; Browse by language; Browse by list; Browse by tag Idioms are not just evolved around the language but they act like the building blocks of the said language and civilization. Aug 28, 2013 - Example sentence: "Hazel had to jump through hoops to make sure her project was finished on time." (idiomatic) To put forth effort to meet (usually arbitrary) requirements set by someone. —  Your father had to jump through hoops to get you tickets to the concert so I hope you really show him how much you appreciate the effort he made for you. You show up and get on board and get on their journey; you have to be flexible as to what they need for the role. There are a vast number of idioms and they’re utilized much commonly in different languages. Have you signed-up for my free newsletter? to bring our dog with us over to Europe but we couldn't imagine living a year abroad without her. —  I heard she got tired of jumping through hoops and moved back home a week ago. You have to be able to portray a lot of different elements. to get you tickets to the concert so I hope you really show him how much you appreciate the effort he made for you. Explanation of the English phrase "jump through hoops": To understand this phrase, imagine a little dog which has been trained to do circus tricks. Notes: . Now you're talking to a coworker whose friend is applying for a permanent residence card. ", Another example is when you try to cancel your telephone bill. It is mainly due to the meanings. That would make me go crazy. Why Memorize? It will not just enhance your vocabulary but will also assist you to strengthen your grip over the English language. Our school is trying to get accreditation with the Department of Education and it seems like all we are doing is. However, a proverb is a well-known saying; it represents a piece of advice or general truth. Get confirmation that you have no police record, Get all documents translated into English. to get to my flight. Susan is the worst boss I ever had—I was constantly, If you want to be an actor be prepared to. With all the hoops you have to jump through you might be left with the impression they don’t really want tourists to come just yet. Usually, they create a great hurdle for non-native speakers. —  Your wife has you constantly jumping through hoops. —  Working in the private sector is amazing—I used to have to go through hoops just to get a new pen and notebook. It is a reason that idioms’ characteristics make them difficult and strange them to understand for the learners of the English language. English Idioms - Any language is incomplete without the presence or use of idioms. —  If you want to be an actor be prepared to jump through a lot of hoops to get work. On this page, you will get in-depth information about all essential English idioms along with their meanings. When talk about idiom, it is the phrase, group of words, or saying that has a non-literal (metaphorical) meaning that has become accepted in daily usage. 0; verb jump through hoops (Idiomatic) To put forth effort to meet (usually arbitrary) requirements set by someone. Browse. We have access to all kinds of personal information about the patients. In order to get its food, it has to jump through several hoops or rings: one big one, one small one, some very high up, and maybe one that's been set on fire. Why didn't you call me earlier! to get you a job so you're going to do it whether you like it or not! - You moved to the U.S. a few years ago from another country. As you can see in the picture above, one of the men is directing the other man to jump through a hoop—just like they train animals to jump through hoops at the circus. Multimedia Learning Guide to Improve English Fluency. Look at the picture and try to guess the meaning of the idiom 'jump through hoops.' Make copies of your documents like your passport, marriage license, etc. Tatoeba. First, I took the bus, then the subway, then another bus to the airport, then a shuttle bus to the terminal and a tram to the gate! Look at the picture and try to guess the meaning of the idiom 'jump through hoops.'. —  I jumped through hoops to get you a job so you're going to do it whether you like it or not! —  My husband jumped through hoops to get my son into private school and he got expelled the second day! Idioms bring out a great illustration to the regular speech. —  We had to go through a lot of hoops to bring our dog with us over to Europe but we couldn't imagine living a year abroad without her. That is the metaphor of this idiom—a person having to jump through hoops like a circus animal. When you came there, you had to get a permanent residence card. When people make you do a lot of unnecessary work, you can say that they're "making you jump through hoops". The problem with language learning "levels". Jump through hoops is an idiom that has been in use since around the turn of the twentieth century. They also put great intensity to transform the language more dynamic and interesting. The symbolic representation of idiom is much different from the definition of words present in the phrase or statement. First, I took the bus, then the subway, then another bus to the airport, then a shuttle bus to the terminal and a tram to the gate! In order to get its food, it has to jump through several hoops or rings: one big one, one small one, some very high up, and maybe one that's been set on fire. The telephone company doesn't want you to quit easily, so they make you "jump through hoops.". English lesson from "The Immigration office makes you jump through all kinds of hoops to get a green card." In the example above, it means that people who want to immigrate to the U.S. have to do a lot of work to become a permanent resident. What is the difference between idiom and proverb? Why didn't you call me earlier! According to the estimation, the English language has around 25,000 idioms. Gives you the best and accurate meaning and sentence of jump through hoops to get a new hotel after our travel agent had booked us into a noisy hotel that was undergoing renovations. jump through hoops meaning, Definition in idioms dictionary. Jump through hoops:  to do a series of difficult or unpleasant things in order to get something you want or something you need to do. Meaning. as I have to in order to get a job with Apple. An idiom is neither a bit of advice nor general truth. phrase jump through hoops If someone makes you jump through hoops, they make you do lots of difficult or boring things in order to please them or achieve something. —  Our school is trying to get accreditation with the Department of Education and it seems like all we are doing is jumping through hoops. to get my son into private school and he got expelled the second day! Why are Idioms difficult to understand? getting to this appointment through the snow and ice and you're telling me that the doctor didn't come in today? In addition, the also brings a great sense of fun and mystery about them. Working in the private sector is amazing—I used to have to. —  I had to jump through hoops to get to my flight. Never tell yourself that you "know" an English word or phrase. The best thing is that you can easily search the meaning of your desired idiom through the dedicated search bar. —  Susan is the worst boss I ever had—I was constantly jumping through hoops for her. "All kinds of ___" means "a lot of ___" or "many different kinds of ___".


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