Find a chemistry community of interest and connect on a local and global level. This site contains links from a number of other affiliate programs as well. These links will lead outside the School of Chemistry web site. Find awards and scholarships advancing diversity in the chemical sciences. The American Chemical Society has published several resources useful for homeschool families. To get the best possible experience using our website, we recommend that you upgrade to latest version of this browser or install another web browser. Explore chemistry education resources by topic that support distance learning. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. Need the ChemClub logo to create your own shirts or posters? Two of the components of the ACS ChemClub program’s mission are for its student members to have opportunities to learn about study and career options in the many and varied fields of chemistry, and to discover and pursue connections within the larger chemistry community. These links will lead outside the School of Chemistry web site. Read the brand guidelines on how to use the logo, and get your design approved before printing. ACS is committed to helping combat the global COVID-19 pandemic with initiatives and free resources. Chemistry at Home The ACS Education Division is making educational resources available by topic to aid parents and teachers in student enrichment during this time of distance learning. Advance your career with professional development courses. In this section we have provided a collection of chemistry courses and resources from across MIT. Learn about financial support for future and current high school chemistry teachers. Chartered ChemClubs can receive up to $300. Launch and grow your career with career services and resources. We have bundled materials from the Reactions Video series, C&EN, our magazines within the Education Division and our portfolio of hands-on activities for students in grades K–12 and beyond. Download the full color, four color or gray scale logo below. Diversity in Chemistry Awards
Take a look at our suggestions for your first meeting and subsequent ones on our meetings idea page. Explore Career Options
Communities. You can use the 'back' button or the history menu in your browser to return to our site. For your security, this online session is about to end due to inactivity. Ben and Me is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Heart Parenting — a 10-part series based on The Christian Parenting Handbook. Fundraising Ideas American Association of Chemistry Teachers, Reactions: Chemistry Science Videos & Infographics, Connect with members of an undergraduate ACS Student Chapter. Let ACS help you navigate your career journey with tools, personal coaching and networking. School of Chemistry, UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Telephone +61 2 9385 4666 | Email Authorised by Head, School of Chemistry, UNSW, Provider Code: 00098G ABN: 57 195 873 179, Page last updated: Monday 2 September 2019, Chemistry Resources for high school students. Reactions: Chemistry Science Videos & Infographics
Learn More. ACS-Hach Programs
Now offered virtually. All of these resources are FREE for the taking. Listed below are links to chemistry web sites which explain some of the theory and applications of chemistry in an easy to understand way. This does not cost you any more, and it helps cover costs associated with running the website. I am very picky about the products I recommend and the companies I support. ChemClub Grants began in 2009 with a generous donation from then ACS President, Tom Lane. Promoting excellence in science education and outreach. I never recommend a product I would not use myself. Technical Divisions
Raise money for your club through fun activities such as dunking a faculty member, starting a coin drive or having a periodic table bake sale. ACS Professional Education
Explore chemistry education resources by topic that support distance learning. Communities. At the core of what they offer is an entire Middle School Chemistry course — 700 pages you can print or use online including labs, printable activity sheets, videos, student reading and teacher guides. Network with colleagues and access the latest research in your field. On this occasion, our first choice for high school students who need a book to help them study on their own, or for anyone who wants to learn chemistry from scratch, is Houk & Post’s Chemistry: Concepts and Problems: A Self-Teaching Guide.This book is perfect for just about any student because it is, as the name indicates, designed to be a self-taught introductory chemistry course. See our Browser Support/Compatibility page for supported browsers list. Funding to support the advancement of the chemical sciences through research projects. Chemistry Resources for high school students Listed below are links to chemistry web sites which explain some of the theory and applications of chemistry in an easy to understand way. If you do not respond, everything you entered on this page will be lost and you will have to login again. Are you having trouble with planning your meeting? Uncover the Chemistry in Everyday Life, Recognizing and celebrating excellence in chemistry and celebrate your achievements. Chemistry at Home
Collaborate with scientists in your field of chemistry and stay current in your area of specialization. Learn more, 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA | | 1-800-333-9511 (US and Canada) | 614-447-3776 (outside North America), Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society. How to Plan your Meetings Explore the interesting world of science with articles, videos and more. The ACS ChemClub program gives high school students a unique opportunity to experience chemistry beyond the classroom. Some are materials that were used to teach MIT undergraduates, while others were designed specifically for high school students. Find a chemistry community of interest and connect on a … The ACS ChemClub is a high school chemistry club that provides students with a unique opportunity to experience chemistry beyond the classroom. Savory theme by Restored 316. Community Activities Grants support ACS ChemClubs in community interactions by service projects or improving science learning experiences.
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