One comedic moment was cut from the film, in which Rocket catches Thor peeing off a palace balcony. In a scene cut from the time-travel brainstorming sequence, Rocket watches footage from the Battle of New York from the first Avengers film and recognizes Loki's army, the Chitauri. In the completed film, we see Thor having a panic attack over having to return to pose as his former, more confident self and confront his ex. Earth). The first official Thor trailer just came out, and it's jam-packed with brawling gods, drama and…. Uhm... how do I say that without sounding politially incorrect - Why is Heimdall black? Strange. The next shot is of Thor beating the tar out of some unlucky hospital orderlies. Thor lands on Earth next to a sigil, and Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) discovers him. “But we changed the buildings, added buildings and added the hills coming into the hills that existed there. “The hills and roads were there. Thor's time in Asgard is a microcosm for his whole arc in the film, which is a sad tale of lost identity couched in broad comedy. The final battle of Avengers: Endgame is the largest battle in superhero movie history. The Ancient One volunteers the stone almost immediately, but Banner gets cold feet when she outlines the grave multiversal consequences of removing the Infinity Stones from the timeline. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Visiting New Asgard (AKA St Abbs) By Train: The closest station is Berwick-Upon-Tweed, located 14 miles away. Clint and Nat take cover from incoming fire, and instead of trying to clear the way for their escape, Nat takes the opportunity to sprint for the cliffs. The movie's depicting a racially diverse Asgard that has hyper-advanced science-magic at its disposal. The most significant scene in New Asgard is when Hulk and Rocket discover a very depressed Thor hanging out with some familiar friends. In another film, this might've been a harmless gag, but seeing as Steve's story in Endgame is otherwise pretty sincere, this joke only serves to make Steve look stupid when we really should be feeling the weight of his sacrifice and how much he deserves a happy ending. When Thanos snaps his fingers in Avengers: Infinity War, he momentarily finds himself in an extra-dimensional realm that the filmmakers call the Way Station. “. Spoilers on! The Ancient One ends up having to convince Banner to take the stone instead of the other way around, awkwardly reversing which character should be trying to accomplish something in the scene. Sif and Rene Russo as Frigga, Odin's wife. It's a major cinematic misfire, a three-minute scene in which the characters each explain what they're about to do for the following three minutes. While Tony certainly savors every moment spent with his dead father, this is a perfect example of a scene that's doesn't stand out as bad but also doesn't really contribute anything to the story. “There are some photographs of him on set where he’s wearing it proudly...and everybody thought it was hilarious. Cookies help us deliver our Services. “We were looking at the previous films and then...I’d Googled some Norwegian fishing villages,” Earl said. Rhodey asks the question many viewers have asked — why didn't Steve just jump out of the plane after setting it on its collision course? I figure I’m basically just watching a cartoon, so I just sit back and enjoy it for what it is. Bruce Banner originally had a different character reintroduction after the time jump. But according to the filmmakers' commentary, this scene didn't make the cut because it felt "a little too inside baseball." It's an action scene with a unique objective, as Clint and Nat keep pulling out more tricks in a desperate attempt to save the other and to dive off the cliffs of Vormir themselves. In the final film, the key example of this is Thor's rambling explanation of the plot of The Dark World, but in the commentary track, screenwriter Stephen McFeely says they "probably had 15 pages of stuff" along these lines. Looking back, it's remarkable that directors Joe and Anthony Russo, along with their filmmaking team, were able to pull it off as well as they did, creating genuinely satisfying conclusions for the Avengers' epic conflict against Thanos and for a number of character arcs that were gradually developed over the course of a decade. The hall of Asgard. Cut to Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three going a-hunting for Frost Giants. In the background you can see the dashing Fandral (Joshua Dallas) and the rotund Volstagg (Ray Stevenson). After the time jump, Endgame goes the next 40 minutes without an action sequence, favoring a slow transition from a somber look at the new status quo to a string of sight gags in the prelude to the "time heist." In the extended scene, Valkyrie reaches over to squeeze Thor's arm, which quickly turns into an awkward moment as Thor misinterprets this friendly gesture as a romantic one. This scene is only about 20 seconds long, but in a film that's already clocking in at three hours, anything that you don't need and isn't quite working has got to go. This scene seems to fit somewhere between when the two take the elevator up from the lab and when we catch up with them later on the surface, after Cap does his part of the heist. He leaves her with the parting words, "I love you 3000.". The pair then goes wandering, since Thor can't remember his way around the palace. One part of the scene was salvaged, though, as Robert Downey Jr. dubbed in "I love you 3000" to close out his holographic message with a nod to his daughter. The Russos haven't gone on record to explain why this scene was cut, but we'd bet it's because this joke interrupts the clean segue between this scene and the next one aboard the Benatar. “The biggest [addition] would be the chapel...If you look carefully there’s a church in there which is from Tønsberg, which is in one of prior films. The filmmakers were fond of the scene, but according to their Disney+ commentary, they felt that there was a risk of giving the film the "too many endings" syndrome suffered by other dramas of ambitious runtime, and that it was emotionally redundant with Tony's self-eulogy scene a few minutes later. In a New York Times interview, co-writer Stephen McFeely called it a "completely fake, fraudulent scene," and the team was very happy to have replaced it. But before this scene was written and shot, a very different version was completed in which, before they can discuss it for very long, Thanos' forces arrive on Vormir and attack them, forcing them to act quickly. Plus, aside from providing some closure to any fans who thought Thor and Valkyrie might get together, it doesn't add much in the otherwise smooth ride to the conclusion. When he learns that the original team spent hours fighting them, Rocket has a big laugh at their expense, calling the Chitauri "the suckiest army in the galaxy." In the finished film, the Ancient One is initially hesitant to relinquish the stone, but Bruce eventually convinces her to let him take it into the future. While it's a pleasant moment, it's ultimately unnecessary. His earthbound look is very Ultimate Thor. It's less Norse mythology, more craziness from the Silver Age of Comics. Looks like Sif and the Warriors Three follow Thor to Earth. I'm sensing a coup here. Lasting only about 20 seconds, this scene ends with Howard casually offering Tony a job, to which Tony replies, "I'm a little tied up in futures right now." Here's Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin, reaming out his son for that frost giant escapade. It's also preceded by some strong, heartfelt dialogue between the two friends, which helps to explain why they each think they should be the one to die. So they thought it would funny if Korg, in his downtime, sort of wore the same pineapple shirt that Taika wore on set. Avengers: Endgame Has a Mystery Creature in New Asgard That No One Can Identify. But the momentum of the sequence was almost brought to a complete halt by a deleted scene in which nearly the entire cast takes a moment inside the Mirror Dimension to regroup and hash out a plan to get their version of the Infinity Gauntlet into Scott Lang's time machine van. Included on Disney+ is an earlier version of this scene that's much shorter, one that focuses more on introducing the Quantum Suit than explaining movie trivia or quantum mechanics, with Nebula swapped in for Rhodey. It's a cute scene that establishes that Tony has found peace and happiness since the Thanos disaster, and when Steve, Nat, and Scott arrive moments later to pitch their "time heist," which would jeopardize his new family life, we can easily understand why Tony would refuse the call to action. The Infinity Saga Blu-ray box set includes an exclusive extended version of the scene from Endgame's epilogue where Thor passes the throne of New Asgard to Valkyrie. The first official Thor trailer just came out, and it's jam-packed with brawling gods, drama and… And this gave the screenwriters the chance to comment on the films themselves through the characters. Originally, Tony would also visit the Way Station the moment after his own snap at the finale of Endgame. The sequence in which Hawkeye and Black Widow fight to keep each other from sacrificing themselves for the Soul Stone is an emotional and well-staged finale to Endgame's second act. He leans in for a kiss, which Valkyrie rebuffs. While "show, don't tell" is one of the golden rules of storytelling, this scene might've interrupted the flow of the movie. She's shot multiple times, getting up after each one to advance towards the edge of the cliff, turning around only once to shoot an alien soldier and save Clint's life before tumbling over. All rights reserved. The Thor trailer takes us to Asgard — and ass-kicking school. One of the ways this is accomplished is by allowing characters to stay in touch across the large distances of the battlefield. T'Challa follows suit, as does Captain Marvel. Once the time heist is underway, Hulk/Bruce Banner's role is to track down the Time Stone during the Battle of New York, which the team assumes is with Dr. Here's Idris Elba as Heimdall, the all-seeing sentry of the Rainbow Bridge.
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