dogged antonym
Dogged antonyms. a pertinacious salesclerk refusing to take no for an answer. Another word for dogged. Synonyms & Antonyms of dogged Delivered to your inbox! Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. He was possessed by the dogged desire to establish the truth of his story. Which of the following is a fruit named after a Moroccan seaport. Not dogged, trapped, made desperate by fate, but cheerfully and of his own free will. “Dogged.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Nglish: Translation of dogged for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of dogged for Arabic Speakers. Some common synonyms of dogged are mulish, obstinate, pertinacious, and stubborn. As it was, she drove him to a dogged pursuit of the man he was convinced was the real culprit. What made you want to look up dogged? "The Signorina is not for him," repeated Gaspare, with a dogged emphasis. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Find another word for dogged. "Ye-es, sir," returned Jerry, in something of a dogged manner. an obstinate proponent of conspiracy theories. "There's nothing like a dogged persistence," said the Russian. While in some cases nearly identical to dogged, pertinacious suggests an annoying or irksome persistence. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? I remember with wonder the sort of dogged fierceness I displayed. The words obstinate and dogged are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. pursued the story with dogged perseverance. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020. Ten years of it—ten years of dogged work and unrelieved failure. While all these words mean "fixed and unyielding in course or purpose," dogged suggests an admirable often tenacious and unwavering persistence. (Entry 2 of 2). Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Dogged: continuing despite difficulties, opposition, or … a mulish determination to have his own way. Top antonyms for dogged (opposite of dogged) are yielding, irresolute and weak. 63 synonyms of dogged from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 175 related words, definitions, and antonyms. The meanings of mulish and dogged largely overlap; however, mulish implies a thoroughly unreasonable obstinacy. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Join our early testers! Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? The synonyms stubborn and dogged are sometimes interchangeable, but stubborn implies sturdiness in resisting change which may or may not be admirable. Specifically, obstinate implies usually an unreasonable persistence. Roger, with dogged thoroughness, followed the trail suggested by Dick. continuing despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement, sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion, showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one's purpose, to subject (someone) to constant scoldings and sharp reminders, 'Cordial': A Word Straight from the Heart. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Who Is The “Jack” In The Term “Jack-o’-lantern,” Anyway? 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Antonyms for dogged include half-hearted, hesitant, yielding, irresolute, undetermined, unsteady, indifferent, soft, surrendering and unreliable. Learn a new word every day. Opposite of having or showing tenacity and grim persistence, Opposite of sticking unreasonably to an opinion, purpose, or course of action, “I have my doubts that you are going to succeed because you seem like a very, Opposite of refusing to change one's position, attitude or opinion, Opposite of making continual and persistent demands, Opposite of extremely persistent and untiring, Opposite of not yielding in strength, severity, or determination, Opposite of passionately motivated to achieve one's goals, Opposite of continuing over a (usually extended) period of time, Opposite of exhibiting passion and enthusiasm, “The author's works were mediocre and could only attract an, Opposite of determined or passionate in interests or endeavors, “Julia had set many goals for herself but appeared, Opposite of spitefully or furiously angry, Opposite of indefatigable, untiring and not yielding to fatigue, Opposite of past tense for to pursue with an intent to catch, Opposite of past tense for to be (constantly) subjected to something unpleasant, Opposite of past tense for to subject (someone) to constant scoldings or harassment, Opposite of tending to work with diligence and commitment. It made a dogged, desperate resistance and was almost unbeatable. Find more ways to say dogged, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


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