Donnybrook Apple Festival; Balingup Small Farm Field Day; Balingup Medieval Carnivale. [7] Many visiting backpackers earn money by picking fruit from orchards in the area between November and June. Donnybrook has many town icons bearing the apple. 1.7 Redundancy Policy. [14], "Landgate History of Country Town Names: D", "South West Life: The Donnybrook Goldrush", "Australia's South West: The Donnybrook Goldrush", "Backpackers Ultimate Guide: Southwest WA", "Biggest Free Entry Fun Park In Australia To Be Built In Donnybrook", "Register of Heritage Places Assessment Documentation",,_Western_Australia&oldid=955110781, Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2016 ID same as Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 May 2020, at 01:01. Member Dave Denholm said prior to construction of this facility, local landholders housed the Beelerup Bush Fire Brigade appliances and brigade equipment on private property. The Centre has plenty of free parking and is open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and on Market days (third Saturday each month). Email * Phone. Anne Mitchell (2021) Shane Atherton (2021) Anita Lindemann (2021) Leanne Wringe (2021) Shane Sercombe (2023) Chris Smith (2023) Chaz Newman (2023) Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Council Executive Team. The Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup was established on 26 March 1970 with the amalgamation of the Shire of Donnybrook and the Shire of Balingup. [3] The eastern part of the town was formerly called Minninup. [13] The tree, believed to originate from 1893 is a landmark within the town. The Shire of Donnybrook Balingup is a local government area in the South West region of Western Australia, about 35 kilometres (22 mi) southeast of Bunbury and about 220 kilometres (137 mi) south of the state capital, Perth. The Shire of Donnybrook was a local government area in Western Australia.It was based in the town of Donnybrook. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this site may contain images of people who are deceased. Atop the east Donnybrook hill is a 20-metre-high (66 ft) tower with an apple at the top. The average rate is then determined by applying the rate in the $ against the value and adding the refuse charge. © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) | WALGA, Don't have an account? As is demonstrated, these Local Government for the most part are small to medium operations whereby non-residential GRV contributions would have a negligible impact compared on presented results compared with the contribution of residential values. These lights have recently been restored. This value is used for each year until a revaluation occurs and a new value is calculated. [7] In 1900, the first Granny Smith apple tree was planted, and the apple orchard industry grew after World War I.[8]. [7][7] During the apple festival, the citizens of Donnybrook gather at Egan Park to celebrate the apple. It was established as the Preston Road District on 10 July 1896. Local Planning Strategies, Schemes and Structure Plans, © Government of Western Australia 2019 to 2020, Protection under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, Report an offence against an Aboriginal Heritage Site, AHA and Regulations complaint registration form, Preserving our Aboriginal sites grants program, Registration of interest to activate and develop Cossack townsite, Registration of interest to activate Unallocated Crown Land (ex Ardjorie Station), Gascoyne regional and sub-regional planning strategies, Future directions for the Shark Bay and Ningaloo Coast regional strategies, State planning policy 6.3 - Ningaloo Coast, Exmouth-Learmonth (North West Cape) Structure Plan, Gascoyne Regional Infrastructure Priorities 2011 Workshop Paper, The Mid West Regional Infrastructure Priorities Project 2010 Workshop Paper, Narngulu Industrial Area Strategic Land Use Directions, Plans, policies and publications for the Pilbara region, Pilbara planning and infrastructure framework, Pilbara Coast - Geology, Geomorphology and Vulnerability, Leeuwin-Naturaliste sub-regional planning strategy, Greater Bunbury regional land supply update 2015, Activity centres for Greater Bunbury policy, Industry 2030 - Greater Bunbury industrial land and port access planning, Basic raw materials Bunbury and Busselton regions, State Planning Policy 2.1 Peel-Harvey coastal plain catchment, State Planning Policy 6.1 Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge, Regional planning and infrastructure frameworks, Rural policies, guidelines and fact sheets, State Planning Policy 2.5 - rural planning, Development Control Policy 3.4 - subdivision of rural land, MRS Minor amendment 1346/57 - Lots 705 – 708 Armadale Road, Treeby, MRS Major amendment 1270/41 - Ocean Reef Marina Redevelopment, MRS Major amendment 1332/41 - Swan Valley Omnibus 1, MRS Major amendment 1313/41 - Midland Freight Rail Realignment, MRS Minor amendment 1328/57 - Hazelmere Enterprise Area Structure Plan – Precinct 7, MRS Minor amendment 1339/57 - North-East and North-West Districts Omnibus 2, MRS major amendments 1323/41 and 1324/41 - Bullsbrook Urban Precinct (South and Central), MRS Major amendment 1325/41 - North Bullsbrook Urban Precinct, MRS Minor amendment 1343/57 - South East and South West Districts Omnibus 3, MRS Major amendment 1138/41 - East Leighton, MRS Minor amendment 1341/57 - Central Districts Omnibus 5, MRS Major amendment 1199/41 - West Perth Regeneration Precinct, MRS Minor amendment 1340/57 - South Forrestdale Business Park Stage 2, MRS Minor amendment 1342/57 - Eric Singleton Reserve And Environs, MRS amendment 1349/27 - Lots 1793-1795 Matison Street, Southern River, City of Gosnells, MRS Minor amendment 1331/57 - Rosehill Waters, City of Swan, MRS Minor amendment 1329/57 - Henley Brook Urban Precinct, MRS amendment 1326/57 - Bullsbrook East, City of Swan, MRS amendments 1348/27 - Hazelmere Enterprise Area Precinct 9A - City of Swan, MRS amendment 1351/27 - Lot 1050 Brindabella Parkway, Alkimos, City of Wanneroo, MRS minor amendment 1347/57 - North Parkerville Urban Area, MRS minor amendment 1333/57 - Bush Forever Omnibus 1 (North), MRS minor amendment 1334/57 - Bush Forever Omnibus 2 (Central), MRS minor amendment 1335/57 - Bush Forever Omnibus 3 (South), MRS Minor amendment 1353/57 - Lot 33 Hopkinson Road, Cardup, MRS amendment 1350/27 - Portion of Mandogalup Precinct, City of Kwinana, MRS amendment 1354/27 - Pt East Wanneroo Cell 2, City of Wanneroo, MRS Minor amendment 1352/57 - Part Lot 799 Katharine Street, Bellevue, MRS minor amendment 1355/57 - Redcliffe Connect Precinct, MRS Minor amendment 1359/57 - Vincent Street, Leederville - Other Regional Roads Rationalisation, MRS Minor amendment 1358/57 - Sawyers Valley Urban Precinct, MRS amendment 1362/27 - Lot 1665 Wanneroo Road, Singara, City of Wanneroo, MRS minor amendment 1360/57 - Normalisation of Armadale Redevelopment Areas, MRS minor amendment 1356/57 - Normalisation of Central Perth and Subiaco Redevelopment Area, MRS Minor amendment 1357/57 Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority Normalisation Midland, MRS Minor Amendment 1361/57 - City of Canning Omnibus 1, MRS Minor amendment 1364/57 - Kwinana Freeway, Mundijong Road, Kulija Road Intersection, MRS minor amendment 1363/57 - Lots 15 and 18 Mason Road, Kwinana Beach, MRS amendment 1371/27 - Belgrade Rd, Wanneroo and portions Belgrade Rd and Steven St, MRS minor amendment 1366/57 - Lot 912 Midland Road, Bushmead, MRS minor amendment 1365/57 – Pt Lot 4 Fern Road and Pt Lot 102 Castledare Place, Wilson, MRS Minor amendments - 1369/57-West Piara Urban Precinct and 1370/57-West Piara High School Site, MRS amendment 1374/27 - North Sinagra Precinct, City of Wanneroo, MRS amendment 1375/27 - Adelaide Street, Hazelmere, City of Swan, MRS Minor amendment 1367/57 – Part Lot 5131 Jandakot Road, Treeby and Surrounds, MRS Minor amendment 1368/57 – Wandi High School Site, MRS amendments 1372/57 Pt Lot 800 Canning Road, Carmel and 1373/57 -Old Railway Reserve, Kalamunda, MRS Minor amendment 1378/57 - Lot 71 Chateau Place and Lot 72 Millhouse Road, Aveley, MRS Minor amendment 1376/57 - Normalisation Wungong, MRS Minor amendment 1377/57 - Forrestfield North Environmental Conservation Areas, Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment pre-lodgement advice, Zones, reservations and bush forever areas, PRS amendment 044/41–Nambeelup North Industrial Zone–Lots 89 & 109 Readheads Road, Nambeelup, PRS Minor amendment 040/57 - Regional Reservations, PRS Minor amendment 042/57 - Lot 1 Napier Road, Oakley – Reconfiguration Of Industrial Zone, PRS Minor amendment 043/57 - Lot 600 Lakes Road, Nambeelup Transfer To Industrial Zone, PRS amendment 046/41-Nambeelup Industrial Zone-Lot 221 and parts of Lot 400 Paterson Road, Nambeelup, PRS minor amendment 041/57 - Public drinking water source protection areas, Zones, reservations and special control areas, GBRS Minor amendment 0044/57 - Department Of Parks & Wildlife, 'Visitor Gateway' Project Koombana Dr, GBRS Minor amendment 0051/57 - Various Lots Jubilee and Jeffery Roads Glen Iris, GBRS Minor amendment 0041/57 - Public Drinking Water Source Protection Areas, GBRS Minor amendment 0042/57 - Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area, GBRS Minor amendment 0046/57 - Bunbury Airport Expansion Offset And Reservation Anomaly, Lot 706 and, GBRS Minor amendment 0047/57 - Lot 6238 Mitchell Road, Benger, GBRS Minor amendment 0049/57 - Lot 2 Prowse Road, Capel, GBRS Minor amendment 0054/57 - Lot 29 Jeffrey Road, Glen Iris, GBRS Minor amendment 0053/57 - Omnibus No 5 - Anomalies amendment, GBRS Minor amendment 0056/57 - Bunbury Turf Club - Lots 4354 and 4440 Bussell Highway, GBRS Major amendment 0060/41 - Waterloo Industrial Expansion Area, GBRS Major amendment 0059/41 - Wanju Urban Expansion Area, Port Hedland West End Improvement Scheme no.1, Draft Ocean Reef Marina Improvement Scheme, District and sub-regional structure plans, Bullsbrook Freight and Industrial District Structure Plan, Burswood Peninsula District Structure Plan, Nambeelup Industrial Area District Structure Plan, Picton Industrial Park district structure plan, Southern River, Forrestdale, Brookdale, Wungong District Structure Plan, Swan Urban Growth Corridor Sub-Regional Structure Plan, Waterloo Industrial Park District Structure Plan, Draft East Wanneroo District Structure Plan, 2020 Western Australian Heritage Award winners, Contribution by a community-based organisation, Contribution by a public or private organisation, Conservation or adaptive reuse of a State Registered Place, The Judges' Award: The Professor David Dolan Award, 2020 Western Australian Heritage Award finalists, 2019 Western Australian Heritage Awards winners, The Judges’ award: The Professor David Dolan award, Developing and maintaining heritage places, How to develop and maintain heritage places, Getting the right advice for heritage development, Heritage trades and professionals directory, Insuring, buying and selling heritage places, Government owned or managed heritage property, The State Register and other heritage listings, Heritage nomination, assessment, registration and current consultations, Wiki Loves Monuments photography competition, Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, Aboriginal Lands Trust Estate and Aboriginal communities, Aboriginal communities and town reserves data, Entry permits for access to Aboriginal Lands, Mining Entry Permit or Consent to Mine application form, Request for rent relief for crown lessee, small business or not-for-profit organisations, Demand, supply, future development and infrastructure, Perth and Peel urban land development outlook, Western Australia Tomorrow population forecasts, Town-based Aboriginal community layout plans, State Planning Policy 3.2 - Aboriginal Settlements, State Planning Policy 2.6 - Coastal Planning, Coastal hazard risk management and adaptation planning guidelines, Coastal management plan assistance program, Swan Valley Planning Act 1995 and interim planning policy, Subdivisions and planning applications overview, SPP 7.3 Residential design codes - Volume 1, Local government guidelines for subdivisional development, FAQs: Initiative C8 - Development Assessment Panels, East of Kwinana and Pinjarra-Ravenswood sectors, Pickering Brook and Surrounds Sustainability and Tourism Strategy, Bayswater Station development application, Better urban forest planning - Perth and Peel, Bentley-Curtin specialised activity centre, Stirling regional centre structure plan review, Planning provisions for affordable housing, Jandakot Eastern Link road alignment selection and road reservation study, Middle Helena catchment area land use and water management strategy, Gosnells dust study - ambient air quality monitoring, Aircraft noise insulation for residential development in the vicinity of Perth Airport, Draft State Planning Policy 2.4 - Basic raw materials, Design WA Stage 1 documents and additional resources, Development control and operational policies, Operational policy 1.1 - Subdivision of land (general principles), Development control policy 1.2 - Development control (general principles), Development control policy 1.3 - Strata titles, Development control policy 1.5 - Bicycle planning, Development control policy 1.6 - Planning to support transit use and development, Development control policy 1.7 - General road planning, Development control policy 1.8 - Canal estates and artificial waterway developments, Development control policy 1.9 - Amendment to region schemes, Development control policy 1.10 - Freeway services centres, roadhouses incl signage, Development control policy 2.2 - Residential subdivision, Development control policy 2.3 - Public open space in residential areas, Development control policy 2.4 - School sites, Development control policy 2.5 - Special residential zones, Development control policy 2.6 - Residential road planning, Development control policy 3.4 - Subdivision of rural land, Development control policy 4.1 - Industrial subdivision, Development control policy 4.2 - Planning for hazards and safety, Development control policy 5.1 - Regional roads (vehicular access), Development control policy 5.3 - Use of land reserved for parks, recreation and regional open space, Development control policy 5.4 - Advertising on reserved land, Draft development control policies 1.2, 1.7, 2.5 and 5.1, Draft development control policy 4.3 - Planning for high-pressure gas pipelines, Draft Operational Policy 2.4 – Planning for school sites, Draft Position Statement: Special entertainment precincts, Position statement - Workforce accommodation, Position Statement: Housing on Lots less than 100m2, Position Statement: Renewable energy facilities, Position Statement - Container deposit scheme infrastructure, Position Statement - Tourism in bushfire prone areas, Draft Position Statement - Fibre Ready Telecommunications Infrastructure, SPP7.3 R-Codes Vol.2 relationship to pre-existing local planning framework, Draft Position Statement - Residential aged care, Position Statement: Planning in bushfire prone areas – demonstrating element 1: location and element, Position Statement: Expenditure of cash-in-lieu of public open space, Street layout, design and traffic management guidelines, Section 126 – Zoning amended by regional planning schemes, Section 76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, Parliament House precinct planning bulletin, Planning Bulletin 10 - Geotechnical reports for subdivisions, Planning Bulletin 33 - Rights of way or laneways in established areas, Planning Bulletin 37 - Draft model text provisions for structure plans, Planning Bulletin 70 - Caretakers dwellings in industrial areas, Planning Bulletin 71 - Residential leasehold estates and developments, Planning Bulletin 72 - Child care centres, Planning Bulletin 80 - Swan Valley Planning Legislation Amendment Act 2006, Planning Bulletin 83 - Planning for tourism, Planning Bulletin 87 - High pressure gas transmission pipelines in the Perth metropolitan region, Planning Bulletin 94 - Approval requirements for public works and development by public authorities, Planning Bulletin 97 - Proposed street tree and utility planning amendments, Planning Bulletin 99 - Holiday homes guidelines, Planning Bulletin 100 - State Planning Policy 3.6 - Development contributions infrastructure, Planning Bulletin 107 - New model subdivision, Planning Bulletin 111 - Planning in bushfire prone areas, Planning Bulletin 112 - Medium-density single house development standards – Development Zones, Planning Bulletin 113 - Multiple dwellings in R40 coded areas and variation to R-Codes standards, Heritage legislation, policies and, guidelines, State register of heritage places development assessment framework, An information guide to conservation management plans, An information guide to conservation management strategies, Statutory orders, notices and public consultations, The Aboriginal Heritage Act reform process, Phase three - final consultation of the Aboriginal Heritage Act review, Phase two - discussion paper of the Aboriginal Heritage Act review, Phase one - consultation of the Aboriginal Heritage Act review, Subscribe to our email newsletters and updates, State Development Assessment Unit overview, State Development Assessment Unit applications, State Development Assessment Unit forms and fees, State Development Assessment Unit - intention to lodge an application form, Request for deputation/presentation to committee form, Resolutions and instruments of delegation, DAPs publications, fees, forms and templates, The Heritage Council of Western Australia, Heritage policies, legislation, guidelines and statutory notices, State Design Review Panel - project review request form, Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup local planning strategy, Lot 108 Kelly Road Donnybrook Structure Plan WAPC ref SPN 0855M-2, Donnybrook-Balingup Meldene Structure Plan WAPC ref SPN 2011.
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