fairy tail acnologia
Acnologia then gives a sly grin as Zeref tells him to wait for the ultimate clash between human, Dragon, and immortal to approach. [35], Acnologia doesn't stay down for long though, as he slashes out at Igneel and takes their battle back up into the sky. Acnologia is one of the main Antagonists in Fairy Tail and perhaps the most powerful being in the Story. For over 400 years then, Acnologia traveled through Earth Land, only known as a fearsome Dragon that single-handed destroyed an entire country. I'm very sure that this power granted him to become the Dragon King. Acnologia became a legend as no one survived an encouter with him and could report to some people. Acnologia apparaît sur l'Ile Tenrô après le départ de Grimoire Heart à cause de leurs actes maléfiques et attaque Fairy Tail. Ce plan est d'enfermer Acnologia dans une brèche qui mène à un monde de limbes temporelles, résultat de l'utilisation d'Eclipse en juillet X777. Il est aussi dit par le Rog du Futur que, dans son futur à lui où Lucy Heartfilia fermait la Porte Éclipse, Acnologia serait le seul dragon à dominer le monde dans les sept années à venir. On apprend également la raison pour laquelle Acnologia n'a jamais régné sur le monde alors qu'il en avait le pouvoir ; à savoir que celui-ci est en attente d'un adversaire à sa hauteur. Acnologia's mouth is full of razor-sharp teeth, and, attached to his chin, is a protrusion that resembles an arrowhead. However, the fact that he had no soul means that Acnologia already has beaten him once. Green (Manga)Blue (Anime) He said himself that he doesnt have one, which is why magic doesnt affect him and why he can devour anykind of magic power. Male Magie du Chasseur de Dragon Il l'attaque à son tour en détruisant le sol à l'endroit où elle se trouve, mais celle-ci parvient à esquiver cette attaque en faisant un joli saut périlleux. However, this desicion sealed also the downfall of the Dragons. The upper half of his body is covered in pitch black, round scalesm which have a blue spiraling muster on it - like in his human form. Acnologia left him to die and flew off but unknown to him, Gildarts survived the onslaught and became credited for being the first human being who ever survived Acnologia's wrath and lived to tell the tale. Le Roi des Dragons planifie de les emprisonner dans des cristaux lacrimas dans les limbes temporelles afin d'unifier et de renforcer sa Magie car lorsqu'il a aspiré la Magie temporelle présente dans les limbes, ça a forcé la séparation de son corps de Dragon et son âme d'humain. 400 years ago, Acnologia was a compassionate and kind man who wanted to protect his people, but felt he did not have the strength to pull off such a feat, and used his healing magic to treat the injured. Ultimately, in a form of irony, despite his inherent hatred for humanity, Acnologia prefers to take on the shape of his old human form in casual instances. When he's in his Dragon form, Acnologia is very destructive and violent, like he was 400 years ago, while in his human form, he remains calm and cool-headed. Chapitre 252 Wanting the dragons to fear and remember him, but having long since forgotten his true name, Acnologia took the name of his city's former protector, using it to inspire fear in his victims. Cette capacité apporte le désespoir pour ceux qui ont la force de le combattre. Before becoming a dragon, Acnologia was a healer and a doctor, and was a gentle, weak soul who wished to become stronger. Elle dit que le petit jeu de la guerre de l'empereur Zeleph doit s'achever ici et maintenant. What I very like are his eyes. [28] However, Acnologia's rampage is temporarily interrupted, as the Fire Dragon Igneel, released from within Natsu's body, attacks him, with an intention to stop his rampage. Élément Cet article ou cette section a besoin de plus de références. As a Dragon Slayer, he suffers from motion sickness due to the incompatible sensory hybridization of human and Dragon physiques. La lumière du sort commence à se répandre un peu partout dans le royaume, ce à quoi les autres mages le remarquent, dont Zeleph. Like I said before, it is not known what kind of element he uses, but his roar looks like he’s Ethernanos in his mouth an releases it when fully charged. With his arm gone and his target slain, Acnologia then leaves Magnolia, too wounded to continue his attack. Manga Debut He is one of the series' main antagonists. He was also one of the few dragons to survive a direct encounter with Acnologia. With Acnologia finally dead, the last of the dragons of Fiore finally fade into extinction, leaving only the seven Dragon Slayers left as the legacy of the once mighty race in that kingdom. Elle lui avoue aussi que sa magie à lui, est vraiment aussi magnifique, contrairement à ce que les rumeurs le disent, et qu'elle vient à comprendre pourquoi Zeleph le craint autant. Caractéristiques He is an incredibly powerful Dragon Slayer who can take on the form of a Dragon and is the self-proclaimed Dragon King. Led by Erza Scarlet, the other members of Fairy Tail return, aiding Natsu in his assault against the Dragon. While a few other Dragons appear somewhat cooperative, harmonious and amicable to humans, Acnologia is extremely inimical, dangerous, malevolent and temperamental towards them so he respectively scrutinizes them as infinitesimal. His eyes have black circles around them and he bears the same light blue markings as he does in his Dragon form. As he nears his destination, both Mages and the Demons take notice of his presence. As a result of this power, Acnologia has been granted extreme longevity and lacks the ability to age which is why he resembles a young man despite being over centuries of years old. Cependant Wendy le sauve et les Sept Chasseurs de Dragon se préparent à affronter le Roi des Dragons. Sollte es dennoch über einen längeren Zeitraum bestehen bleiben, wende dich bitte mit einer kurzen Problembeschreibung an support@fanfiktion.de. He then came upon her wounded body, promising he'll slay every Dragon after he couldn't save her life. Acnologia répond que si elle a l'intention de lui dire de ne pas s'attaquer aux humains, et bien il ne l'écoutera pas.


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