if ( ajax.children.length > 0 ) { owl.owlCarousel({ } else { }); Using a welder, either arc or gas, or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame, except in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter with a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher of not less than 8 ounces capacity. max-width: 728px; (function ($) { innerThumb.height(parentHeight); slideSpeed: 400, (function ($) { (307) 222-8609 These fire restrictions are in addition to the year-round wildfire prevention restrictions on BLM-administered lands throughout Wyoming, which include: Advertisement... Story continues below rewindSpeed: 1000, }); if ( ajax.children.length > 0 ) { }); owl.owlCarousel({ autoPlay: 5000, var parentWidth = "300"; (function ($) { items: 1, $(document).ready(function () { $(window).resize(function(){ Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire or campfire except within agency-provided fire grates at developed recreation sites, or within fully enclosed stoves with a ¼” spark arrester type screen, or within fully enclosed grills, or in stoves using pressurized liquid or gas. var scale = objectWidth / parentWidth; })(jQuery); JACKSON, Wyo. rewindSpeed: 1000, })(jQuery); setTimeout(function () { bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); }, number_show_ads * 1000); dots: false } else { object.height(parentHeight * scale); setTimeout(function () { bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); }, number_show_ads * 1000); } [email protected] owlCarousel.fadeIn(); max-width: 728px; The following persons are exempt from fire restrictions: Advertisement paginationSpeed: 700, “The effects of wildfire can conflict with the wildlife and wildlife habitat purposes of the Game and Fish Commission-owned lands. var animateThumb = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProAnimateThumb"); Use/discharge of explosives of any kind, incendiary devices, pyrotechnic devices, or exploding targets. var ajax = $('.bsa_pro_ajax_load-46'); A red flag warning has been issued for today for portions of Fremont, Lincoln, Sublette, and Sweetwater counties. In light of the recent fires, hot weather, and the excessive amount of dry vegetation throughout the Bighorn Basin, Stage 1 fire restrictions have been implemented by the Bureau of Land Management Lander Field Office in Fremont, Hot Springs and Natrona counties; Worland Field Office in Washakie, Hot Springs and Big Horn counties; and Cody Field Office in Park and Big Horn counties. function bsaProResize() { innerThumb.height(parentHeight); setTimeout(function () { innerThumb.height(parentHeight); Operating any off-road vehicle on public lands unless the vehicle is equipped with a properly installed spark arrester pursuant to 43 CFR 8343.1 (c). }, 700); singleItem : true, Buckrail is a web and mobile-based Entertainment & News media outlet providing Jackson, Wyoming and the surrounding communities with Breaking Local News & Community Updates. bsaProResize(); autoPlayTimeout: 5000, var object = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProItemInner__img"); animateThumb.height(parentHeight * scale); bsaOwlCarousel(); rewindSpeed: 1000, if ( objectWidth < parentWidth ) { setTimeout(function () { bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); }, number_hide_ads * 1000); $(document).ready(function () { $(document).ready(function(){ animateThumb.height(parentHeight); Updated: October 23, 2020 @ 2:20 pm PO Box 7445, Jackson WY 83002. singleItem : true, Box 1210, Cody, WY 82414 1949 Mountain View Dr., Cody, WY 82414, ©2020 BIG HORN RADIO NETWORK | POWERED BY BIG IDEA ADVERTISING, NASA Will Be Making A Major Announcement About The Moon On Monday, Yellowstone’s Newest Attraction? var scale = objectWidth / parentWidth; object.height(parentHeight * scale); bsaProResize(); if ( ajax.children.length > 0 ) { if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) { } var number_hide_ads = "0"; })(jQuery); var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-35'); 930 likes. $(document).ready(function () { width: 100%; The Fremont County Wildland Fire Management Program (Wildfire – Hazardous Fuels) was established to develop a cooperative plan to lessen the likelihood of severe wildland fires in the wildland/urban interface. Wyoming Game and Fish Department have banned all open fires on its land within the Lander Region— Red Canyon, Ocean Lake, Sand Mesa, Whiskey Basin, Inberg/Roy, Chain Lakes, Morgan Creek and Red-Rim Daley Wildlife Habitat Management Areas (WHMAs), and Spence and Moriarity Wildlife Management Area; as well as the several Public Access Areas including Little Middle and North Fork Popo Agie, Luckey Pond and all Wind River access areas near Dubois. } innerThumb.height(parentHeight * scale); } (function($){ }, 100); function bsaProResize() { items: 1, innerThumb.height(parentHeight); — A stretch of warm, dry weather has prompted authorities in Fremont County to issue a red flag warning likely to last through the week as fire danger now ticks to “Very High”. }. FREMONT COUNTY Fire restrictions reported. owlCarousel.fadeIn(); The following agencies provide information about current wildfires in Colorado: Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management .bsaProCarousel-46 { var sid = "35"; animateThumb.height(parentHeight * scale); Low around 30F. object.height(parentHeight); }. var parentHeight = "250"; var parentHeight = "250"; })(jQuery); } else { Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire or campfire except within agency-provided fire grates at developed recreation sites, or within fully enclosed stoves with a ¼” spark arrester type screen, or within fully enclosed grills, or in stoves using pressurized liquid or gas. // autoWidth: true, function bsaOwlCarousel() { } var object = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProItemInner__img"); if ( objectWidth < parentWidth ) { function bsaOwlCarousel() { Discharging a firearm using incendiary or tracer ammunition. if ( objectWidth > 0 && objectWidth !== 100 && scale > 0 ) { Windy with increasing clouds. bsaOwlCarousel(); Operating a chainsaw without a USDA or SAE approved spark arrester properly installed and working, a chemical fire extinguisher of not less than 8 ounces capacity by weight, and one round point shovel with an overall length of at least 36 inches. autoPlay: 5000, }); if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) { if ( crop === "ajax" ) { var crop = "yes"; loop: true, var number_show_ads = "0"; $(window).resize(function(){ For more information on BLM fire restrictions or conditions, visit www.blm.gov/Wyoming-Fire-Restrictions. var owl = $(".bsa-owl-carousel-65"); autoPlayTimeout: 5000, } if ( objectWidth < parentWidth ) { Winds SW at 25 to 35 mph. autoPlayTimeout: 5000, Operating a chainsaw without a U.S. Department of Agriculture or Society of Automotive Engineers approved spark arrester properly installed and working, a chemical fire extinguisher of not less than 8 ounces capacity by weight, and one round point shovel with an overall length of at least 36 inches. }); [email protected] (307) 222-8609 $(window).resize(function(){ }. })(jQuery); } (function ($) { } var scale = objectWidth / parentWidth; GILPIN COUNTY Fire restrictions reported. } else { Sign up for our Buckrail Daily Newsletter to get today's top local news stories delivered to your inbox. bsaOwlCarousel(); } owl.owlCarousel({ var number_hide_ads = "0"; var parentHeight = "250"; var scale = objectWidth / parentWidth; bsaOwlCarousel(); animateThumb.height(parentHeight); })(jQuery); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) { object.height(parentHeight); paginationSpeed: 700, var owl = $(".bsa-owl-carousel-35"); var objectWidth = object.width(); var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-65'); $(document).ready(function(){ } dots: false } else { } bsaProResize(); Using a welder, either arc or gas, or operating an acetylene or other torch with open flame, except in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter with a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher of not less than 8 ounces capacity. var object = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProItemInner__img"); autoPlayHoverPause: false, }); var sid = "65"; var animateThumb = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProAnimateThumb"); Wyoming Fire RestrictionsThe BLM, a leader in the nation’s management of wildland fire, carries out a broad range of actions to protect the public, natural landscapes, wildlife habitat, recreational areas, and other values and resources.Fire Restrictions Guide var parentWidth = "300"; (function ($) { width: 100%; } $(window).resize(function(){ })(jQuery); if ( ajax.children.length > 0 ) { ajax.fadeIn(); var owl = $(".bsa-owl-carousel-42"); object.height(parentHeight); Persons with a permit or letter of authorization specifically authorizing the prohibited act or omission. slideSpeed: 400, var animateThumb = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProAnimateThumb"); }, 700); object.height(parentHeight); })(jQuery); autoPlayHoverPause: false, innerThumb.height(parentHeight * scale); autoPlayTimeout: 5000, var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-46'); var innerThumb = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProItemInner__thumb"); var parentHeight = "250"; Operating any off-road vehicle on public lands unless the vehicle is equipped with a properly installed spark arrester pursuant. Those found responsible for starting wildfires will also face restitution costs for suppressing the fire. (function($){ bsaOwlCarousel(); })(jQuery); loop: true, var parentWidth = "300"; animateThumb.height(parentHeight); // autoWidth: true, bsaOwlCarousel(); Wyo4News is an online media company providing free news and journalism to Sweetwater County and southwest Wyoming. var sid = "42"; ajax.fadeIn(); })(jQuery); Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wildfire Information. loop: true, var object = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProItemInner__img"); BLM High Desert District issues Stage 1 fire restrictions. setTimeout(function () { } if ( objectWidth > 0 && objectWidth !== 100 && scale > 0 ) { var objectWidth = object.width(); var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( objectWidth > 0 && objectWidth !== 100 && scale > 0 ) { width: 100%; var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-42'); animateThumb.height(parentHeight); } } autoPlayHoverPause: false, }); singleItem : true, var innerThumb = $(".bsaProContainer-" + sid + " .bsaProItemInner__thumb"); animateThumb.height(parentHeight); })(jQuery); } }, 700); if ( crop === "ajax" ) { (function ($) { items: 1, If you are interested in joining the VIP Club, fill out the form below! var ajax = $('.bsa_pro_ajax_load-42'); }, 100); } autoPlay: 5000, })(jQuery); Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight. innerThumb.height(parentHeight); dots: false Any federal, state, or local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty. } var owlCarousel = $(".bsaProCarousel-65"); owl.owlCarousel({ var number_show_ads = "0"; setTimeout(function () { bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); }, number_hide_ads * 1000); var crop = "yes"; ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING (August 19, 2020) — Due to dry conditions and high fire danger, the BLM Wyoming High Desert District has implemented fire restrictions for all BLM administered lands within Sweetwater, Unita, Sublette, Teton, Fremont, Lincoln, Albany, Carbon, and Laramie Counties, beginning Wednesday, August 19.
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