U H | Such a mighty effort for such a small return C | It's idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) IDIOT'S DELIGHT is a song written by Joe Grushecky and Bruce Springsteen in July 1995, with Springsteen providing most of the music and Grushecky most of the lyrics. Well the jackals leave here laughing as they slip into the night Thanks Jake (ol'catfishinthelake at BTX and Greasy Lake) for the lyrics corrections. O | Well the jackals leave here laughing as they slip into the night He said what makes them all so stupid, well what I cannot tell Idiot's delight. Idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) google_ad_client = "ca-pub-4576560399495619"; Idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) A | Ha ha ha (hoo-hoo-hoo) Q | Now the jackals leave here laughing as they slip into the night The jackals leave here laughing as they slip into the night You're going to have to wait How something so beautiful turn into an idiot's delight Whoa idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) He said sometimes I get so angry, my blood begins to boil While I watch the evening news See his studio version for more details. But they sure do keep me laughing man Idiot's delight Y | Take it, rhythm! Whoa! B | How did something so beautiful turn into an idiot's delight He said I can't let you in now son The above lyrics are for Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers' cover version of IDIOT'S DELIGHT as released in 1997. Such a might effort Idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) But they sure do keep me laughing man, so what the heck M | W | Maybe I should go down there and show them just a little hell So what the heck R | Data from the www.brucespringsteen.it database, KILLING FLOOR
4 | Idiot's delight Z, 2003-2020 - Lebanese Tribute to Bruce Springsteen. E | google_ad_slot = "0777536578"; google_ad_width = 468; Yeah (hoo-hoo-hoo). The song was released on Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers' 1997 album Coming Home. Idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) Bruce Springsteen lyrics-- Bruce Springsteen shows-- Bruce Springsteen records. Hoo hoo-hoo (hoo-hoo-hoo) The song was released by Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers in 1997. 9 He said sometimes I get so angry For such a small return J | But would they get the message F | How did something so beautiful turn into an idiot's delight I | And the jackals leave here laughing as they slip into the night G Oh what I cannot tell L | /* 468x60, Erstellt 25.10.09 */ Idiot's delight (hoo-hoo-hoo) Maybe I should go down there Idiot's delight, come on, yeah! Yeah yeah yeah (hoo-hoo-hoo) google_ad_height = 60; They don't understand a thing and they ain't got no respect Bruce Springsteen recorded IDIOT'S DELIGHT in studio and performed the song a few times from 1998 onward. And grab yourself a beer My blood begins to boil The song was released on Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers' 1997 album Coming Home. The jackals leave here laughing as they slip into the night He was working at the pearly gates IDIOT'S DELIGHT is a song written by Joe Grushecky and Bruce Springsteen in July 1995, with Springsteen providing most of the music and Grushecky most of the lyrics. IDIOT'S DELIGHT is a song written by Joe Grushecky and Bruce Springsteen in July 1995, with Springsteen providing most of the music and Grushecky most of the lyrics. How did something so beautiful turn into an idiot's delight And show them just a little hell
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