azerbaijan business culture
English is also quite widely spoken and understood in Baku. 1. There are five steps for business registration in Azerbaijan: Step 1: Obtaining the necessary business registration forms. Expats doing business in Azerbaijan will, therefore, find themselves in a friendly and hospitable business environment. When exchanging greetings, men should wait to see if a woman extends her hand. Business attire is formal and conservative. All office personnel speak fluent English and Russian. The Centre can assist with translation. The family forms the basic social structure in Azerbaijan. 2nd Floor, 32 Park Green, 1. Where can I get info on moving to Azerbaijan. Please note that the forms specify the declaration of the company capital. The UK is the single largest investor in Azerbaijan and is well placed to increase its presence. United Kingdom, Email Azeris are tough negotiators, so be prepared to bargain and haggle. Azerbaijani business is hierarchical, with decisions being made by the highest‑ranking person, so you should not expect lower-level staff to have the authority to make decisions. 2. Appropriate topics include for example family, sports and Azerbaijani food and places of interest. By its very nature much of the information in this travel guide is subject to change at short notice and travellers are urged to verify information on which they’re relying with the relevant authorities. The UK Government has advice about travelling during Ramadan. An interpreter may be necessary when conducting business meetings in Azerbaijan. For more information, please, visit:, Sustainable Development and Corporate Impact,, Globe Media cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or inconvenience to any person as a result of information contained above. They often begin with some small talk to establish a relationship. One of the striking parts of Azerbaijan culture is the tea drinking rituals. The documents are in Azerbaijani, and are supplied with instructions. Russian is also widely spoken. This is carried through into business dealings. Despite regulatory improvements and legislative reforms, corruption also continues to plague the country and can affect business dealings. It is necessary to verify the completeness of the submission at the Centre. The Centre will explain how to easily pay the registration costs. Follow Us A community built resource for cross-cultural etiquette and understanding This is carried through into business dealings. According to the European Azerbaijan Society, as far as the process of creating a limited company, known as Məhdud Məsuliyyətli Cəmiyyət (MMC) in Azerbaijani, is very simple. Expat Arrivals is looking for locals to contribute to this guide, and answer forum questions from others planning their move to Azerbaijan. If they fail to do so, the Fiscal Administration authorities will be informed of the location and will generally levy a habitation tax on the letting agent. The forms can also be downloaded at Orientation Identification. Business hours are usually Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm. Become our local expat expert for your area! The economy is centred on the country’s oil and gas industry and it is within this sector that most foreigners will find themselves working in Azerbaijan. In Azerbaijani business culture, meetings can start later and go for on longer than scheduled. Although English is increasingly being used in business, it is not common and it’s best to hire an interpreter when doing business in Azerbaijan. The issue of Azerbaijan’s relationship with Albania and ongoing conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region should also be avoided. Visit: for more information. Many local companies will have some form of political patronage providing protection from the difficult business climate. It is important to invest time and make an effort to create a rapport with your business partners in order to establish personal relationships, which are essential when conducting business in Azerbaijan. It is worth saving electronic versions of the documents on a USB key so they can be easily modified, if necessary. Copyright © 2016 Globe Media Ltd. All rights reserved. Do learn a few key phrases in either Azeri or Russian, as English is not widely spoken outside of the oil and gas sector, and an interpreter may be required when conducting business in Azerbaijan. 5. Arrange meeting schedules around two weeks before arrival, and confirm closer to the visit, reconfirming the day prior to the scheduled time. We are looking for contributors to help make this the ultimate guide for expats. Some letting agents are reluctant to sign domiciliation authorization documents. No related content found. But first, establishing a friendly relationship is paramount to doing business in Azerbaijan. Be aware that as Azerbaijan is a conservative, hierarchical society, it is considered important to create a good impression, for example by dressing smartly and being punctual. Don’t discuss politics with local business associates; criticism of the leading regime should be avoided at all costs. Document 7 (Confirmation of registration fee payment) can be obtained from a branch of Kapital Bank, the headquarters of which is near the 28 May Commercial Centre in Central Baku. Tea … Despite high oil revenues, the gap between rich and poor has widened and wealth is increasingly held in the hands of a small elite. Azerbaijani companies will often not respond to emails or phone calls. As family is a very important part of Azerbaijani culture, greetings should include a reference to this. Azerbaijani business is hierarchical, with decisions being made by the highest‑ranking person, so you should not expect lower-level staff to have the authority to make decisions.


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