intensity equation
Example: (diode OR solid-state) AND laser [search contains "diode" or "solid-state" and laser], Example: (photons AND downconversion) - pump [search contains both "photons" and "downconversion" but not "pump"]. Samuel J. Ling (Truman State University), Jeff Sanny (Loyola Marymount University), and Bill Moebs with many contributing authors. 2001; Kondorskaya & Shebalin, 1982). 8 (left panels). D. Bindi, S. Parolai, A. Oth, K. Abdrakhmatov, A. Muraliev, J. Zschau, Intensity prediction equations for Central Asia, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 187, Issue 1, October 2011, Pages 327–337, 2004). Khalturin K. The parametric regressions are performed considering different measures of the source-to-site distance, namely the hypocentral, epicentral and the extended distance metrics. In particular, different evidences suggest that the magnitude of this event could be overestimated by about half a magnitude unit. The transport-of-intensity equation (TIE) is one of the most well-known approaches for phase retrieval and quantitative phase imaging. Notice that the central peak is much brighter than the others, and that the zeros of the pattern are located at those points where \(sin \, \beta = 0\), which occurs when \(\beta = m\pi\) rad. The median of the LH distribution is 0.49, and considering that the absolute value of the mean and median of the normalized residuals are 0.42 and 0.37, respectively, the NS75 model is ranked in the intermediate prediction capability class (Scherbaum et. To evaluate the impact of the point source assumption when using epicentral of hypocentral distance, regression (5) is repeated considering an approximation of RJB as distance measure. Simple Transport of Intensity Equation Phase Unwrapper (stiepu.m) version (1.86 KB) by Birk Andreas. The error distributions do not show clear spatial patterns, with positive and negative values located in immediate vicinity to each other. and Chao Zuo1,2,3,7, 1School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, No. Equation \ref{eq20} and Equation \ref{4.2} can be used to determine the intensity once the angle has been worked out. The transport-of-intensity equation (TIE) is one of the most well-known approaches for phase retrieval and quantitative phase imaging. This results in \(I_2 = 0.016 I_0\). 3, middle panel) and the best sampled intensity interval is ranging from 4 to 6 (Fig. al. Tagung der Europäischen Seismologischen Kommission vom 24.9. bis 30.9.1962, Institut für Bodend ynamik und Erdbebenforschung in Jena, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, The comparison of macroseismic intensity scales, Seismic hazard of the Central Asia region, in, S-wave attenuation characteristics beneath the Vrancea region in Romania: new insights from the inversion of ground-motion spectra, The attenuation of seismic intensity in Italy, part I: theoretical and empirical backgrounds, The attenuation of seismic intensity in Italy, part II: modeling and validation, Methods for the Detailed Study of Seismicity, Origins and methodology of the Russian Energy K-Class System and its relationship to magnitude scales, On the use of response spectral-reference data for the selection and ranking of ground-motion models for seismic-hazard analysis in regions of moderate seismicity: the case of rock motion, Attenuation of macroseismic intensity: a new relation for the Marmara Sea region, northwest Turkey, New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement, © The Authors Geophysical Journal International © 2011 RAS, Three-dimensional forward modeling of gravity field vector and its gradient tensor using the compact difference schemes, Records of the Laschamps geomagnetic polarity excursion from Black Sea sediments: magnetite vs greigite, discrete sample vs U-channel data, On the use of adjoints in the inversion of observed quasi-static deformation, Internal structure of the San Jacinto fault zone at the Ramona Reservation, north of Anza, California, from dense array seismic data, High-coercivity magnetic minerals in archaeological baked clay and bricks, Volume 223, Issue 3, December 2020 (In Progress), Volume 223, Issue 2, November 2020 (In Progress), Geomagnetism, Rock Magnetism and Palaeomagnetism, Marine Geosciences and Applied Geophysics, Non-parametric versus parametric regressions, Parametric models for epicentral distance, Parametric models for extended rupture distance,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2020 The Royal Astronomical Society.


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