He has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. It is my privilege and honor to serve God in my writing ministry. I am thankful that God can use me to share His Word. Your email address will not be published. – Psalm 137:2-4 (NIV). "Rejoice before Yahweh your God" is an oft-repeated phrase in De with reference to the sacrificial feast (e.g. Both involve the emotions, both are pleasurable feelings, and both are mentioned in Scripture in passages that equate the two. In the Old Testament joy (Heb. The problem with these statements is that they simply aren’t true. Only Jesus gives that joy. If you’ve found our resources to be helpful, we invite you to consider making a one-time or recurring donation. If you love someone, don’t you feel something? Thank you for reading and commenting. Great article, Robert! There’s a long rich, history of equating joy with happiness in Christ. An ungrounded, dangerous separation of joy from happiness has infiltrated the Christian community. Great thanks and may His mercies and grace strengthen you in Jesus name….Amen, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Previous post: What Is The Role of a Christian Grandfather or Grandmother? 4. In the dark days of disappointment that succeeded the crucifixion, the joy of the disciples passed under a cloud, but at the resurrection (Luke 24:41) and still more on the day of Pentecost it emerged into light, and afterward remained a marked characteristic of the early church (Acts 2:46; 8:39; 13:52; 15:3). He protects the souls of those who follow Him; He rescues them from the devices of the wicked. expressions are of frequent occurrence (e.g. The apostle Paul wrote these words to Christians: “Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth” (Romans 14:22). Such noble and vivid anthropomorphisms are a nearer approach to the truth than the abstract doctrine of the impassibility of God which, owing to Platonic influences, dominated theology of the early Christian centuries. Modern distinctions between happiness and joy are completely counterintuitive. Thank you again for contributing to us all something that we take for granted but need to understand just how valuable it is. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. What is the path of life that God has for you? And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Secular successes are regarded as unexpected benefits from God. “happiness.”, photo credit: Осень в миниатюре via photopin (license). God bless you. I googled “define joy,” and the first result was this dictionary definition: “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” This definition harmonizes with other dictionaries and ordinary conversations, yet it contradicts countless Christian books and sermons. We can discover some very important principles by categorizing joy verses. Sometimes our emotions are pleasant to experience and sometimes not. Put simply, this verse says, victories are good, glory is great, and splendor and majesty are their results, but my joy comes when I spend time in God’s presence. However, one warning must be issued. Very good article. Peter and John found their scourging an occasion for "rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name" ( Acts 5:41 ).Suffering brings joy as believers are united with Christ in his suffering ( 1 Peter 4:13-14 ).Paul speaks of his joy in the midst of affliction ( 2 Cor 7:4-16 ). Many times our lack of joy is simply doubt concerning the promises and provisions of God. The commonest is simchah (1 Samuel 18:6, etc. Joy comes when we have a clear direction for our life. – Psalm 119:23-24 (The Voice), Even when David’s enemies were hunting him down and closing in, he was able to compose joyful psalms of praise to God. God bless you. What does the Bible say? I really appreciate the connection between the two kinds of joy – one flows out of the other, and the other develops as we practice the one. It’s true indeed that through times of difficulties our joy with can’t be snatch. J. Moltmann, Theology and Joy; W. G. Morrice, Joy in the New Testament. Tony Parker. Celebrate the Eternal God, all you who are faithful; offer thanks to His holy name. (Or just wondering where I found this information?) The Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology defines joy as “happiness over an unanticipated or present good.”[viii] The Dictionary of Bible Themes defines happiness as “a state of pleasure or joy experienced both by people and by God.”[ix] Happiness is joy. It is both exemplified in the life and character, and set forth in the teaching of Jesus. The woman rejoices upon finding the lost coin ( 15:8-10 ). What is the key to experiencing joy in the Christian life? I have a very loving little dog we named Joy as she brought much of that to us at Christmas 2009. . Psalm 119 is one of the Bible verses about joy that adds some important principles about following God, and being honest with following the scripture. For this reason, we can establish our principles of joy from the Psalms, then finding corresponding Bible verses about joy in other sections. In the times of King Hezekiah, the Israelites rededicated themselves to God and we read, “So there was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the time of Solomon the son of David king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem” (II Chronicles 30:26 ESV). Your comments me so much to me, they are always an encouragement. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. – Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV).
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