Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Two other must-pack items for safety, especially if you’re travelling solo: a safety whistle and a doorstop. This is a post of first impressions, and that’s it. Is Ukraine Safe for Travelers Right Now. I’d checked Global Affairs Canada — our answer to the American State Department — daily, waiting to see the magic words I knew would be there: There is no nationwide advisory in effect for Ukraine. Basically, everything is manageable, even if you only speak a few words of Russian or Ukrainian (either language seems to do: we actually met full-time residents of Kiev that ONLY speak Russian…no Ukrainian!). But apparently quite a few people do. Click here to get an offer for travel insurance. For a lot of our readers, I think they’re like us in that they want to go to off-the-beaten-path destinations, but are cautious and only have limited vacation time, meaning practicalities matter! Less than USD $10.00. And say what you will about Uber, but being able to do everything from an app (at least in Kiev, the only city with Uber so far), in our own language, completely changes travel: no more gesturing; handing taxi drivers an address that, for some reason, they never seem to know; getting taken for a ride to run up the meter; or fighting over change. But there are also some really cool-looking Soviet buildings, built to a massive scale unlike anything we’ve seen before. We bought a tube of Sensodyne toothpaste the other day, and it cost us about $2 Canadian / $1.50 US. Those are great tips. Alcohol and travel can feel like a natural combo – after all, it’s fun to try some local beers with all the new friends you’re meeting – but it’s far too easy to go overboard and get yourself into trouble. His travel advice and musings have been featured in high-profile publications like NBC News, Lonely Planet, Mic, and many more. Very homely and open-minded people. I can’t get my visa crap sorted here in Germany and no better place to spend a few months exploring than Ukraine (and it is easy on the wallet as yall noted!) Ukraine is really, really, really big. Despite all the s**t that does happen – and yes, our collective cup does seem to runneth over with poop these days – what we’ve actually seen and experienced on our travels is that places we thought might be scary (Colombia, parts of Mexico, and yes – Ukraine) have turned out to be not scary at all. Or a taxi shouldn’t cost that much. Violence can, unfortunately, happen anywhere – and sadly has recently in many much more traditional tourist destinations such as Paris and the UK. As we were a bit nervous about Ukraine, and wondered if Ukraine is safe right now, we used more sources than usual before booking our flights! Separatists forces backed by Russia also started a war in the far eastern portions of Ukraine, leading to international condemnation and sanctions against Russia. If you are thinking about traveling to Ukraine, you should read the latest travel warnings from the US and UK governments. We got a freelance visa in Czech Republic that wasn’t too difficult if you’re looking for another Euro base – happy to answer any Qs about that! Cheap. That is the cheapest tube of Sensodyne we’ve ever bought. Regarding separatists and war, it’s all politics, and if you are not a civic activist, and aggressively politically-minded personality you may just relax and enjoy discovering this amazing ancient city. The night before we left Budapest, neither of us could sleep. Learn how you can get a free Lonely Planet Ukraine ebook! While I’ve definitely been willing to push the envelope a bit in terms of travel to places with travel warnings (like Egypt and Abkhazia), I just really hadn’t considered Ukraine to be a dangerous destination. to check out Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Podilski Tovtry National Park during our 9 weeks in the west. Basically, we arrived with no idea what to do, and just sort of walked around stumbling upon cool things. When it comes to protecting gear and electronics: We’ve read mixed reviews on the safety of drinking water in Ukraine, and from what we gather, the quality varies a lot from city to city. No one speaks English, so if you don’t speak Ukrainian or Russian, good luck! Love the People and the place. But, if you are comfortable traveling to other European destinations, you’re likely to feel perfectly safe in Kiev, Lviv, and the areas of Ukraine you’re likely to visit anyway. It truly feels like you can’t walk for more than a few blocks in central Kiev without running into a jaw-droppingly gorgeous golden onion-domed church. I look forward to reading your other Ukraine posts now I have found your website!! I’ve been to Kyiv well over ten times and it’s one of the safest cities in the western world. Out and about in Kiev, we can definitely tell Ukraine is fighting a war. While we’re not going to book a trip to Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan or Iraq anytime soon, we also don’t believe that the entire world is a big, bad scary place. Cheers, Mark, Thank you Katie for the very informative blog post. When it comes to crime, you should try and lay low and refrain from showing the fact that you’re a tourist or your belongings. It’s my second home. But the truth is, we had no idea what to expect arriving in Kiev and read quite a few accounts from fellow travellers who didn’t exactly paint a positive picture of the place. Before our trip to Ukraine, we read the following posts about travel in the country: We also used the Facebook Group Travel to Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Former USSR to crowdsource thoughts from people who had recently travelled through different regions. As for violent crime, it has been on the rise in Central Kyiv, especially after dark. Your email address will not be published. Speaking of prices…some of the prices are actually mind boggling for us. Actually, it’s a nice looking city, with hideous spots and beautiful spots alike. Kiev is over 700 kilometers away from Donetsk and Lviv is more than 1,200 kilometers away. There is always something to see, be it a gig, a play, an exhibition or other entertainment. At Maidan, where the latest revolution (and the one before that) happened, there are signs everywhere of those who lost their lives, and the violence that happened back in 2014 through to the war that continues today: memorials with the victims’ pictures, dates of their lives and deaths, and flowers and candles. We have a good number of Expat community that live in Ukraine. Many people adore living in Kyiv, even though it’s sometimes dangerous: the costs are low, the people are friendly, and the city has a lot to offer. Learn how your comment data is processed. Next time we’re in Canada, I will probably pick-up a Steripen UV Water Purifier to assuage my guilt, and kick plastic water bottles to the curb once and for all. Worth. So while it’s clear there is a war happening, there aren’t any other signs of it in the capital, at least as far as we could see as casual visitors. I also have quite a few books (fiction and non-) on my reading list for the time we’re here. In many ways it feels like you are in a smaller version of an Italian city or Vienna. But if you’re looking for something organised to do, they seem to be a good bet (and you can check Trip Advisor reviews for Active Ukraine here – they have tours all around the country). Despite several ceasefire attempts, the war continues to this day, although it has settled into something a stalemate as of the summer of 2017. The fighting is contained on the Eastern borders, but although life continues in the capital it is a surreal experience for the visitor, to experience both war and peace in Kiev. Gold star for you? Wandertooth focuses on making insanely useful travel guides written by local experts – helping you make the most of your vacation time! I am very keen to try this :) Thanks for sharing the information and also my website! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Thanks for the comment. But in addition to those gems, the Internet seems to be rife with outdated warnings about the city: You’ll get ripped off by taxi drivers in Kiev, for sure!
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