In Portugal, it was once said the cat will afflict the baby with a wart or mole, usually a hairy one, and in England, it was thought the baby will either be born with a cat-shaped birthmark or with the face of a cat. In flash photographs, odd-eyed cats typically show a red-eye effect in the blue eye but not in the other eye. (A Siamese one, of course.) Meanwhile, up north, every Norwegian Forest Cat is supposedly thought to be either a fairy or a goblin in disguise—and the difference can be ascertained if you stare into their eyes. Millennials will never be too old for Lisa Frank, especially when the artist’s playful designs come in a relaxing activity book. Sign Up Today: Get exclusive deals, product news, reviews, and more with the Mental Floss Smart Shopping newsletter! Basically, if a cat does anything, it’s gonna rain. Many sailors and fishermen also think that if a cat falls overboard, a storm will show up and the ship will be capsized. At wakes and funerals, to protect the poor deceased’s soul from the wily Cat Sìth, various distractions were supplied to deter or distract it, such as catnip or loud music. As well, if a cat continually looks out a window on any day, rain is on the way, and some say that when a cat sleeps with all four paws tucked under its body, it will rain. Finally, in China, the older and gnarlier a cat gets, the luckier it's said to become. In this way, it’s thought, the spirit of the old king is able to witness the coronation, through the cat’s eyes. Also, if two cats were seen fighting on a grave during a funeral or near a dying person, it was believed that they were, in fact, an angel and a devil fighting over that person’s soul—in cat form. It doubles as a keychain, so owners have no excuse to forget to feed their pet. To learn more about Fancy Feast's Feastivites Advent Calendar, head on over to Chewy. It's said the cat's eyes act as windows to the fairy world (or goblin world, which are possibly the same world), and if you peer through them, you can see visions of the magical realm beyond. The maneki-neko (“beckoning cat”) is an iconic Japanese talisman that, it’s believed, brings good fortune to its owner, usually in the form of cash. Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, which means the pop culture they grew up with is officially retro. (Also, don't be surprised to find your actual cat making its way into the middle of your tree; they're known climbers.). In the American South, it was thought that anyone who drowned a cat would be punished by the Devil himself (for the lesser crime of kicking a cat, he’d just give you rheumatism). An odd-eyed cat is a cat with one blue eye and one green, yellow or brown eye. When a family cat passed on, the whole clan went into mourning. Iceland, for all of its twee elven aesthetic and excellent quality of living, has some pretty savage Christmas stories. One of the cats tells the man to "Tell Tommy Tildrum that Timmy Toldrum is dead." Finally, at the end, the man asks his wife if she knows who Tommy Tildrum is, so he can tell Tommy that Timmy has died, whereupon the cat cries out in the King’s English: "What? Cats pop up in many religions as well, as both angelic and devilish figures. This one comes to you from the Bible. Old Tim dead? No matter what generation you belong to, consider these gifts when shopping for the Millennials in your life this holiday season. THEY’LL STEAL YOUR BABY’S BREATH. For centuries, folks in England believed that a cat is liable to … Medieval people thought that cats were the Devil’s personal soul courier, ferrying spirits to Hell. The couple ignores him, and they continue discussing the strange occurrence, amidst the racket. This Tamagotchi is a smaller, simplified version of the original game. However, if you didn’t leave a saucer of milk for the sorceress, you’d be cursed and all your cows’ milk would dry up. The tapetum lucidum produces eyeshine in both eyes but in the non-blue eye a layer of melanin over the tapetum lucidum selectively removes some colors of light (see Tapetum lucidum). (Farmers tell this tale to their workers as an incentive to finish processing wool before autumn comes, so everyone can get their new clothes made before the slob-eating Christmas Cat shows up.) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The odd-eyed coloring is caused when either the epistatic (dominant) white gene (which masks any other color genes and turns a cat completely white) or the white spotting gene (which is the gene responsible for bicolor and tuxedo cats) prevents melanin granules from reaching one eye during development, resulting in a cat with one blue eye and one green, yellow or brown eye. The days of recording mix tapes don’t have to be over. [3], The odd-eyed coloring is caused when either the epistatic (dominant) white gene (which masks any other color genes and turns a cat completely white)[4] or the white spotting gene (which is the gene responsible for bicolor and tuxedo cats)[5] prevents melanin (pigment) granules from reaching one eye during development,[3] resulting in a cat with one blue eye and one green, yellow or brown eye. a witch) who went sailing with her fiancé, sneezes within earshot of the bride on her wedding day, Satan was thrown out of Heaven around the end of summer he landed in the blackberry brambles, tall tales in the Pueblo and Navajo country in northern Mexico and Arizona described a living, moving, breathing cat-shaped cactus, act as windows to the fairy world (or goblin world, which are possibly the same world). For the 24 days leading up to Christmas, your cat will get to enjoy a variety of different wet foods, including favorites like grilled salmon, chicken, and more. Many cultures think that a polydactyl cat (one with extra toes) is a good-luck charm, and it’s said that early sailors who sojourned to America routinely brought many-toed cats with them to ensure safe travels, which is why there’s still an influx of polydactyl cats in New England today. A gold-trimmed cat was present at the crowning of the current Thai King, Bhumibol Adulyadej, in 1950. that a cat who claws at the curtains or the carpets is predicting windy weather. This vinyl Reptar figurine from Funko is as cool as anything you’d find in the rugrats’ toy box. It only rarely occurs in cats that … It only rarely occurs in cats that lack both the dominant white and the white spotting gene.[4]. Egyptians considered them deities, and killing a cat was punishable by death. Once his work was done, the creature would return to the beginning of the circuit, get drunk on the pulque inside the cacti, then go around causing trouble in the region, swiping at cowboys and leaving telltale red welts. Fans that read every book in R.L. [4] White cats with one or two blue eyes do, however, have a higher incidence of genetic deafness, with the white gene occasionally causing the degeneration of the cochlea, beginning a few days after birth. But this giant, bloodthirsty cat-monster isn’t looking to make naughty children into his meal, as you might expect. It’s said in England that a cat who claws at the curtains or the carpets is predicting windy weather, and the Welsh believed rain was coming when a cat’s pupil broadened. About a century ago, tall tales in the Pueblo and Navajo country in northern Mexico and Arizona described a living, moving, breathing cat-shaped cactus, with needles in place of fur and two sharp blades for forelegs. In 1917, the government of Turkey, in conjunction with the Ankara Zoo, began a meticulous breeding program to preserve and protect pure white Turkish Angora cats with blue and amber eyes, a program that continues today, as they are considered a national treasure.
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