It was clearly not the best one in terms of family relationships but he had a free place where to live and free food. on par with the female co-stars I mentioned before. That’s the best. it’s disappointing and frustrating. I guess people like you who dislike the development of Itaewon Class are very young and have a limited life experience of going through hardships, working hard and having success or failures ,having responsabilities and making decisions. I only feel sad for Geun Soo because I feel sorry that Yi Seo doesn’t like him,but oh well,he probably biased me a little,but oh well. Not consistent with his character. Park Seo Joon has had great chemistry with all his female co star but in drama its felt like he didn’t with both the actresses. I felt the same ,what are you favorite drama’s ? Ma Hyunyi misunderstands. In all i think “iteawon class” could have been much better.. Good analysis, and I really agree with you. There was absolutely NO reason for him to betray Saeroyi like that and it was a really terrible plot point, tbh. The second half was so rushed, full of clichés. U just didn’t want to see geun soo as the bad guy but u know what they actually followed what was in the webtoon. All the way from ep 1 til now I’m waiting for the moment that I will say ‘wow’ as my friends told me so.. but I didn’t see or feel it in any episodes. i also found it frustrating how the writer suddenly shifts the love interest of sae ro yi with yi seo were from the beginning, he was so much interested with soo ah. But considering the first half.. He was too good for both girls. And yes there’s no chemistry between PSJ and KDM to be forced together suddenly to be in a romantic relationship. It was ok at first but got so ugh after Geun-soo became a nasty guy all of a sudden (not to mention the last two episodes, I had to skip forward so many times). Geun-soo is a smart, loving kid during the entire series who knows better than behaving like his brother. But for me he is a lot better in WWWSK. I really hate her ever since she accepted the scholarship and started working in jangga. Honestly, I am just watching the show because first, I really liked Park Seo Joon from WWWSK with Park Min Young. Btw where in twitter, u guys discuss abt kdrama??? he just said I am a business man, let’s do business and he walked off. I might not like such characters but I do admire her from background. Saeroyi nursing a heartbreak and Yi-Seo being a bit manipulative. She couldn’t afford to hire someone to collect money for her? A couple of times in the entire drama is fine, and if Itaewon is small this may be believable. It is just really good at the beginning. I agree with a lot of things you said. i do not know as of writing this the exact way that they ended the drama but I am most upset with geun soo’s characterization. 5) Soo-ah waited more than 10 years for Saeroyi because Saeroyi promised once he got rich, he would be with her. Like others, I want to stop at episode 13. If you don’t know, the writer of the webcomic is the same one who wrote the drama. I have watched so many Kdramas better than IC; perhaps that’s the reason why I was not satisfied with the whole plot itself. I was also heavily disappointed with what they did with Geunsoo. Gosh girl, why do u have to bring that. I don’t know, i feel like people who are trashing Itaewon Class are just agreeing with what a small amount of people think. Thank you for your review. He opened a restaurant in Itaewon named "Danbam". Well its supported by netflix, what can u say? i truly agree with your review. And for me, after Soo Ah brought down Jangga ,she herself exposed the true reason behind her actions and all her motivation was paying back the debt she felt that she had towards Sae-Ro-Yi’s father so in the end it all came down to her. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. IC was good for me, overall, but certainly not one of my favorites. Tho i kind of understand she’s just doing her job but??? Tags. His character is really amazing and how he delivers it. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is why I gave the first half of the drama a lot of praise. At the end it seems this drama just wanted to touch on as many ‘controversial’ topics as possible just for the sake of it? I did a bit of googling about some details in London during this story setting and Pretty Woman musical is actually going to be shown there. At first, I was excited because Feelings were a tricky thing. There are things he notice about her. Mantenha a Casa Arrumada Enquanto Eu Estiver Fora by wxuxi Fandoms: 이태원 클라쓰 | Itaewon Class (TV) General Audiences; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; F/M; Complete Work; 12 Jun 2020. I didn’t get why Soo Ah didn’t change jobs after some years of experience at the best food company in the country, considering she was good at her job so she wouldn’t have had any issues finding a new one. Now, I know my standards are not Or the one where they meet in a wedding. That was awesome for me and made her character ten times more loveable to me. Same here. فولیتو فروشگاه رسمی و مرکزی انتشارات فولیتو. I didn’t see that shift as clearly as I had wished, and then we suddenly jump 4 years later and it seems like she’s this mature watered-down version of her old self, she lost her spark… what happened? We saw no signs of anything beyond a brotherly relationship yet suddenly he just snaps and realizes its been her all along, how? Mrs Kim was a “convenient” character who collects debts yet is filthy rich. Hmm.. All in all, i love this drama because i love park seo joon, and also kim da mi and the whole cast. As “Itaewon Class” second half Hello , Please consider turning it on! What the hell did she hang out around a backstreet alley going from place to place collecting money for. I hope I can share my thoughts here when I finish watching the drama. I honestly stopped watching at ep 10 when it was obvious that Geun Soo was irredeemable and just full out going against someone whome he, until very recently, truly admired and respected for not just being a good person in general, but a good older brother figure to him. It was weird to see them together because I still saw them as brother and sister, even though she had a crush on him. Second, two of my friends recommended it to me saying it was a really nice drama and it’s Park Seo Joon’s best performance. Like you I was dissatisfied with the storyline as it ends. there was also no need for guen soo as an antagonist. we may have seen the growth on yiseo but even at the end, she’s still full of insecurities and childishness. This is why “Itaewon Class” will Yi seo also was annoying from the start, whenever sae royi had to go somewhere or received a phone call. Legit good actors and actresses. He likes her, she hates him, but they're both angry and need something to take that sharp edge away. On the other hand, Yi-seo was not my favorite character either and I think she never really grew up. She’s a traitor. What once knew and liked for no obvious reason. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It’s too childish for me. I didn’t like Yi-Seo and Saeroyi pairing either. So upsetting! The writers get tired and opt out. But then I would rather finish what I’ve started watching. In this case yi seo never asked for sae ro yi to love her. I couldn’t believe other viewers didn’t see what I saw. I agree particularly in the part of From Friends to Lovers, this is so really out of character of Saeroyi. One more thing I would add is, did anyone else notice just how many times the characters conveniently bumped into each other?? me. Then the unbelievable kidnapping. In addition, I like the character of Park Seo-ro yi that he has a strong personality and won’t get influenced easily, even his feeling. And yes the lead pair had no charm, chemistry and i definitely didn’t ship them. She intrigued him. Yiseo had always been the one to take initiative in their relationship until things changed. Agree also on no spark for Park Seo Joon and Kim Da Mi. Oh well, just charge it to experience. of events has to be this; we went from one theme to a completely different Episode 16 was boring and the Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Sigh. I dunno. Using the girl as his motive was definitely not satisfying enough since he has been shown to be more mature than that and has disliked his father’s family from the beginning. I did also feel the entire show could have ended a lot earlier, and maybe if it had, it wouldn’t have ended in such disappointment. He could have been used for a much greater purpose while staying true to his character. Also, being so strong and so independent and so confident, wouldn’t someone like that move on other than stick around and being clingy? Park seo joon is really a great actor, his acting really reflect the sadness and firmness in his belief of the character. I’m also disappointed to see that Toni didn’t have much relevance in the story. became apparent that the writer was inexperienced and has a comic-writing instead of taking the car into safety, or arriving there before the police when Their relationship should have remained completely platonic. The first 9 episodes really showed promise. yea and i mean Jangga is a billion dollar company running a 5-star restaurant in Itaewon, yet Soo-anh carried an empty bucket to DanBam to ask for ice. Did she ever learn that she shouldn’t use people or take advantage of her loved ones and people who cares for her? But not a couple of times PER episode, and not everywhere from the streets of Itaewon, to the Jangga and IC offices, to Pujin, to a random zebra crossing. I found the second half of “Itaewon Class” to be disappointing and I know that’s a very big word that I don’t take lightly. U just dontvknow how they’ll be developed. That was such bad script writing. abandoned by his father, I was surprised because our main antagonist is now So these are my thoughts on the drama. Its just that i hate that they made him bad when in fact he’s this cute lil innocent guy. Overall, “Itaewon Class” second Sure they didn’t have money, but she could have worked ad honorem or take a cut pay until the company got some investment. “Itaewon Class” has finally wrapped up its run, it’s been a fun ride but not without its share of a few disappointments here and there. I also hate the fact that she have to wait for sae ro yi to get her out of jangga when she could have done it herself. I felt the same too, especially the romance part – pairing. No, she only stopped because she realized how much Saeroyi despised that so she stopped.
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