The La Strada Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. GradeSaver, 28 May 2017 Web. Zampano begins to walk away as The Fool tells him he broke his watch. He slaps her when she refuses to help him. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are able to see the multitude of feeling within her; from the loss of her family, to the excitement of this new adventure, as well as her fear. When she takes over making soup Zampano begins, for the first time, to express how he feels. While they eat dinner, Zampano tells Gelsomina to play the trumpet for the sister. Zampano in a fit of rage searches for The Fool, and Fellini shows us that the animal has been unleashed in Zampano as he prowls around outside the main tent of the circus seeking to destroy the man. Fellini shows us that the attainment of a dream requires hardship, and there are many conflicts and dangers that will challenge our ability to continue on and find the joy we believe life has to offer for the fulfillment of this dream. It begins at the sea, with a young girl having the opportunity to see the world and have a life outside the poverty of her home, and ends at the sea with a man who has brutalized the world and finally finds his humanity beneath his violent and selfish nature. He represents this after Zampano has killed The Fool by having the season change to winter on Zampano and Gelsomina, as hell is a place where no new life can grow. This is a razor's edge situation, but thematically it brings up the morality of loving someone in danger. This portion of the film is incredibly poignant because Gelsomina represents the soul, and Zampano the body. One far away from the sea. Not affiliated with Harvard College. She doesn’t play the drum for his breaking the chain act as all she can say is, “The Fool is hurt.” And, again Fellini takes us to the road and the barren landscapes that surround the pair. The result of this brutality is the isolation and depleted self-worth one can create in someone, as well as co-dependence as the abuser becomes necessary for the abused to feel validated. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of La Strada. In 1954, just before the end of shooting La Strada, Fellini suffered a nervous breakdown. It has become much colder, and we see this also in the relationship between Zampano and Gelsomina. We see that Gelsomina believes their relationship is a two way street, but when he leaves her alone in the street to take the red head away in his vehicle it’s another form of abuse perpetrated on this innocent young girl. Zampano again tells the lie that Gelsomina is his wife. Anonymous "La Strada Themes". Zampano is harsh toward Gelsomina from the beginning of their partnership. She asks if this is how he treated Rosa. The Question and Answer section for La Strada is a great One of the sisters the next morning asks if Gelsomina wants to stay. Once the duo eats they head off to the barn to sleep, but when Zampano again doesn’t respond to Gelsomina’s request to know more about him and her sister’s relationship she decides to leave. We finally see the consequences of Zampano’s life of violence hold the greatest of consequence. The journey of life is the reclamation of one's self in order to become human, and not simply an animal. this section. The same woman even sends Gelsomina back to Zampano after he has left her in the street all night in order to sleep with a prostitute. The men say nothing as Zampano threatens violence upon them to, and we see no one confronts him for fear of being hurt themselves. Fellini is showing us that the soul and beauty of Gelsomina is having an effect on the strong man, and he is doing everything he can to fight it off. La Strada essays are academic essays for citation. That he didn’t mean to kill The Fool, and his fear of going to prison for the rest of his life. In fact, every question Gelsomina asks him he neglects to answer in any meaningful way, if at all. We can also see they are fragile and their poverty has made them this way. At that point, Fellini started to draw and sketch these images, a habitual tende… What’s quite beautiful about this opening is Gelsomina’s reaction to all of it. He demands much of her and pushes her around. Not affiliated with Harvard College. She has seen the horrific result of his brutality and her reaction to it and him is a mirror that he now stares into. By revealing all of this we connect with her in a deeper way so, when she faces hardships or joy in what’s to come we are more easily able to experience this with her. After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. He slaps her and throws her in the caravan. She is sitting in the back of Zampano’s caravan, and The Fool opens the door for her as if to release her from her prison. He makes his way to the sea, and this parallels the opening scene in which we found Gelsomina so alive during the day and full of hope, and now we find this man alone in the darkness with no one to save him as he makes futile attempts to grab onto the sand as it slips through his hands. The police come and arrest Zampano, leaving Gelsomina alone. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. Finally, Fellini believes the journey of man in this film is not just a literal one, but primarily figurative. To which he turns his back on her and refuses to speak. Fellini shows us this has deep importance to Gelsomina as she, in the next scene, asks Zampano why he keeps her. Fellini is showing us that in their poverty, this family has put a price on a life. Must we be polite and not get too involved, or is it necessary to intercede? La Strada essays are academic essays for citation. He drives the strong man’s caravan to the jail to drop Gelsomina off to be with him. The sister takes Gelsomina away and explains to her that they are very much alike in that they do not stay in the same place for too long (the sisters move convents so as not to get too attached to earthly possessions), and they follow their husbands (the nuns relationship being with God). this section. But, this time she bears her heart to him. The woman says nothing, not even to get her children to stop watching the brutality. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. It’s a compliment to the way Zampano is treating Gelsomina in that he is isolating from connecting with her in a meaningful way, only using her to accomplish what he needs in his show. She would play that tune on the trumpet, and the woman never forgot it, it stuck in her mind. Gelsomina has taken to her new role as an entertainer as we see her perform before a crowd with great pleasure. This is her attempt to get to know the man who she spends night and day with, but his focus is on the wine, the girl with the red hair and ‘his’ money. Fellini uses this to symbolize that Zampano has taken his life, and with that The Fool draws his last breathes before their eyes. And, with his introduction we finally have someone to challenge Zampano. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. La Strada is Italian for "The Road." You can help us out by revising, improving and updating The film shows what happens when a man gets so caught up in his own survival that he forgets to care for those around him. After Gelsomina leaves Zampano we see her in a plaza. This lights a fire in her that we haven’t seen before, but when she tells him the circus will only take her, not he nor Zampano we can see The Fool deflate and hide his disappointment.
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