juno eclipse

After handing Eclipse over to Vader, a pair of stormtroopers forced her to accompany Vader deep inside Timira City's cloning facility. Upon being awoken from a six-month coma, Starkiller received new orders from his Master; build an alliance of rebels and dissidents to distract the Emperor in order to create a window of opportunity to finally kill him. Eclipse was utterly surprised to see the stealth ship, believing it had been destroyed on Cato Neimoidia. SR2 Packages; SR2-RC3 Packages; SR2-RC2 Packages; SR2-RC1 Packages; SR1 Packages; SR1-RC3 Packages; SR1-RC2 Packages; R Packages; RC3 Packages; RC2 Packages; RC1 Packages; M7 Packages; M6 Packages ; M5 Packages; M4 Packages; M3 Packages; M2 Packages; M1 Packages; Related Links. [10], Her mind drifted back to the clone she had seen on the Salvation, causing her to think about the inherent dangers and unreliability of cloning. Although Eclipse succeeded in her own endeavor to help the Alliance, Mothma continued to display her fear of risks, stating that if things at Heurkea had ended badly, the Alliance would have lost both Eclipse and Organa, as well as the chance of winning Dac's support. By humiliating the Empire, the oppressed world of Dac would bolster its defiance against the Empire. After the apprentice was betrayed by Vader once more, Eclipse transported Starkiller to the Death Star where the Alliance's founders of the were taken. In her confusion, she convinced herself that Starkiller had somehow returned from the dead, although she had no way of explaining it to herself. [13], The Tatooine Downloadable Content, released August 27, 2009, is the first of two expansions that occur in an "Infinities" storyline, an alternate history in which Starkiller kills Vader and becomes Palpatine's assassin. [120][121] In its first week on sale in Australia, the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of The Force Unleashed were the top and second-best sellers, respectively. Born on the Core World Corulag around the end of the Clone Wars, she was the daughter of a civilian engineer and a teacher. [48][49] Lucas Licensing reviewed many game details to ensure they fit into canon. Game planning began in summer 2004. As Marek prepared to infiltrate the Death Star, Juno inquired as to whether or not she would ever see him again. [1], When the time came to extract the Alliance leaders from the Death Star, Juno positioned the Rogue Shadow just outside of Palpatine's Observation Dome. [77][88][106][114] Wired.com speculated that LucasArts could have recognized the frustration of the Star Destroyer sequence and removed it, but left it in because they hyped the sequence before the game's release.

After repairing the holodroid and learning that Marek had left it to her in the event of his death, Juno kept PROXY at her side when she became the commanding officer of the Salvation.

Eclipse was also repulsed by the thought of how the clones were obviously created from the real Starkiller, or more specifically, his corpse's cells. NASA said: "Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. [16] LucasArts initially opted not to release a personal computer version of The Force Unleashed, stating that doing the game well would be too processor-intensive for typical PCs[23] and that scaling down the game's procedural physics for the PC platform would "fundamentally" change The Force Unleashed's gameplay.

; Equinox provides the reference implementation for the new OSGi R5 specification. Skin color [8] A series of quickly-produced "play blast" videos helped the developers focus on mechanics, the user interface, and finishing moves.

Her relationship with the apprentice would grow as they embarked to form the Rebel Alliance to fight the tyranny of the Empire. During this time, she encountered Berkelium Shyre, a mechanic from Malastare and a loyal supporter of the Rebellion. These versions also support downloadable content in the form of two expansions that expand upon the game's plot. Eclipse eventually received orders to take the Salvation to an Imperial-controlled planet called Cato Neimoidia, both to check out the planet's defenses and to test her own crew's ability in combat.

After rendezvousing with the Alliance Fleet, she reported the details of her mission—including her belief that Kota was killed in the failed raid—to three of the Alliance's leaders: Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis, and Leia Organa. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, powered by the Ronin engine, utilize high-definition graphics and advanced dynamic destruction effects. Starkiller, unable to bear the thought of Eclipse's death, dropped his sabers and fell to his knees in submission.

Using the Rogue Shadow's advanced cloaking system, Juno was able to guide the ship through the station's defenses and enter the thin atmosphere around the Death Star. He infiltrates the base through the planet's icy caverns, and proceeds to slaughter numerous Rebel soldiers in his search for Skywalker.

They did not, however, disclose the details regarding the original Starkiller's clone, who was still unsure of his place in the Alliance. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Imperial Navy pilots of the Galactic Empire, The Force Will Be Unleashed on September 16, The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Production Diary: The Faces and Voices of The Force Unleashed, Casting and Capturing Captivating Performances, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Juno_Eclipse?oldid=9413707, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Although the addition of Mon Calamari's resources to the Alliance was an enticing thought, Senator Mothma once again voiced her hesitation, fearing that a catastrophic defeat against the Empire would further discourage the Mon Calamari and leave the Alliance in a far worse situation than it was already in. Unfortunately, the Sith Acolyte could not assist as he was experiencing visions of his own. [1], Early on in her career, Eclipse flew many successful combat missions throughout the Outer Rim as an Imperial pilot, awarding her the admiration of her peers and commanding officers. Since her orders were to not risk the integrity of her ship, Eclipse was pressured into withdrawing from the battle, but not before warning Kota to break off his attack. [11] She quickly began putting the pieces together and realized that Vader was indeed responsible for Starkiller's miraculous return, only it wasn't technically "Starkiller" whom she saw on the Salvation—just a copy of the original Starkiller who died on the Death Star. In retaliation, Vader pushed her in the same exact way Starkiller pushed the stormtroopers. Eclipse became filled with doubt as Fett described the clone as nothing more than a "half-mad copy who only thought he was in love with her." After ordering his soldiers to take the Rebels' alive so that the Emperor could personally kill them, Vader revealed that the rebellion and his plot to murder the Emperor had all been a ruse, just to get the Empire's major enemies in one place in order to wipe them out. [2], Juno Eclipse was created for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and, in the game, the player character shares a love interest with Eclipse. Eclipse tried to convince her superiors that the Alliance needed a suitable replacement for Kota, someone who balanced the line between action and caution. Species

Now assigned to pilot the Rogue Shadow, Captain Eclipse came to work alongside Darth Vader's secret apprentice, a Sith assassin codenamed Starkiller. Despite being on the verge of suffocating to death, Eclipse tried to warn the clone not to give in to Vader's demands.

Before reaching its destination, however, Starkiller destroyed the last solid fragment of the Salvation to avoid causing damage that could have either harmed or killed Eclipse.

Although she attempted to probe him for information regarding his purpose for abducting her, Fett only offered her cryptic answers. [45] Once the concept was solidified, the development team grew from ten to twenty people. Vader's counterattack was so fast and powerful, Eclipse was barely able to register in her mind what had happened. As the game progresses, however, the Empire gains more control, the Jedi are hunted, and the ordered control of the Prequels gives way to the more romantic temperament of the Original Trilogy.

Inspired by Galen Marek's sacrifice, Juno Eclipse stayed with the newly formed Rebel Alliance. Kota admitted that he had his suspicions; Eclipse inquired the reason behind Kota's decision to help Marek, despite his allegiance to Vader. [9] Additionally, enemies learn from the player's character's attacks; using the same attack on different characters can sometimes lead to the player's character doing less damage. After saving the Princess and destroying the Skyhook that was used to transport Wookiee slaves from the surface, the Rogue Shadow set a new course for Felucia to rescue Bail Organa. The cheat code "ECLIPSE" enables the player to take on the form of Juno Eclipse in the Wii, PSP and PS2 versions of the first game. However, due to the fact that the Galactic Civil War remained an active conflict, some individuals within the new government believed that recruiting former Imperials was a security risk to the Republic. NASA. As the former Sith apprentice drew closer to the Rebels' location, Juno and Marek continued to communicate through a Comm unit. [10] Shocked and dumbfounded, her hope that Starkiller was truly alive again was virtually shattered by the discovery that Boba Fett had told her the truth after all. Nevertheless, she forced herself to believe that the clone who sought her out would turn out to be the same hero as the original Starkiller. As a child, she developed a fascination with alien cultures and diversity, a trait which her mother encouraged.

She was first enrolled as the youngest cadet at the Corulag Academy before leaving her homeworld to embark on a career in the Imperial Navy. Thus, they staged a false attack on Heurkea by planting explosions throughout the city in order to trick the Imperials into thinking that the city was under an unauthorized attack by their own TIE fighter squadron, the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing.

[83] The Washington Times identified Mark Griskey's soundtrack as "another star" of the game, and Tracksounds called it "the most entertaining Star Wars score since Return of the Jedi". [10], Although Eclipse was pleased that some amount of progress had finally been made, she feared that the Alliance leaders still lacked the quick and decisive quality she yearned to see in them. Starkiller instead attacks the Emperor, who effortlessly crushes Starkiller with the, This page was last edited on 16 October 2020, at 17:44. Mr Gill enhanced the photo's colours and polished it off for online sharing.


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