kingdom of shirvan
Tech Group Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. In the response to this, Qizil Arslan invaded Shirvan in 1191, reached to Derbent and subordinated the whole Shirvan to his authority. [2], One of the important books in the early history of this dynasty is the anonymous Taʾrikh Bab al-Abwab ("History of Darband"), preserved by the Ottoman historian Münejjim Bashi (Chief Astronomer), the last date of which concerning the dynasty is 468/1075. Other poets and writers who appeared during the rule of the Shirvanshahs include Falaki Shirvani, Aziz Shirvani, Jamal Khalil Shirvani, Bakhtiyar Shirvani and multitude of others mentioned in the book Nozhat al-Majales, an anthology compiled by Jamal Khalil Shirvani. Basic Data A translation of this important work into English language was published by the orientalist Vladimir Minorsky in 1958. Manuchehr's older son Akhsitan I was able to secure support from the Eldiguzids of Azerbaijan, winning the contest for the throne and forcing Tamar and his younger brother into flight to Georgia. The dynasty continuously ruled the area of Shirvan either as an independent state or a vassal state until the Safavid times. A year later, in 1192, Shamakhi was destroyed by a terrible earthquake, and Akhsitan I moved the Shirvan capital to the city of Baku. The Shirvanshah dynasty are known for their patronage of Persian poetry. [2][3], From the late 8th century, Shirvan was under the rule of the members of the Arab family of Yazid ibn Mazyad al-Shaybani (d. 801), who was named governor of the region by the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid. Brill, 2nd edition. In 1500-1, with the intention to avenge his murdered ancestors, the first Safavid king Ismail I invaded Shirvan, and, despite heavily outnumbered, defeated then incumbent Shirvanshah Farrukh Yassar in a pitched battle, in which the latter and his entire army were killed. The vassal Shirvan state managed to hang on for a few more years, until 1538, when Ismail's son and successor Tahmasp I (r. 1524-1576) appointed its first Safavid governor, and made it a fully functioning Safavid province.[10]. He then proceeded towards Baku which was sacked, and the mausoleum of the Shirvanshahs exhumed and burned. The Palace of the Shirvanshahs (or Shirvanshahs' Palace) is the biggest monument of the Shirvan-Absheron branch of architecture, situated in the Inner City of Baku. Merchants of Baku +1 Merchants, +1.00 Yearly Legitimacy -0.1% Monthly Piety, -20.0% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture, -10.0% Construction Cost +1.00 Yearly Prestige. Persianate Patronage -20.0% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture [2][3] The Shirvanshah established a native state in Shirvan (located in modern Azerbaijan Republic).[4]. By the time of the anonymous work Hodud al-Alam (c. 982 AD), the Shirvan Shahs, from their capital of Yazīdiyya (the later Shamakhi), had absorbed neighbouring kingdoms north of the Kur river and thus acquired the additional titles of Layzan Shah and Khursan Shah. Capital Province After her husband's death, Tamar found herself involved in a power struggle among her sons, favoring the younger, who joined her in an attempt to unite Shirvan with Georgia with the help of Kipchak mercenaries. Utilizing from this circumstance, several governors, who were under the subordination of seljukid state, refused to accept the authority of Sultans. The Shirvanshahs dynasty, existing as independent or a vassal state, from 861 until 1538; longer than any other dynasty in Islamic world, are known for their support of culture. Vladimir Minorsky believes that names such as Sharvān (Shirwān), Lāyzān and Baylaqān are Iranian names from the Iranian languages of the coast of the Caspian Sea. [2][3] Al-Baladhuri also mentions that a Shirvanshah, together with the neighbouring Layzanshah, were encountered by the Arabs during their conquest of Persia, and submitted to the Arab commander Salman ibn Rab'ia al-Bahili. [5][6] We know from this book that the history of the Shirvan Shahs was closely tied with that of the Arab Hashimid family in Darband (Bab al-Abwab) and intermarriage between the two Arab families was common with Yazidids often ruling for various periods in the latter town.[2]. Shirvan will be annexed by - Tengri-Vajrayana Mongolia in 1236, released from them in 1260, annexed by Shia Persia on July 1, 1501, losing its cores, released from Gazikumukh in 1747 and finally annexed by Orthodox Russia on December 25, 1805. During the Seljuq period, the influential vizier of the Seljuq sultans, Nizam ul-Mulk is noted for having helped introduce numerous educational and bureaucratic reforms. Barthold, W., C.E. Akhsitan reign saw raids of Rus' with 73 ships in 1174 which sailed from Volga and threatening shores of river Kura and a Kipchak hordes who sacked Derbent and captured Shabran in the same year. Shirvanshahs Khalilullah I and Farrukh Yassar presided over most successful period in a history of Shirvan. The title 'Shirvanshah' appears to date back to the period before Islam's emergence in the Arabian peninsula. Ideas Although Abu Bakr was able to resume his reign a year later, the Eldiguzids were only barely able to contain further Georgian forays. [5] The coat of arms with two lions could be a reminder of the story of Bahrām Gur in Shahnama where Bahrām had to claim the crown from between two lions to be recognized as the king. Middle Eastern (until 650) Muslim (since 650) In June, 1123 David IV attacked and defeated Sultan again and captured the cities and fortresses of Shamakhi, Bughurd, Gulustan, Shabran. The Eldiguzid atabeg Abu Bakr attempted to stem the Georgian advance, but suffered a defeat at the hands of David Soslan at the Battle of Shamkor[7] and lost his capital to a Georgian protégé in 1195. Iqta [2] According to Encyclopedia of Islam: After the Shah Yazid b. Ahmad (381-418/991-1028), Arab names give way to Persian ones like Manūčihr, Ḳubādh, Farīdūn, etc., very likely as a reflection of marriage links with local families, and possibly with that of the ancient rulers in Shābarān, the former capital, and the Yazidids now began to claim a nasab (lineage) going back to Sassanid kings Bahrām Gūr or to Khusraw Anushirwan. In the 13th and 14th centuries Shirvan was a vassal of stronger Mongol and Timurid empires. Shia Nizami composed in Persian poetry epic Leylea and Majnoon for Abul-Muzaffar Jalal ad-din Shirvanshah Akhsatan. [3] By origin, the Yazidids were Arabs of the Shayban tribe and belonged to high ranking generals and governors of the Abbasid army. Caspian Trade +20.0% Caravan Power +10.0% Goods Produced Modifier He also sent his son to be educated with the son of Shirvanshah. Shirvanshahs were in position of power shifting between Georgia and Seljuqid states. Religion The complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burial-vaults, the shah's mosque with a minaret, Seyid Yahya Bakuvi's mausoleum, a portal in the east – Murad's gate, a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house. Architectural complex of the Palace of the Shirvanshahs in Baku that was also a burial site of the dynasty and Halwatiyya Sufi khaneqa, was built during the reign of those two rulers in mid 15th centuries. Shirvanshahs built many defensive castles across all of Shirvan to resist many foreign invasions. [2] We can also discern the progressive Persianisation of this originally Arab family. At the end of 11th and at the beginning of 12th centuries, the Seljuqid state entered to the period of collapse at the result of interior fought for throne among the representatives of Seljuqid dynasty. Fortresses of Shirvan +20.0% Fort Defense Khaghani himself in his youth used the poetic title Haqiqi. Most of Baku population was forcibly converted to Shi'ism thereafter. Shirvan no longer has its cores and does not appear on-map again. Early in the 1190s, the Georgian government under the Tamar the Great began to interfere in the affairs of the Eldiguzids and of the Shirvanshahs, aiding rivaling local princes and reducing Shirvan to a tributary state. The Khalwati Order +1.00 Yearly Legitimacy -0.1% Monthly Piety Talysh (Iranian) (until 1070) Azerbaijani (Oghuz) (since 1070) From the walled city of Baku with its Maiden Tower (XII) and many medieval castles in Absheron to impregnable strongholds all over mountains of Shirvan and Shaki, there are many great examples of medieval military architecture. Shirvan (421) Shirvani Architecture -10.0% Construction Cost +1.00 Yearly Prestige In 1173 Akhsitan I came to the aid of his father-in-law, George III by putting down the revolt of Prince Demna. See also: Abbasid, Kara-Khanid, Persia, Shirvani Bianquis, C.E. Tribesmen of the Caucasus +15.0% Cavalry Combat Ability Depriving from the tributes in the amount of 40 thousand dinars, the Seljuqid Sultan Mahmud directed to Shirvan at the beginning of 1123, captured Shamakhi and took Shah as hostage contrary to Manuchehr's betrayal.


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