Back in my adolescence, I was more amiable, bubbly, and on lightly humid days, maybe even flouncy. **[curse2] Comrade Chaos | For those of you who do consider me a role model, I hope you don't read this and cringe. Gart Default | "To remove myself from the role model battle, the falsified standard set by the bubblegum industry, is — in my eyes — to remove myself from the counterintuitive battle of attempting to be something perfect while being glaringly aware of my imperfections. ", The ending in the credits for this episode is from. * Crimson Clown | While being sent to jail for a couple of weeks, Cat Valentine tries many ways to escape, but all of her attempts fail. This is the first episode to not premiere at 8 PM since the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards took its place. They ride outside as the kids have a brief interaction with Herb. This is the last episode without both Nona and Goomer. Lars Rodriguez | General Chapuza | Haunted Train | ** [:(] Ms. Bitters | The second is, There are differences between this special and. **[o_o] What defines a person as a role model is the way they live their life. Sam saying "monkeys with mustaches" to make Cat happy is similar to, The store with the ATM is the store that appeared in the, This episode is the sixth consecutive episode to have a special guest appearance. ** [:-/] Jake "The Snake" Desmond | Lunk Chump | Nora tries to kick Sam, but Sam grabs her foot and throws her down the well and on top of Dice. Chelsea's Friends | iCarly The only difference is Max Cady, the villain in the film got release afterward instead of escaping from prison. Zoona and Roni | S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E. Fawn Liebowitz | ", _Yay._ I thought to myself. The fourth wall is broken at the end of this episode when everyone sings, "And we won't, won't, pay for this song 'cause it's public domain. ** [:-(] **[hammercomputer] The three got arrested and sent to prison. The knowledge you have of a celebrity is no more than a caricature drawn by media tastemakers specializing in selling you an image you’re dying to buy. The first is, Gibby suggesting to eat tapenade with Nevel at the end is possibly an allusion to the fact Nevel usually eats it, as shown in ", This is the second time in the show that a girl is named "Sir". Nora then pushes Cat down the well with Dice. Nick and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. For Sam & Cat, fun and adventures don’t come cheap, but a booming babysitting business should answer their empty-pocket problems! Type of Villain The Ziggity-Zags Sam and Cat use are a parody of Crazy-Cart, a toy that acts like the Ziggity-Zag. Terms of Use | Christie | Puppy It is the second special, and like the first one, it re-introduced several characters from iCarly. Bird Brain | **[blink] Your review has been posted. Larry | Her hair is considerably darker in "iStill Psycho" than in "iPsycho." Snotty Boy | Jonah | Emerald Loaf | "Time for lunch. Wayne Wayne | Sage | However, since Maurice is a continued character from iCarly, the goof already existed prior to this show, changing the animal's gender or the animal who played Maurice would cause a continuity error. Nevel asks before Sam leaves how we never heard anything about Carly's mother. Nora Dershlit | * "Wendy," I repeated. Ghastly Grinner | Following reported salary issues, McCurdy failed to appear at the Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards, where Sam & Cat took home the TV comedy prize, while Grande won TV comedy actress and Schneider was honored with a lifetime achievement award. Steven Carson | The Petographers | I am proud that no one can call me fake or say I don't stand up for myself. They make him babysit the kids so Cat can show Sam where she's getting all her money and they can get cool stuff. Coverton | The unedited version of this episode aired January 6, 2014 at 7 a.m. (EST) as part of the "Wake Up With Sam & Cat" week on Nickelodeon. Trick | Sam's criminal past is repeatedly brought up in this episode. The only place with donkey sauce was The Aloha Burger and if Dice was kidnapped, he would be in an abandoned house and there were three abandoned houses near The Aloha Burger. She was an obsessed iCarly fan, and she had a crush on Freddie. Dice comes in, and Cat finishes making her crapples. Ludwig | Nora Dershlit and her chicken Maurice return in this episode. Vinnie Raton | Billy Loomer | I looked around at the creepy place. Dice tells Sam and Cat to get some monkey pills from Pet-Mergency Hospital for Aunt Fergene's helper monkey Futz so that it can help Futz sleep while Aunt Fergeen flies to Japan. Sam says, "Currently heading east on Melrose" when chasing the speeding car but the closed captions read "north.". Origin I encourage you to base your idea of a role model off of someone you know well enough to see purely, not in the light, cameras, and actions of Hollywood. Have the greatest birthday. ", "I am proud of the way I live my life. **[bla] **[hammer computer] Oonski the Great | Hope Quincy| In order to find Nora, Sam Puckett and Cat Valentine had to ask Nevel Papperman, who was locked up due to having "Porcupine Pox." Mini Moose, Chalkzone So, how did you get in here?" This is the third (and final) appearance of Nora in any of Dan's shows. Nora breaks out of jail by attacking a cop with a bucket on her head until she stopped moving (for a time) with the assistance of her chicken. And please make sure you save some cake for us." It's fine, I can admit it. It really looked like a wig. The YouTubers were allegedly tresspassing on a contruction site. In a short scene, Nora appears to kiss the popular girl (played by Daniella Monet) on the lips. The Nora promo uses scenes from pasts episodes, like, This special contains shout-outs to the award winning films. #SuperPsycho is the 31st episode of Sam & Cat. The officers are so mean and they make us eat these gross foods! Although he has never been seen, Cat frequently mentions her odd brother which became a running gag in "Victorious" and again in "Sam and Cat". That was before the iCarly gang came in and performed a live show in her home, resulting in several people from her school showing up for her birthday party. When Cat tells Dice to never ask about her business in response to his questions about the money, her line is a reference to. Nevel also escapes custody and even contacts Sam in a similar way Dr. Lecter did to Clarice at the end of both the film and this episode. J.T Frittlehoot | Nora substitutes "lotion" with "conditioner", "skin" with "hair", and in some instances "or else it gets the hose again" with "if it wants a sandwich. Mr. Dickers | Having "fun" with the gang of ICarly. I hate it here! What is she ripped someone's hair off their head. He ends up falling asleep. Dr. Blowhole | Forgive us. As pictured in this episode, this is the only time Spencer has been referred in the show. Perhaps I thought I could and I thought I was supposed to, so I gave it my best shot. Margot | Badge | Bianca | I am proud of my choices. When Sam read the note, she said "I have your friend Dice, and in case you don't believe me, here's a little piece of him," but when Nevel read the note, he said "I have your friend Dice, and if you don't believe me, here's a little piece of him.". Giant Underpants | Mr. and Mrs. Dershlit | Francisco | Poltergoose | Señor Siniestro | * But these things don't define me or determine that I am any kind of a role model. I encourage you to base your idea of a role model off of someone you know well enough to see purely, not in the light, cameras, and actions of Hollywood. Morrie and Vic | George Hawk | I appreciate you. Bread Foot | * ** [OO] Barney and Billy Triplet | Before Sam goes to get the Ziggity-Zag, you see a ping pong ball behind Cat, but after she rides out on the Ziggity-Zag, the ping pong ball is gone. Evil Witch | Francine Briggs | Carly and Spencer Shay, along with Freddie Benson, appear in pictures. Almighty Tallests | ", Saying Goodbye: TV Shows Ending During 2014-15 Season. Iggins | Nevel was in a hospital now because he had a dangerous virus. — Sam to Gibby. * The episode was announced by a tweet from. El Oso | It is unknown how Nevel got back to Seattle so fast. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. **[:-|] Cat then has the police and Yokvish sing her version of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" as they are joined in by Dice (who won the Burbank Spelling Bee) and Herb. * Bob Perrybottom, Aaaah !!! Tetherby | She is the main antagonist of the iCarly hour-long special iPsycho, its sequel, iStill Psycho, and the Sam and Cat special episode "SuperPsycho." The first four were Valerie, Sam, Melanie, and Carly, in that order. Ducktor Quazy | Big Gino | ** [>:(] © 2020 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. The scene Nora doing dips in the prison is a clear nod to Martin Scorsese's Cape Fear. Goals **[blah] (And if she wants to, so be it!) "Oh, 1 Plot 2 Quotes 3 Trivia 3.1 Allusions 3.2 Character revelations 3.3 Goofs 3.4 Running gags 3.5 Series continuity 4 International premieres 5 Reception 6 References Cat starts to ride around her shared apartment with Sam on a Ziggity-Zag. Mickey the Weasel, Invader Zim Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sam is against this, but Cat tempts her with court side tickets to Lakers games, violent video games, and fried chicken. ** [>:-(] She locks up the iCarly gang so they could never leave and that she'll never be alone again. Dóminus | Rona Burger | Captain Goosington | ** [:)] Ren Höek | Dr. Rabies | EGG | This is the second time Cat gets arrested. Brother Septimus | Ted | Sigmund the Sorcerer | Megan Parker | Nora breaks the fourth wall by saying that she will get revenge on the "iCarlys" and on the "Sam and Cats". Evil Sheriff | Suddenly, my cell door opened. That means Sam and Cat can pay back the money and keep $1,000. Lady Web | Trash Bandit | Three Headed Birdman | Cat gets Sam's last name wrong again. P.B. Marsha | **[psst] Basement Demon | Sandman (Are You Afraid of the Dark?) * Dara's Stepmother | Gwen Wu | Nora was released from prison after Carly convinced Sam and Freddie that she had changed. Sam's favorite store is "Oh My God Meats". Molly | Meanwhile, Gibby, who is friends with Sam, is at the movies with his date, Lexi. ", And while Reddit users bashed her for sharing the defensive reflection after racy photos of the actress leaked on the web in March, as well as recent selfies posted to her Instagram account, she said, "I post to social media when I want to and how I want to and I would whether I was in the entertainment industry or not. Mertin Fargleman | Peter Kirlan | * When Nora tells Dice and Cat that she will shave their hair and wear it. Kyoko and Yuki | Miranda Killgallen | Mr. Sweeney | * **[eyeroll2] In an early draft of "iStart a Fanwar," Nora appears. With Jennette McCurdy, Ariana Grande, Cameron Ocasio, Maree Cheatham.
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