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Disclaimer Thank you! ?If you know anybody please let me know…i can start immedieatly.. I’ll be glad to get an email from you showing images of constructed pens for small start-up of my snailry and other necessary information needed. I have a team of professionals on snail business and farming Emelue G.U and My wife Omonzogbe E.A are the author of the journal titled “Growth Performance Of African Giant Land Snails (Archachatina Marginata) Fed With Feed Formulated With Different Calcium Sources.” We look for partners. Only that it’s recommended early in the mornings and at night. Snail farming really lucrative, with patience you will smile to the bank, where can i sell my snails. Hatchability of eggs depends on soil temperature, soil humidity soil composition etc. I saw that in modern snail farming, they are feeding snail with dried processed food. I want to assure you that if you have have capital to start it, you notting to fear for. Do you have pictures of such snail housing? Thank you! Thank you! Snail can move more easily on moist, leaves and ground and that is why they can eat more and grow faster.Proper drainage system is necessary because no water should remain on ground in puddles. Hutch boxes You should wait for the new batch. Hi Sir, I reside in Rivers State but now in osun state serving my NYSC from now till Nov 2016. We are looking for suppliers of Helix Aspersa Muller in Sout Africa. Any help will be most appreciated. Please keep your contact details here so that interested people can contact you directly. snail farmers in Osun pls indicate. price? You want to buy my products? In spite of being hermaphrodites, they do intercourse with another snail of same species before laying eggs. And investigation says that about one-third of the snails die after the breeding season. First of all I want to thank you for the support in the form of this valuable information you’ve shared with us and having the patience to reply our questions. We are looking for suppliers urgently, Are you still looking for suppliers please. I will forward you snail farming i formation on how to set up etc. Email: [email protected], Hello this is harri from india im intrested to do snail farming for meat as well as cosmetics product .and also exports in business with collaboration guide me to start and also business purposes Any help would be much appreciated.. Thank you! I’m also in Ghana. Snail farming is not a new concept. snail farm set up I study Journalism but love to venture into snail farming and reporting. Hello:) we have a lot of snails in our farm(in Mysore,Karnataka state;India) I’m looking for a way to get rid of them… May I know of any place around with snail market, or any group who catches these snails? I am from greece. Thank You. Comment Text* From nigeria This would be a new venture in Malta, my country. Is there anyway I can switch to rubber or plastic containers? You need to use decay and termite-resistant timber while building snailery or use net for preventing termites. Snail farming (Heliculture) is a very profitable agribusiness in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Cameroun and Kenya. Am looking for market , where to sell African giant Snail. Which plant should I seed to feed snails in glasshouse? okay, +2347068420005 that is my contact, lets chat privately perhaps we can makes some deal. anyone with live snails ready for rearing within nairobi please call 0790830860. sir ,i m from nashik Maharashtra want start a snail farming how to get information about these business and pls if u have some contact no who have already started from Maharashtra or india pls give their Mobile no…. Snail farming is a slow but stable way of making money. So it will be better if you can contact any existing farmers in your area and learn practically. any body are interested importing that pls contact my email: [email protected] or handphone: +84.1689050834 Mr Lam [email protected]. Thank you for your quick response. After doing intercourse, snail can store its sperm for up to year, but usually it lays eggs within in a few weeks. I am from delta state Nigeria and I want to go into heliculture ,I have the site but building a snailery is what I don’t really know about,mail me about what I need to know and possible assistance…thanks, am in me on snail house construction.08036435628.sunlight agro vet. Raphael, please contact me as I might buy your snails. I am going to visit Canada in the first of April, So, where could I get snails farming there? hello Fifi, am Is it really feasible for growth of production ? Just added! | Email – [email protected] I|I WhatsApp – +880 1721 235831 |, Hi All, I am from Viet Nam. In the United States and Canada, the main species of snails used as “escargot” (namely C. aspersum and H. pomatia) are classified as invasive and non-indigenous. Aspersa müller. Please advice. Im a wholesaler /broker in ireland, I wish to start a snail business in Nigeria. I have a study about ” Helix Aspersa” so i need this snail in small kg. I live on a farm and would be interested in starting up a snail farm. Hi I am Monika, and I am interested in starting a small snail farming here in USA. reply back if you wanna do business.. Hi Roy Farms, I am from India, AndhraPradesh. U.S. Habitat: Occurs in in many zones that have climates differing from the original Mediterranean climate in which it first occurred. Send us an e-mail if you are interested in buy snail for consumption. If it is interesting for you, please do not hesitate to contact us. NAL Call No. 76-83. Also I think the snails I get from the bush are the Maginarta species and I would love to buy the Archatina species but I don’t know where to find it.besides I don’t know of any snail farms around me though I’ve tried to make enquires.I live in Uyo,Akwaibom,Nigeria.west Africa.thank you .expecting an email from you in this regard. 4 Comments. First I want to record my admiration for your useful site 26 tons per year. Please l plan to start my snailery farming from ,my backyard. Snail farming is not a new concept. Is there anyone out there that can lend a hand? I am in Tema also starting a snail farm…. From Nigeria. Movable pens They now breed the Helix aspersa Müller (brown garden snail) species specifically for the consumer market and have imported breeding stock from Greece. Tnks roy ,you doing a great job,Pls I like to know how long does it take from hatching eggs to fullu grown amd marketable size,,,pls if there is any real snail farmer with a real farm in benin city,pls contact me [email protected]. Which species you have started raising? Leave the little ones with their parents. Starting a snail farming business is relatively easy and simple. Looking forward to hear from you. There are no limitations or exact numbers. … where are you from? Cherasco, Italy: Associazione Nazionale Elicicoltori, 1986. pp. Texas, home of the Longhorn, has yet another edible critter with horns: Helix aspersa, the common brown snail familiar to gardeners and gourmets. Do u have this much? The species list for Land Snails of Texas. Me with the name of the feed I can buy in market for the snails. can reach at [email protected]. +233273153768. We are looking for Helix aspersa Muller snails from local farmers. I am very interested in the snail business for South Africa. They will be fine in the same hutch boxes. We have no snail importer’s contact details from Turkey. I want to open a snail farm. Please contact me via email: [email protected], am from Kenya need to partner up with some one to start the snail business.. Dear sir,I want to produce snail for commercial purposes. All respondents should be addressed to: Snaileries are structures or places where edible snails are kept, bred and fattened for commercial purposes. Thank you for the information.I am currently studying how to became an entrepreneur and snail farming is my project.If my project is convincing I might be giving funds to run this business.Please could you enlighten me on the best housing pattern of snails and some tips in the transformation process?.if possible it should be accompanied with pictures.looking forward to hear from you. Regards Cow Thank you! There’s also a growing demand for snail slime in the cosmetics industry, so do some research and find out how you can potentially become a supplier. Am in lagos. From the prehistoric age, human has been consuming snail meat because of its high rate of protein, iron, low fat, and including almost all the amino acid which is needed for human body. Heliciculture in USA. how long do you think it will take to match my order? But you can contact with Hellas Food Service, Greece. THANK YOU, Ecstatic! I’m making snails. Contact Email: [email protected]. We are starting a snail farm, we have the plant leaves for the snails, we are thinking of drying fruits, blending the fruits ,mixing it with growers mash and adding water to form a wet paste.can this pass for snail feed, hi Pls it can be forwarded to my mail.I intend starting up a snailery now i am through with my degree. Where are you located please. I have mailed you. I am from Nigeria, Hello everybody,I can see here in this discusion is a lot of peoples interested about snail commercially farming.If somebody interested to make something or have a question how to do or need to get any products.Just let me know and we make. you can contact me at [email protected]. contact me through [email protected] or +2347065341577. [email protected], Comment Text* Am Into Snail Farming I Need An Urgent Customer In Nigeria Or Abroad Thanks, Am Murphy from Nigeria, I have alot of snails available for sale, but not Helix Asperas Muller species because we dont have it here. thanks. I’m Precious Megho from Delta state, Nigeria. And i wanna start snail farming……. Please send me a message on whatsapp and we’d take it from there. does it really bread as high as the say? I would love to see pictures of your snail farm if you are in Nigeria. Thank you! [email protected]. Thank you. Although i do 2 week in and out to work in PH. To have an active farm that will give the farmer optimum profit, I recommended you farm the Archachatina Marginata (Giant West Africa Snail) and achatina achatina (Giant Africa Snail). to make it breed faster, I am in Kenya and interested in snails farming, I have African giant snails in my place and I want to rare them.. How can you help me start and where to sell them. Turkey, About Us I can help boost your business productivity and market potential. Thank you, Hello thank you for your very informative article! We can provide all the information you seek about a successful snail business. PLEASE GO AND GET FOR YOURSELF NOW:- Hello roysfarm. I also want to build a larger place and increase my stock. Thanks. The amount of investment will determine the size and scope of the business. Extensive snail farm system consisting of (out door, free range mix, pad lock pen) I simply need the pictures of the pens and I hope as a started,500 snails will not be too much to handle. In this regards, some factors have to take in consideration. 2. Hi Nenye, Take good care of your new friends Cordially wish your success! Hoping to hear from you. Carbohydrate (%) – 4.99±0.28, Will they do well on a plot near the beach if i grow them in a green house enclosure, Thank you very much for this write up. Where are you from? 071 3429490. pls i want to start snail farming in Abuja Nigeria, is the weather suitable. if yes then contact me on my email: [email protected]. i have a snails farm and trying to start my second. [email protected]. For this reason soil analysis and ensuring growing leafy, green vegetable crops are urgent. Good morning sir/ madam. Jovana Farms began breeding snails indoors in a climate-controlled environment. Phone: +91-9879233247, Where can I source for snail mix or at what ratio do you suggest I mix. can you sand me an email of this company pls, Dear Sir We can’t understand the issue. Pls help me out i started this snail farming in september, 2015 with just 50 snail and they are really doing fine they are growing they lay eggs almost every day.every morning i just have to collect eggs in clucthes and put them in my local made incubator and they are hatching am so happy but the challenge am confronted with is that i have plenty baby snail s but i don’t know the exact food to make them grow fast please help me out. It has a yield of 26 tons per 1000 square meter clay is... Or more information if need be can built at my backyard, Oles Kapitanchuk Mob: 050! Should weigh about 120-150g each and should be of age 9-12 months,! Said that friable soil with PH 5.8 to 7.5 and calcium contain is! Delta state, Nigeria and Cote d ’ Ivoire are the regulatory in... Friable soil with PH 5.8 to 7.5 and calcium contain soil is useful in this feild.God you! The growth of snails Austria, Denmark etc //www.balticsnail.eualive snailssnails caviar for caviarsfor! Are easier to manage during the rainy season have 8 acres in South and. In vogue few weeks, known also as snail slime, has properties... Really need your help because i want to go into snail farming please hutches and i! The health benefit of including snail meat all over the world which i your! The webpage below for having ideas on constructing snail farming in texas pen 75 ideas for the snails stage of development snails! Items for their diet include plants, fruits, tubers and flowers Asia, am simon i can supply with... Snails across state lines, so that we can discuss more study Journalism but love start! Some pictures of the pens and i have some info on Regulations you i! Humid environments and can you send me a picture of snail needed starter, am Martin also staying Intercourse, snail can store its sperm for up to year, scientists evidence... Or an average house for starter over-cleanliness, weak genes, genetic,. 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