let god arise and his enemies be scattered mp3
It also stood with them against any enemy that would come against them in warfare. The word “presence”, taken from a Hebrew word that carries many applications includes “the face, as the part that turns.” It also comes from a root word meaning, “To turn, to face, i.e. Those who hate the presence of God in you will begin to flee before that presence. Let us take note of a few facts concerning the enemies being scattered as God’s people “let” the Christ in them arise. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth [man’s natural body] as it is in heaven [also within man’s spirit and soul]”. This carnality is allowing the enemy to have an open door. Psalms 68:1-3. Let us consider then, that the old heavens, the spirit placed within the man who then fell, those heavens are destined to pass away, they have died by becoming corrupt and separated from God. Psalms 115:16, “The heaven, even the heavens [also within receiving men], are the Lords; but the earth [carnal natural man] He has given to the children of men”. The need, to rise up and scatter every enemy that stands within and before us lest destruction comes our way. A nation, founded upon some of the Christian principles left for men by God, is now finding many leading men standing up against these same principles. They walk with nations and individuals to see God’s original intent fulfilled. This indwelling Holy Spirit brings forth victory among His people in every situation as they release Him as He dwells among them today. Nevertheless, as scripture reveals for us, when sin and rebellion is entertained among God’s people, this same glory that promoted victory and life departs from His obligation to them. He is not human, so He does not change His mind. He invites us to , “Come up here” in order to see Him as He is. The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. In the past few days, I have been awake throughout the night on a prayer and prophetic assignment. It is the place where “on earth as it is in Heaven” happens and transformation occurs for individuals as well as for territories. The Cup of God's Wrath • 7/4/2010 | 200+ downloads The Word and Creation • 10/3/2010 | 100+ downloads Victory and Adversity • 2/14/2010 | 100+ downloads Meaning, the corrupted soul (will, mind, emotions, desires), is being changed into that which rules in making up the new heavens. Instead of the Ark of the Covenant, God’s glory now dwells within a people as it rests upon and within them. This life or nature is then to be actively involved with bringing change to the spirit-filled vessel. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. With the enemy of God attacking the Christian community today in full force, he is using every tactic available because of and through the carnality of man.


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