live or die apocalyptica meaning

YOU DANG RIGHT “LIVE FREE OR DIE”. Thanks for your encouragement! Be happy or miserable; if yet it be in thy power to choose: fear tyranny, detest slavery, arm thyself, live free, or die!” In 1945, when the state finally decided to pick a motto, “Live Free or Die” did not run uncontested. 1:20 : “I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” Doesn’t this also encourage you?

Thank your for blessed sermon.
The only problem is if you are not living in Christ and He is not Living in you then this verse does not apply to you not meaning you specific Bro. Enjoy the stories, nostalgia, and even the few ads with this PDF download for just $5.99. Funny, this article starts out about Massachusettes first, hey should of been after the initial NH moto.

He knew that Christ would be honored in his body no matter what circumstances he found himself in, and the same is true for us if we too abide in Christ. We need to go a little further ahead in the passage to see what he means.

I’m really glad you enjoyed the post. I loved the state motto! He lead a rebellion in the late 1683 when the Province of New Hampshire was taken over by the Edward Cranfield. But to be with Christ is far better than anything this life has to offer. Good News Translation If we live, it is for the Lord that we live, and if we die, it is for the Lord that we die. This verse, which has been tattoed on many arms, been the subject of many books, and had many sermons preached about … Their priorities are backwards. Jesus is my life and I want to live fruitfully for him. Notes. I’m sure it’s freedoms exceed the state in which you think is “better”. Stark led troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill and later at the Battle of Bennington, where a strategic victory earned him the nickname “the Hero of Bennington.”, Thirty-two years later, Stark, then in failing health, was invited to a reunion of Battle of Bennington veterans, but he was not well enough to travel. Vermont had been happy with its English motto, “Freedom and Unity,” since 1778, but it must have felt left out of the Latin game: In 2015 it added a Latin co-motto, Stella quarta decima fulgeat, which translates as “May the 14th star shine bright.” In Rhode Island, they believe in keeping things simple, offering only the one-word motto “Hope.”. Nothing in this world can be better than being with Jesus Himself our Lord and Savior our Great Redeemer The Great I AM so I Thank you for the opportunity to share my comment this passage has been so so encouraging. The lyrics refer to a young naive person saying Live and let Live. i live in australia and have the words “LIVE FREE OR DIE” on the back of my car as a testimony of my mode of living. We will honor him with our lives and bring sweet glory to his name. What Does It Mean To Fear God? So what does Paul mean when he says, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain?”. This verse, which has been tattoed on many arms, been the subject of many books, and had many sermons preached about it, is an absolutely glorious verse. Another essay idea from your article: “Why John Irving Chose to Set His Hotel in New Hampshire”; this gives me a nice intro, Mr Bills. The Answer May Surprise You. 1:21, to live is Christ, to die is gain. Death is not the greatest of evils.”. Live Free & Stay Free. I’ve often wondered what that phrase meant. Because of this, he was absolutely sure that if he lived, he would fruitfully labor for Jesus. 1. Stark was a New Hampshire–born war hero, having served as an officer in the British army during the French and Indian War and a major general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

Alive or dead, we still belong to the Lord. To live with Christ is glorious and to die having Christ is gain. We need never worry about dying. Because he abided in Christ, and those who abide in Christ always produce fruit. He sent a letter in reply (the full text of which can be read in his son Caleb Stark’s 1860 book, Memoir and Official Correspondence of Gen. John Stark), noting that he’d never forget the troops he commanded in Bennington: “They were men that had not learned the art of submission, nor had they been trained to the art of war.


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