If you have questions and/or comments regarding the use of ftp.nifc.gov site,
No information subject to the Privacy Act may be stored on this
��M��L� &r�:�oo Passwords and user accounts are managed bya Fire and Aviation system called NAP. Official: Only official information directly related to wildland fire may
(616)323-1665 FAX IIA Helpdesk via their IIA-Helpdesk
Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. The GISS should check with the SITL about how to label sensitive data on incident map products; maps containing these data are for incident operational purposes only and must not be shared or posted to public-facing FTP sites or websites. Sensitive data include but are not limited to cultural and archeological resources, and/or sensitive, threatened, and endangered species and/or data subject to the Privacy Act (containing personally identifiable information). Contact us web page (click the "contact us" link). As of 2019, posting incident data to the NIFC FTP is no longer required or necessary. Each day NWCC will provide a compiled .shp file and .kml file. As a GISS, you will be expected to post PDF files of incident maps to the NIFC FTP server. This ftp service is intended for short-term interagency
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(Please copy the email address into a composed email to send to us). Good communication is needed between the outgoing GISS and the incoming and/or host agency GIS to ensure complete and useful incident data transfer.
over from season to season. Mobile maps are especially useful when visibility is poor, or when personnel are unfamiliar with local features and travel routes or are inexperienced navigating by reference to paper maps. A link to the daily data will be provided at ftp://ftp.nifc.gov/Incident_Specific_Data/PACIFIC_NW/!NWCC_INFO/DAILY_FIRE_DATA/. http://gacc.nifc.gov/nwcc, National
All information that is posted to ftp.nifc.gov must be: National Interagency Fire Center
The Northwest Coordination Center - NWCC is continuing to pull together fire information during incidents for fire season 2010 to provide decision support to the Multi Agency Coordination Group MAC, Operations, Intell, and Public Affairs Departments. A procedural document for the incident may be created in cooperation with the local unit and SITL to ensure the proper handling of sensitive data. (for FS employees, a TA is required and has been approved for all Team Laptops) Using FileZilla to post data to the ftp.nifc.gov site is recommended but not required. This ftp service is intended for short-term interagency sharing, not as a file archive or records repository.
Remove sensitive data from hardware that leaves the incident. The “S” stands for “Secure”, and refers to the processes in place that protect the transmission of usernames, passwords, and data, from being intercepted byothers on the network. | NWCC Home | About Us | Site Disclaimer | Contact Us, Questions or suggestions regarding website content or design should be directed to blm_or_nwcc@blm.gov. be anything here that isn't stored in a safer location, or much that carries
The National Incident Feature Service (NIFS) now serves as the authoritative source for all incident data and should be updated daily. ftp://ftp.nifc.gov/Incident_Specific_Data/PACIFIC_NW/FIRE_DIRECTORY_EXAMPLE/. endstream
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Data is backed up to ensure the work of the GISS is not excessively impacted by computer failures or data corruption and to preserve the incident record. sharing, not as a file archive or records repository. potential users only complete step 1, without following up with step 2. %PDF-1.6
USING THE FTP.NIFC.GOV SITE FTP.NIFC.GOV is a file server for sharing interagency wildland fire incident data and documents between incident responders and supporting personnel. This site may not be used for distributing licensed software or any other
The Geospatial Services and Technical Center (GSTC) has completed the production of the 2015 Aerial Fire Retardant Avoidance Maps and have made them available on the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) public FTP server located at:
NWCC - GIS Coordinator
The National Incident Feature Service now serves as the authoritative source for all incident data and should be updated daily.
To create a NAP account, please follow the directions
Access to the site varies according to user role. Phone 503-808-2741
Steps 1 & 2
As a GISS, you will be expected to post PDF files of incident maps to the NIFC FTP server.
As a GISS, the areas of the site that you will use are readable by anyone on the internet, with no user name or password required, This site is created and maintained by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group's Geospatial Training Unit - For more information visit the, 1D - Map Symbology and Standard Map Elements, Unit 2 - Using the Event GDB and COTS Tools, 2G - Creating Map Layouts Using Templates, Unit 4 - Digital Products, Backup, and Sharing, 4C - Backup, Share, and Archive Incident Data, Managing Content for Field Data Collection. Under ftp://ftp.nifc.gov/Incident_Specific_Data/PACIFIC_NW/ please create a folder with your incident name 2010_FireName to deposit perimeters, graphics, maps, etc. h�tQ�j�@��}T��%M� ��5��P�é�x��Br���{w�`}8vgvg�0 N87`:�Y{�J�$tp��))�|WCv����D~U�0�0�9r� ��[�UVj>�_��L`���^��ᱣ�.y)�n���Z��'�dɫa?���c{�t6�$\�OۗK�KxMיE��!u��F6%/lk߫���D�B�gU^0L�o0q1�j�Pc���
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Data sharing ensures all individuals involved with an incident have the information needed to do their jobs and that team transitions are effective and efficient. It has been loaded on Team Laptops. 387-5512, your GACC representative or Authorizing Official, You will need a NAP account to upload data or to access most of the areas
The NIFC FTP service is intended for short-term interagency sharing, not as a file archive or records repository. Sensitive data are not retained with the incident archive.
licensed or copyrighted media.
Fire Information >> National Fire News - Current Wildfires National Preparedness Level 3 (October 13 at 6 p.m. MDT - on a scale from 1 to 5) Current hours for the National Fire Information Center are 8:00 am - … The username and password service used by the NIFC FTP Server is called NAP – the NESS Application Portal. need to happen concurrently. The Avenza Maps app has become an important tool for incident personnel because it lets them view GPS-enabled incident maps on their Android and iOS mobile devices even when WiFi or cellular data service is not available. Adhere to agency requests while on the incident. endstream
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GISS Workflow Diagram: Backup and Sharing Click image to open larger in a new window. Map Products should still be posted to the NIFC FTP.
The GISS should consult the Situation Unit Leader (SITL) with any question about whether a request for data should be fulfilled. Sensitive data should be flagged in some manner, to ensure that they are not shared or archived, or they should be kept in a specific folder, such as \base_data\SENSITIVE. To access the FTP site please follow the three steps below. Section Posting: PL1 (Fri Only); PL2 Data backups are not performed on the NIFC FTP Server. �!���x�sA� 0z���W����8��6���Zr*�����0��v��Y��}�0'D�?�e�$S���γ�Hk*���[� ��bݻ�F��12�5�%� ��/3I���tb��o��c���s��7�0��vQ4:�Kxd-���ޚ�����`��H?0Nö��t�O��s��i���Q�/�H�\�06�3�\���:p��uk�K��.$֡Gh.�)���:
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