tikkun torah
Your email address will not be published. To begin with, I loved the sacred fellowship created by the individual sharings and didn’t want to spoil that sense of intimacy by turning the sharings into an argument. Rather, it was a flowing intuitive integration that emerged spontaneously and semi-consciously as I listened and that continued to emerge effortlessly but more consciously as I spoke.”. If they killed animals to sustain their bodies, why should they not kill animals to elevate their spirits? I felt honored and delighted to join this circle of committed lovers of Torah. Rather, it was a flowing intuitive integration that emerged spontaneously and semi-consciously as I listened and that continued to emerge effortlessly but more consciously as I spoke. Reveal Parties: What Do They Really Reveal? Indeed, we are much more reckless, mindless, and destructive of our ecosystems than the ancients ever were. What a beautiful and holy way to learn and eat and be together! Plus: Connecting the dots between Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, New Testament, Kabbalah … and Yeshua (Jesus) the Nazarene. But if we understand that there is a spark of holiness even in hatred, ignorance, and war, then we are able to transform these negative energies so that they can serve the highest good. Choose a Parsha including double Parshiot and start practicing right away. Aha, I thought, I use meditation in my personal life and professional life, why not use it here? I like the Torah, the Bible, and the Talmud; is the explanation that they are “spiritual”? Tikkun Chatzot Laws. However, it is one thing to give up inanimate possessions like clothes, furniture, and utensils and quite another to take the lives of living beings. I also wanted to honor the variety of theological views. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies, By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. They may have viscerally experienced the animals they herded as part of their collective self—the bestial part of their collective identity. var sc_invisible=1; As a lover of animals I have always been repelled by animal sacrifice. The Tao and Torah do not contradict, but complement. Extinction Illness: Grave Affliction and Possibility, A Public Letter to Supreme Court Nominee Amy Barrett, Rabbinic Letter in Support of Professor Michelle Alexander, Amy Coney Barrett’s Originalism as a Denial of the Moral Bond That Connects Us. Standard tikkun for preparation of the weekly Torah reading. Torah study traditionally is not intuitional, as Bible study is for Protestants, lacking an interpretive tradition). Credit: Creative Commons/ Christophe Kratzert. All of the members were currently or had once been affiliated with Jewish Renewal, a spiritual movement born in the 1960s that integrates Kabbalistic mysticism with modern, progressive values. I am grateful for all the years of experiencing communion through studying and feasting together, and am thankful for the opportunity to discover the Tao of Torah. As I was rereading the Tao Te Ching (as translated by Stephen Mitchell), I was again impressed by how compellingly Lao Tzu is able to reconcile opposites through the use of paradoxical logic. Particularly notable is that the column which includes the vowels (nikkud) uses a font similar to the appearance of a torah scroll and has the exact same words on each line as are in the corresponding column of torah script. Like everything human, it is flawed and requires ongoing reformation. Ask not what is wrong with someone you don’t agree with, but rather what is driving them to support policies that are so hurtful to others. Makes practicing much easier on the go. Yeschua’s (Jesu’) Stammbaum – Tschüss Jungferngeburt! My preference was for dialogue, not debate. Most of the time I chose to share last so that I could listen to and build on the insights of the entire group. So to know God, join the community, read the text, perform all the happiness-inducing rituals, get holy, and to do all this set aside your thinking self along with your privilege and your ego. Cookies help us deliver our services. Around the time I joined the Torah study group, I was re-reading Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, the classic Taoist text and one of my favorite scriptures of all time. You can only get about 1-page of Tikkun text at a time. Our text comes mostly from the Leningrad Codex and BHS. The inspiration to meditate during the Torah study group may have come during a moment of exhaustion: I had closed my eyes during the reading because I was feeling tired from a long week at work, but as I listened to the passage with closed eyes, I discovered that the words became more vital and evocative. Is that a non-offensive way of saying they are rooted in our “relationship with ‘God'”?) Learning Hebrew? Thank you. Bitte ungültige Links an TMRelay (@) gmx.ch melden. This is YOUR page! Choose a Parsha including double Parshiot and start practicing right away. Instead of immediately proceeding to a group discussion of the text, we passed around “a talking stick”—which was usually a shofar or a Torah yad (ritual pointer)—and each person had five to ten minutes to speaking freely about what the Torah passage meant to him or her. Berkeley, CA 94704. I always find it curious when anyone who is part of this tendency is also politically on the left, but then at least since McCarthyism the left has been a big tent. This tikkun has excellent layout and content. var sc_project=6721475; I did not analyze or ruminate on their responses but allowed them to flow through me and evoke in me whatever sensations, feelings, images, and thoughts they were meant to invoke. They reminded me of the views I had rejected when I left rabbinical school in 1977 disillusioned with the dogmatism, ethnocentrism, and sexism in Orthodox Judaism.


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