old ashgabat
Il mese più caldo è agosto con una temperatura media di 30,9 °C mentre il mese più freddo è gennaio con una temperatura media di 2,2 °C. Vi furono oltre 110.000 morti pari a due terzi della popolazione anche se le cifre ufficiali erano di gran lunga inferiori. Situata tra il deserto del Karakum e le pendici della catena montuosa Kopet Dag nell'oasi di Akhal Tekin ad un'altitudine di circa 230 m s.l.m. Quando, dopo la vittoria di Geok Tepe nel 1881 la zona fu invasa dai russi, la città principale della zona era Merv e Aşgabat era solo un modesto villaggio. Many people may wonder where this place is and I will try to give some directions – east of Caspian Sea, south of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and north of Iran and Afghanistan. Per cinque anni l'accesso alla zona fu interdetto per permettere il recupero dei resti delle vittime, di rimuovere le macerie e di ricostruire la città che fu riprogettata su un reticolato di vie perpendicolari, con la Prospettiva Machtumkuli (Prospekt Machtumkuli) che divide la città da est a ovest. Sebbene il nome significhi letteralmente "città dell'amore" o "città di devozione" in persiano, si tratta di un'assimilazione successiva. Apparently it didn’t want to get known either. Unfortunately I was on a business trip and I didn’t have much time to know the country. Bulgaria and Turkmenistan don’t have strong diplomatic relations and don’t exchange ambassadors. Of course it is not allowed to take photos of any of these places but it is very beautiful although very deserted. This is what is typical for the new buildings in Ashgabat. The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs a dam | Forces of Nature with Brian Cox - BBC - Duration: 3:53. And what was I doing there? More than 110 000 people died. Local people told me about the huge earthquake on 6th October 1948 that destroyed the city entirely in one night. Le precipitazioni massime si hanno nei mesi di marzo e aprile con 45 mm di pioggia mentre il mese più arido è agosto. Turkmen language is very similar to Turkish and it is almost impossible to find someone speaking English. To reach Ashgabat you could use Turkish airlines or Turkmen airlines. It happened that the first entirely Asian country I visited was Turkmenistan and particularly its capital Ashgabat. La popolazione era in prevalenza russa con minoranze armene ed ebree, la città ha peraltro mantenuto questo carattere, ancora oggi la maggioranza della popolazione non è di origine turkmena. However Ashgabad is a nice city, very calm. Български. The more educated is the person you are talking to, the better he speaks Russian. There is even a Ministry of horses and also Ministry of carpets. It is quite new and the huge luxury apartments in the marble buildings are still uninhabited. They are definitely hospitable, polite and social. I russi decisero però di farne la loro capitale regionale e verso la fine del XIX secolo la città venne arricchita da edifici e alberghi in stile europeo e, dopo il collegamento alla ferrovia transcaspiana, una stazione ferroviaria. Follow on Instagram, Andrey and his family, who love to be together and discover their hometown and the world. La prima menzione scritta della città di Aşgabat risale ad una tavoletta dell'epoca della popolazione dei Parti nella quale si elogiava la bontà del vino della zona. Aşgabat (in persiano: عشق آباد‎‎, letteralmente "città dell'amore"; in russo: Ашхабад?, traslitterato: Ašchabad), già Poltorack (in russo: Полтора́цк?) andreyandreevphotography But there is police everywhere so in practice you can take photos of almost nothing. “Bagt Koshgi” – Ashgabat’s “Palace of Happiness.” – wedding palace. #Winelover #Foodlover #Slowtraveller Based in Sofia,Bulgaria, Use of texts, photographs and other copyrighted content from this website is strictly forbidden and illegal without the exclusive permission from the author.© 2019 Andrey Andreev Travel and Photography, Wine tasting like a pro in the wineries in Bulgaria. Sorge nell'Asia Centrale, tra il deserto del Karakum e la catena montuosa del Kopet Dag. Nell'XI secolo passò sotto il dominio dei selgiuchidi ma venne espugnata e rasa al suolo dai mongoli nel XIII secolo. You are not allowed to take photos of public buildings, buildings of the administration and police. La temperatura media annua è pari a 16,4 °C e le precipitazioni annue sono pari a 236 mm. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan An Introduction to Ashgabat. On passport check you are not very friendly welcomed in the country. BBC Recommended for you Local people told me about the huge earthquake on 6 th October 1948 that destroyed the city entirely in one night. When you land there you cannot miss the strong security. I would recommend Turkish airlines because the Turkmen planes are mostly used by local women for suitcase trade from Turkey. Museo di storia turkmena con oltre 30.000 reperti archeologici ed etnografici risalenti fino all'epoca dei. As a lot of things in Ashgabat soon it will be replaced by a new one, bigger airport that is being build nearby. All around the airport you see women carrying huge suitcases stuffed with goods bought from Turkey to be sold in Turkmenistan. It appeared that the same day the president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow was returning from the city of Turkmenbasi. We have reviews of the best places to see in Ashgabat. Il clima della città è arido-desertico. And we also had a small accident – one of our colleagues had brought cigarettes from Bulgaria without knowing that the import of cigarettes is forbidden in Turkmenistan. Il 5 ottobre 1948 la città venne completamente distrutta da un devastante terremoto. The city is not very welcoming to photographers and policemen are watching suspiciously every person carrying a camera. For example the gas is said to be free as well as the electricity, salt and water. La regione venne poi occupata da tribù nomadi turkmene e la città perse di importanza. Upon arrival you queue to have your visa and to have your documents checked. On the last president elections it was 89 % and the president was elected by 97 % of the votes. If you are newlywed, you must have a photo besides his portrait. So later they had to rebuild the city in a short time and they build a lot of low buildings, no more than 2-3 floors. The portrait of the president is also present on your wedding receptions. Recently I read in National Geographic that Turkmenistan has recorded the highest voter turnout in the world. The history of Baháʼí Faith in Turkmenistan is as old as the religion itself, and Baháʼí communities still exist today. It is very complicated for a Bulgarian citizen to obtain a visa for Turkmenistan. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in October. Museo delle arti con una notevole collezione di tappeti uno dei quali ha una superficie di 193,5 m² e un peso 885 kg ed è il tappeto più grande del mondo. First it’s the Darvaza gas craters, burning gas craters that resemble the gates to hell, that tops my list of the strangest sights I’ve seen.. And as if it weren’t bizarre enough, Ashgabat brings it to a whole new level. Instead you are being watched suspiciously and it takes some time to pass all the controls and leave the airport. Now they are changing all portraits with newer ones and it is about millions of portraits. So if a person has any higher education, he definitely speaks good Russian. Andrey and his family, who love to be together and discover their hometown and the world. Luckily I was not asked to delete my photos but I was very careful what and when to shoot. Il nome turkmeno Aşgabat corrisponde al persiano Ešq-ābād (عشق‌آباد). Тази статия може да я прочетете и на: It is nice to have a walk around the president’s palace, the gold-covered statues of his predecessor Saparmurat Niyazov, the huge Ministry of military. On March 23th 2013 Ashgabat was recorded on Guinness as the city with the most buildings covered with white marble. It seems he is quite popular all over the country because his portrait is in every office, every restaurant, and every hotel. Ashgabat , formerly named Poltoratsk (Russian: Полтора́цк, IPA: [pəltɐˈratsk]) between 1919 and 1927, is the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan. Calm streets and nice but empty parks – these are my impressions. It is also near the Iran-Turkmenistan border. After we received the positive answer we took the flight to Ashgabat. Although only 2 planes had landed at the airport, it was a bustle there. Later I read on Internet that opera was forbidden too. As I was told several times, Ashgabat is also recorded in Guinness as the city with most fountains. Fuel is also very cheap. Gli storici attribuiscono infatti l'origine del toponimo al fondatore dell'Impero partico Arsace I, in persiano Ashk-Abad, da cui "città di Ashk/Arsace"[2]. Il nome turkmeno Aşgabat corrisponde al persiano Ešq-ābād (عشق‌آباد). It’s been more than a week since I returned from Turkmenistan and it is time to write a few words about my trip. The old city of Ashgabat. Instead Russian is very widely used. However on the city market it was almost impossible to speak Russian. È situata a circa 25 km più a nord del confine tra l'Iran e il Turkmenistan. Fondata nel 1881 e resa nel 1924 capitale della Repubblica Socialista Sovietica Turkmena, fu distrutta da un terribile terremoto nel 1948 e fu in seguito ricostruita, su impulso del presidente turkmeno Saparmyrat Nyýazow. It is situated between the Karakum Desert and the Kopet Dag mountain range in Central Asia. The reason is that they don’t have many university books in Turkmen language and Russian books are widely studied in the universities. I spent only three days in this country and I still cannot judge whether Turkmen people live well or not.


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