The kidnapper, Gerald Friend, was paroled in 1980 after being jailed for a similar conviction in 1960. The chord progression is just the same: E minor, G, D, C for the verses. In an interview with Guitar World in 1992, he discusses the guitar he used. A few days after she escaped, Gerald was stopped by police for a traffic violation, police recognized him, and he was arrested. Jeff Lynne sang the word "groose" in the chorus of "Don't Bring Me Down" as a nonsense placeholder, but left it in when he found out it means "greetings" in German ("gruss"). In addition to exploring his own fears and anxieties in Nirvana’s music, he was also a vocal feminist who repeatedly spoke out against sexism and violence against women, especially sexual violence. "Polly" is an alternative rock song that lasts for two minutes and 57 seconds. Kurt Cobain wrote the song based off of an event he read about in the newspaper in 1987. Although many Nirvana songs are catchy and simple, “Polly” takes this to a whole new level. [11] The song starts with Cobain playing a soft, sludgy acoustic guitar riff and singing the vocals until the first chorus when bass enters, a cymbal crash is played, and Cobain adds a vocal harmony. [13][14] She managed to escape by jumping from his truck at a gas station, attracting attention from surrounding people. [11] The song starts with Cobain playing a soft, sludgy acoustic guitar riff and singing the vocals until the first chorus when bass enters, a cymbal crash is played, and Cobain adds a vocal harmony. [4] However, earlier versions of the song also feature this line, including the original home demo, the 1989 Peel version, and most pre-Nevermind live versions. The session, their last for the BBC, was first broadcast on November 18, 1991,[5] and three of the four songs from the session, including "Polly", appeared on the band's compilation album Incesticide on December 1992. "Polly" is a distinct song in that it is entirely acoustic (as originally recorded for Nevermind), which contrasts the more "clean-guitar-for-verses, distorted-guitar-for-choruses, quiet-loud-quiet" pattern Nirvana is famous for employing. [12] Gerald Arthur Friend kidnapped the girl while she was leaving a rock concert, suspended her upside down from a pulley in his mobile home and raped and tortured her with a blow torch. General CommentHi all, I found this on Wikipedia According to Michael Azerrad's 1993 Nirvana biography Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana, "Polly" is based on the true story of a female rape victim from Tacoma, Washington That was in 1987 and Polly was written around '87 or '88. Go to the source and start there.”eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'rocksoffmag_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',105,'0','0'])); He continues, “I was talking to a friend of mine who went to a rape crisis center where women are taught judo and karate. This version is much faster and heavier than Nevermind's version. In fact, I had to use duct tape to hold the tuning keys in place. And it happens every few minutes,” Kurt says. The song is driven by soft, plunking acoustic guitar strums. According to Vig in the 2005 Classic Albums: Nirvana - Nevermind documentary, Cobain accidentally sang the first two words of the third verse, "Polly said," too early, during the instrumental break, but the band decided to leave it in. The song was re-recorded by Butch Vig at Smart Studios in Madison, Wisconsin in April 1990. "Polly" was the sixth track on Nirvana's breakthrough 1991 album Nevermind. its icky and bad. It was left off Nirvana's 1989 debut album, Bleach because Cobain believed it was not consistent with the band's heavy grunge sound of the time. Of all the dark songs by the band Nirvana, 'Polly' is probably the most disturbing of them all. "[12] Following the release and surprise success of Nevermind, there were reports of a woman being raped by two men singing "Polly. First Presidential Debate: Why It Went So Wrong, The Underlying Misogyny Surrounding Fangirl Culture, Xenophobia Towards the Biggest Band in the World, BTS, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, A Game Review, Delivering Sahuaro's Cutting Edge News & Saving Trees, © 2020 • Privacy Policy • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO • Log in, Senior Parent Meeting on September 30th @6pm (More Info Soon), YEARBOOK Accepting Photos - Click on "Important Announcements" Below, Join Meditation Club (Teachers Also Welcome), Gymannie on [10] The song has a basic sequence of Em–G5–D–C5 in the verses and D–C5–G–B♭5 during the refrain as its chord progression. According to Michael Azerrad's 1993 Nirvana biography Come as You Are, "Polly" is based on the true story of a female rape victim from Tacoma, Washington. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 8 Myths About Nirvana's 'Nevermind, "Cool Hand Puke: Kurt Cobain tries to explain why Nirvana — third-hand guitars and all — is suddenly the hottest band in the country", "Nirvana's Latest, Incesticide Is No Trump Card, But It's Still A Winner", "No Apologies: All 102 Nirvana Songs Ranked", "Nirvana 'Polly' Sheet Music in E Minor - Download & Print", "Nirvana: Read SPIN's 1994 Essay on Kurt Cobain's Rise, 'Out of the Blue, "FREE ALBUM: SPIN Tribute to Nirvana's 'Nevermind, "The Hit List: 20 Great Nirvana Songs Picked by the Stars", Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle, Experiencing Nirvana: Grunge in Europe, 1989, Smells Like Bleach: A Punk Tribute to Nirvana, Nirvana – A Classic Album Under Review – In Utero,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Kurt Cobain (vocals, guitar, backing vocals), Kurt Cobain (vocals, acoustic guitar, backing vocals), This page was last edited on 16 August 2020, at 17:48.
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