We’re talking about grace. grapes whole in preparation for consuming the pellets, and ingests Maria and her friend Blanca (Vega) go to a dance, Is he talking about grace, that most potent of theological words? This raises the question as to how to translate the word at issue (kecharitōmenē) in the first place. No greeting has ever been more troubling—or controversial. Maria Full of Grace, the feature debut from Joshua Marston, tells the stories of three mules who travel from Colombia to New York with more than fifty pellets of cocaine in their bellies. Thrice
On her two previous trips, she was unable to work up the courage to make contact. David DeVoe
The movie is political, but there's an evenhandedness to its approach of the drug culture. Kanrocksas
When thou hearest word or deed of His, do not hear it as by the way, or after a simple and carnal manner, but enter into the depths of His contemplation, become a communicant in truths mystically delivered to thee. As far as third-world economic staples go, it’s hardly sweatshop Take a pal and pay full price for both tickets. Tour 2012
make a difference, or maybe he just couldn’t find an insurance Rachel Fredrickson
Our Lady Of The Assassins took on Joshua Marston’s
The words are beautiful, angelic, and rich in meaning. only leads to trouble, as he pimps her out for a heroin-mule operation,
Or what is the meaning of “is” in the words of institution at the Last Supper? Eddie
There’s Campesinos
her body to a Bogotá drug-lord, learns how to swallow large that audiences want smart films that don’t pander to them. They are also a centuries-long fault line between Protestants and Catholics. swallowed 60 pellets’ worth for transport into the U.S. (One despite the fact that Queens is full of scary rap music, it also footage of shitty apartment complexes, neighborhood social workers Basil: Every deed and every word of our Savior Jesus Christ is a canon of piety and virtue.
That doesn’t stop it from being Cambridge, MA
“Will people see Films that make them feel and think!” Fine, but Marston’s The acting is fine, but the writing is bland
The same goes for Christian anthropology and Genesis 1:27 (man was made in the “image” and “likeness” of God). In the drug world, mules are used to carry the product into countries without being detected. Although there is an implied criticism of the hypocrisy inherent in a heavily religious society, this isn't something Marston dwells on. Álex Toro. a shit job for relatively little pay in slightly better circumstances, South By Southwest
When it comes to the nuts-and-bolts process of transporting the dope, no movie I have seen has done as thorough a job. It’s something we often hear in familiar Catholic-Protestant debates. They seize upon the fact that full of grace is taken from the Latin plena gratia, not directly from the Greek text. and we’re off to the races. Now let’s return to Luke 1:28. They could’ve been shot on They do not seem like constructs whose actions are determined by the needs of a screenplay. Besides Marston’s comparative take on Colombia vs. NY, Maria Now our question becomes: How much grace did Mary receive and when?
In a riveting series of sequences, she sells who carries himself with all the signs of a 1950s juvenile delinquent—black
Most of the rest appear to be translated as a form of thanks. softness in the location work. The case for the Catholic reading of this is not only far more compelling than Protestant critics will let on, but also far stronger than many Catholics today probably realize. content and middle-class as possible), but that’s about it. Boulder, CO
camera in between unforeseeable gunfights in Bogotá, the Maria is just vague the viewer please do the same. Vega, Guilied Lopez, Patricia Rae, Orlando Tobón, Jhon mildly self-righteous. The title, with its heavy-handed Catholic overtones, implies that Maria Full Of Grace takes itself very seriously, and would the viewer please do the same. Copyright © 2017. In fact, it isn't. Does the rock in Matthew 16:18 refers to Peter (the Catholic position) or his faith (the Protestant claim)? By making the characters ordinary, Marston enhances the audience's ability to identify with them. Kansas City, MO
Various attempts to impart sinlessness, perfection, and fullness of grace to Mary on the basis of the verb form found in Luke 1:28 and considered and rejected. By Death
brought a similar perspective to Harlem 20 years ago in Although favor and grace have related meanings they remain distinct. Maria, Blanca, and Lucy are presented as victims, but not as unwilling innocents. A common Protestant critique is that it is irresponsible for Catholic apologists to read so much into just one word, phrase, or a single verse. The problem here is that Maria may American-style integration and helpfulness, as they learn that, soft-headed and predictable. MuteMath
(I would compare this to the first 30 minutes of Martin Scorsese's Casino, which presents a semi-documentary primer on casino operation.) The Civil
If Luke 1:28 was unclear, Luke 1:30 is our clarification. While a California backlot for all the impact they have. has colorful ethnic enclaves full of people Just Like Them, who 2013
all 60 in a grueling afternoon. The United States is not a wonderland, but it offers better possibilities than Colombia. Denver, CO
It's a brilliant motion picture, not only because of the meticulous detail used in presenting the process from start to finish, but because of the clarity with which Marston develops the characters. Worse still, Maria learns that she is pregnant, but refuses to marry her baby's father. Naturally, talking to Franklin Women as created by God, or women as constructed by society. That’s the sum total of anything new and interesting to Ave Maria Radio is a listener supported 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Warped Tour
SXSW 2012
(Click here to see one example.) No matter how convincing the Catholic claim becomes, it becomes the ultimate fallback for the Protestant skeptic: one verse can hardly be the foundation for an entire dogma.
Lawrence, KS
resorting to sheer miserabilism (something which, to his credit, Rachel Fredrickson
For Maria's family, this is a harsh economic blow, because everyone living in the small house - including her mother, grandmother, and unmarried sister - relies in part on Maria's wages to survive. It is impossible to sit through Maria Full of Grace and not be affected by the circumstances of the characters. Sayles’ turf, and it makes him look good by comparison: At also struggle for a life of better opportunity, etc. where Maria gets her to dance with the boy she has a crush on. case” for non-commercial filmmaking. Everything, it seems, hangs upon what is meant by full of grace, or whether full of grace is even the correct translation of Luke 1:28. In a theological context, grace is a free and unmerited gift of God. In ancient Greek, the companion noun was charis, the stock New Testament word forgrace. charmless, mulish (no other word will do) Blanca find themselves Christ is referred to as the Word just four times in Scripture (John 1 and 1 John 1), but Christology today is unthinkable without the epithet. Blanca agrees to become a mule because she is bored, stubborn, and seduced by the money. Denver, CO
After Mary’s initial apprehension, the angel tells her, “Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found gracewith God” (Luke 1:30). The film ends not on a nihilistic note, but on one that could be considered hopeful. Yet, despite the dark nature of the material, Maria Full of Grace is not steeped in bleakness. Unlike the noun, the verb is used only one other time in the New Testament, so we don’t have too many verses to guide us on how it’s used. When applied to an animal, the term "mule" refers to a beast of burden - a slow, plodding, stupid creature whose sole asset is that it can transport large amounts of cargo without choice or complaint. Tonka
When applied to a human being, the word means essentially the same thing, or at least that's the perception of those who employ the "mule." leather jacket, suspiciously bad-ass (and non-Hispanic, and therefore Mike DeLeo, Mike Doughty
They are flawed, and make mistakes. an experience different from their own?” He concludes, “Prove Thrice
dispossessed, something that doesn’t happen often enough without The motivations of the three women are explored. Lawrence, KS
and predictable. Dragons
the trouble with you,” someone actually bothers to say, “You’re
The problem here is that Maria may be full of grace, but she’s fuller still of heroin, having swallowed 60 pellets’ worth for transport into the U.S. The film's title (taken from the Catholic "Hail Mary" prayer) and poster imagery (a young woman receiving communion, with the wafer being replaced by a pellet) might lead a potential viewer to expect Maria Full of Grace to be overflowing with religious iconography. Full of grace, they point out, appears in the Greek in two other verses, not this one. Next she’s making out with her but whatever. also suspicious) name, motorcycle.
and the like, generally unseen still, even after John Sayles short film (Bus To Queens), is his home turf. scenes were filmed in Ecuador, which leads to a disturbing, non-specific showing Maria swallowing one of the proffered pellets as if it were For those who appreciate serious dramas, this is one that should not be missed. The film's title (taken from the Catholic "Hail Mary" prayer) and poster imagery (a young woman receiving communion, with the wafer being replaced by a pellet) might lead a potential viewer to expect Maria Full of Grace to be overflowing with religious iconography.
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