6 0 obj 30 0 obj endobj 7 0 obj 19 0 obj 35 0 obj Mark as downloaded . x�+�r endstream <>>>/StructParents 16/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies and Linguistics explores the interrelationships between translation studies and linguistics in six sections of state-of-the-art chapters, written by leading specialists from around the world. 2 0 obj <>stream endobj endstream endobj 22 0 obj (2020). 9 0 obj endobj <>stream x�+�r x�+�r 12 0 obj 37 0 obj endobj x�+�r endobj x�+�r endstream You can write a book review and share your experiences. endobj endobj endstream <>>>/StructParents 6/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> <>>>/StructParents 14/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> 46 0 obj endstream �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH34Qp�W� [� 18 0 obj endstream endobj endobj Main The Routledge handbook of translation and pragmatics. endobj endobj 33 0 obj x�+�r 52 0 obj <>>>/StructParents 10/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> 28 0 obj Preview. endstream endobj 27 0 obj 31 0 obj endobj �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH34Up�W� [� endobj �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH�Tp�W� O�� endstream �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH34Vp�W� [~ <>stream �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH3�Pp�W� [� �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH34Sp�W� [� x�+�r �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH3Wp�W� O�� endobj 1 0 obj �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH3Qp�W� O�� <>stream endobj endobj x�+�r <>>>/StructParents 1/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> 15 0 obj 25 0 obj 10 0 obj endstream endstream endstream Translation and technology: defining underlying technology – present and future, Translation and technology: users’ perspectives, Translation and technology: application in a specific context – shaping practice, Translation and technology: research foci and methodologies, Translation and technology: overarching issues, Registered in England & Wales No. 41 0 obj %PDF-1.4 endobj 55 0 obj The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the dynamically evolving relationship between translation and technology. <>stream endstream Publisher: ... PDF, 39.51 MB. <>>>/StructParents 5/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> endobj Please read our short guide how to send a book to Kindle. ?��@�xo�AL� �2T0 BCc333C=c#��\.��@�B��L�UЏH3Up�W� O�� <>stream <>>>/StructParents 11/Parent 34 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> 56 0 obj Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. <>stream x�+�r The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the dynamically evolving relationship between translation and technology. <>>>/StructParents 3/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> x�+�r 49 0 obj x�+�r <>>>/StructParents 2/Parent 3 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 493.23 697.32]>> DOI link for The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology book. x�+�r endobj endobj <>stream S�r��~�S�Sx��0��������ܖY
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