rwby volume 7 episode 8 countdown
Oh yeah, and speaking of, the Hope theme makes a significant appearance, and man does this part never fail to give me chills, especially with Ironwood's final line. Like previous years, the threads will go up on Tuesdays and Thursdays, meaning that the finale will be watched on the 3rd of November, the same week as volume 8 is currently set to premiere. 160 comments. Well… I think that’s it. There’s some great choreography in this episode with great strategies to take down the bigger Grimm. We’ve teamed up with That kind of precision would probably be useful for Mantle. Ruby's little moment starts with a subtle Red Like Roses reference before a small section of Indomitable is played on the piano. Seeing him finally reveal everything to Mantle after so long and their subsequent rallying behind him was awesome. It's obligatory that I do at least one of these every rewatch, and this just so happens to be the episode with the musical moment that gets me choked up every time I hear it, so. is your TV show guide to Countdown RWBY Episode Air Dates and to stay in touch with RWBY next episode Air Date and your others favorite TV Shows. - YouTube I’m sure her failing to use them tapered off the complaints that Ruby’d be overpowered. you this service. The good: That opening long shot of Mantle being attacked was awesome. The arrival of the airships and the start of the evacuation has the military motif, and then as the green light streaks across the sky we hear a part of Penny's theme to tell us exactly what it is (also idk why but this is one of my favourite occurrences of her theme, despite how short it is). Privacy. Between the gathering of the Schnees, Jacques's silver tongue, and Watts's Winter Wonderland, things are ramping up to get a whole lot worse for Ironwood and Mantle.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••­­­•••••••••••Check out other ways to follow \u0026 support me!PATREON: me stuff at P.O. There are only 16 days to go . Why use up Vine’s semblance to hold them still while doing it instead of killing the ones he’s holding? They said in the last episode that they couldn’t do it because of the risk of collateral damage but now it’s cool? I need “The Grimm were supposed to destroy our enemies, not make them friends!” on a T-shirt. That opening violin is AWESOME, and I love how haunting it becomes once the visual appears and the Mantle theme comes in. The fact that he finds Robyn being a beacon of hope to be upsetting really shows how demented he truly is. The volume was preceded by Volume 7. receive a link to create a new password. I haven't counted since the volume ended so I could be wrong lol. I don't know if they mentioned it at all on the director's commentary, or if you would have any idea u/pwnocchio - I know Kerry and Kiersi wrote this one - but it's such a solid bit of character, I adore it. The Grimm had to be overcome slowly, with skill and stuff, and you could actually feel the struggle happening, since all the characters are close together, fighting as one to keep the Grimm away from the train. Yang's slick move has I Burn playing with some sick synth backing it up. I love how you can just feel the weight and significance of this moment, as Salem is no longer a secret, at least to this part of the world. Very few big plot- or character-related problems in this episode and it has a couple of fairly good parts. Well, now that I’ve dismissed the majority of the chapter, I can focus on the details. It will be followed by Volume 9. They are using the airships as ground support? Also, the score during that scene is outstanding. Previous Episode. Please enter your email address. Things then start to reach a boiling point with the citizens, which means more Mantle music :D. Then comes probably the biggest moment of the episode, the speech. Hey! With the Megoliath defeated, and Penny's public image restored, her theme is heard on the piano, maybe in contrast to the end of chapter 6? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, ♪ Score Connoisseur | Resident Atlas Bootlicker,,,, very beginning of Weiss' fight with the Boarbatusk. The setup for the Ironwood vs Watts fight is so good, there’s a lot of dramatic tension and expectation for the actual fight. r/RWBY Recap Rally - Volume 7, Chapter 9: As Above, So Below ... meaning that the finale will be watched on the 3rd of November, the same week as volume 8 is currently set to premiere. Run a bit, switch to other characters who dispatch one Grimm, switch to another character, switch to big-boss Grimm that gets yeeted, switch to another big-boss Grimm that gets blown up, blah, blah, blah. Ruby, Penny and Harriet vs the Alpha Megoliath, once again, has strategy which I like. So that’s cool. Since the 14th episode is missing, we might fill in the final Thursday slot with a hype thread instead. After There's a lot I still love about this episode, my own personal gripes and grumblings about the Volume on the whole aside, but up there in my favorite moments of it is definitely Ruby trying to focus enough to use her Silver Eyes - and failing. Tyrian confronts Robyn with his theme playing on the low strings, gradually getting darker until he finally attacks, except this time he's been outplayed, and Robyn's theme kicks in as Qrow and Clover appear, and then small reference of Qrow's theme to cap it off. They were uploaded to YouTube a week later. Josh Grelle continues to absolutely kill it as Tyrian. It keeps reminding me of Tyrian's theme, but that's obviously not it. HERE is the link to today's episode. Please note: The above links are affiliate links to our partner. Qrow and Clover's small scene has a back and forth between their respective themes. Christmas HERE is the link to today's episode. To enquire It is scheduled to premiere on November 7th, 2020, and run for 14 episodes. Awesome cliffhanger. Still, an extra special thank you goes to backers in the Seasonal Maiden, Wizard of Remnant and Silver-Eyed Warrior tiers:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••­­­•••••••••••Aimee BurgessAndre Bradford C DiazCaleb HallChristopher MayhausIrvin HawkinsJack JohnsonLuke MarshallMatt RagusaNigelPaul J. CochranRide the LightningThe Disturbed GuyxxDieselxx75Daniel BurnsDavid J. MooreErza LeJonathan HallJonathan BenhamKing of MercyLight Dragon TVMichaelTormaxXimnusWiliam HintonWing YuGotakeiIan DoddJaime ColemanMatthew TrappNoah AldermanRylan SkeltonWinter Schnee Despite its short length it packs a lot of great stuff into its runtime and thus it's one of my favorite episodes of the volume. Track RWBY season 7 episodes. Why do they need to move everyone to the nearest air pad? Countdown | Your Birthday 'fair use' basis. FAQ's | Ironwood’s speech is probably the best part of the chapter, dragging the triumph of the last chapter out of the rubble and soot. Back at the fight, the Ace Ops theme is heard as Harriet tries her best to pull off the 1v1, but is saved saved by Penny distracting the Megoliath, whose motif is heard for the last time this episode. Not very original. The cut to Robyn also brings us to the final occurrence of the Mantle theme this volume. She trying to kill her just weeks ago but found herself outmatched by the maiden powers, and now she’s going to wait for her to get another one? a free (America/New_York Time). Also massive shoutout to Josh Grelle's performance as Tyrian at the start of the scene. Box 61363 New Bedford, MA 02746••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••­­­•••••••••••Thanks for all of your support, guys!RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 8 Reaction - Family Matters-MUSIC CREDIT-Gold by Jeff Williams \u0026 Casey Lee Williams (RWBY Volume 1 Soundtrack) video would not be possible without the undying love and support from my amazing Patreon backers of Remnant. He would 100% rip her to shreds. Blake, Yang and Elm actually using strategy to take down a Megoliath was cool to see. Then as Ruby appears we get an awesome Red Like Roses reference, specifically this part of the song, which I'm not sure has been used in the score before. Whoo! Name: The Enemy of Trust. You may be able to stream RWBY at one of our partners websites when it is released:Prime VideoHuluStarz. RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 8 Reaction - Mama Schnee!!! Watts really is big brained, just look at his head shape. The next bit of music with Blake running away from the Grimm feels like it could be based on the Grimm motifs? Countdown Season 7 Season 6 Season 5 Season 4 Season 3 Season 2 Season 1 RWBY Season 7 Air Dates S07E01 - The Greatest Kingdom Air Date: 02 November 2019 16:00 - Amd to answer your question, Watts, no, I think Salem would be the most adept at causing chaos. Kickass music. further regarding images please email us. Meanwhile, this season gets a 7.35. on Saturday 7th November 2020 But attacking Robyn after attacking all the other Mantle supporters? Unfortunately she can't concentrate thanks to the Megoliath, whose motif we hear, and with a glance down to her hip, knowing she can't do the same trick twice, she charges into battle. back and forth between their respective themes. Crunchyroll announced on August 16, 2013, that RWBY would be simulcast on the video streaming site. The Mantle theme then returns helping to remind us of the pretty serious situation. Countdown: 2 weeks 6 days. 'scuse you. The Ace Ops theme then appears after Elm dispatches them, before once again returning to the Mantle theme. Penny's theme is heard as she attacks the Grimm, and again when Ruby sees if she's okay. Then those low strings start and go back and forth with the choir, before the 'people of Mantle' theme shows up as the camera follows the group of civilians who almost get stomped on. The moment he activates the biomes and we hear that iconic sound from Volume 3 is probably one of the most hype moments in the entire show for me, and then the raising of the gravity biomes with that choir is just, ugh, chef's kiss. And it’s hard to take the struggle seriously when you’ve got the Grimm being brushed aside by Vine so the civilians can walk out of single-file. WE LOVE YOU, ALEX!! The Mantle theme returns again and is soon interrupted by the Megoliath motif as the big bois come charging in. Previous Episode. Also I literally just noticed that Marrow grabs his tail in that shot lol. Terms Of Use | Episodes Volume 1 (2013). Where are the people that worked on Argus Limited? Name: Episode 1. TV show guide for RWBY. I’d probably give it a 7. Wedding Day Except you know, much more happy. And then Watts' theme matches that awesomeness in it's own way, with that note as he throws the bag continuing to give me chills every time I hear it. That scene after Penny got thrown by the Alpha Megoliath was also not funny at all and kind of ruined the mood.


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