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Show off your gamer swag with direct connections into a variety of platforms, get the latest updates and patch notes and see deep game data to make intelligent decisions on creating teams, character info and more. pip install ogame-stats GameStats is a service allowing you to aggregrate stats from all your different games! OGame Dark is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. This includes new colonies, research, fleet, or mines. Essential cookies are necessary for the site to function; other cookies are used for marketing and analytic purposes. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.,,…/latest.user.js,…/screenshot.png, https://board.origin.ogame.gam…ad/4107-CerealOgameStats/,…ereal-ogame-stats.user.js, Info : Makes alliance evolution stats from the OGame alliance memberlist and transforms it into a forum friendly code, Browser : Firefox + Greasemonkey or Scriptish & Chrome + Tampermonkey, Languages : English, Español, Française, Italiano, Português, Türk & Русский. [ Spanish ] Para consultar este documento en español pulse este enlace: The available interface languages are English (default language), Español (,,, Française (, Italiano (, Português (,, Русский ( and Türk ( but you can send me more translations if you want, preferably through the issues of this project. CerealOgameStats. UniverseQuestions (universe_id, community) than you could take a look at the data sets. InfoCompte is a script run with Tampermonkey on Google Chrome which allows you to see more efficiently your points on your account, through summary and pie-chart. It also provides a recommended path to upgrade your mines and technologies after calculation of the amortization. Experienced players or alliances often have their own personal spreadsheet based calculators or tracking systems. Privacy. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. var options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric',day: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}; Yes, this tool is tolerated by OGame Origin, so you can use it in any server. Universe View is an add-on that helps you to play OGame in a more efficient and effective manner. AntiGameReborn offers a features for OGame which make play more comfortable. document.write('
'+startDate.toLocaleTimeString('fr-FR', options));document.write('
'); Learn more. We use cookies on our website to optimise your user experience. Useful and less advantageous research options are also marked as such. Also contains a combat simulator and CR converter. We use essential cookies to perform essential website functions, e.g. Also provided is a search to locate planets or players in the universe. This is needs your help since asking the right questions is the key. get to see the distribution of the planets owned by the alliance members. than you could take a look at the data sets. Marketplace, Official Forums (Boards) • (See rules), You can find all add-ins for OGame by following the link to Tolerated Tools & Extensions, Alliances • Use of them can aid planning, improve usability of the game, or track statistics. Site is in French but can be Google Translated if not desirable to view in native language. These have been developed by the community of players. You're safe here. OGame Battle for universal dominance in the timeless space strategy classic OGame: conquer new planets, research ground-breaking technologies, form alliances and fight unbelievable space wars with thousands of other emperors. Info : Makes alliance evolution stats from the OGame alliance memberlist and transforms it into a forum friendly code; Author : EliasGrande profile Claim your unique username today. Might be used to query the data sets, visualize results and generally to do data analysis. Account Sitting, OGame Expeditions Calculator 7.1 (Expedition Calculator), OGame Explo Simulateur (Expedition Calculator), OGame Calcs (Suite of Calculators). Don’t worry, you can connect them all together once signed in. The calculator will show the possible maximum positive finds. You signed in with another tab or window. Do not use an add-on unless you have confirmed it is tolerated or approved. Not entirely in English yet. 30/06/2019 458.117 Players Alliances 79.062 609 Universes Servers 28. We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. var returnDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(),startDate.getMonth(),startDate.getDate()+numberOfDays,startDate.getHours(),startDate.getMinutes(),startDate.getSeconds()); Of course, most of the time you will get less than the maximum. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. You can see your profits and costs, and also compare them to other players in your universe. #%% get a list of all the planets universe. Create your own profile and get all your stats in one place! It does not consider the impact of plasma Technology level, classes, boosters, or officers, or other newer features and changes to the came. JimmyWest Calculator for Ogame (Suite of Calculators; Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rank and Increase: Resources, Economy, Fleet, Research. An up to date suite of calculators for various situations. Battle simulators • It is possible to look up specific players to see an analysis and charts of growth (or decline) over time. A variety of tools and websites exist to help players. Toutes les statistiques mondiales Ogame !! Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. ... are generally welcome. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. startDate= new Date();var numberOfDays=1; GameStats is a service allowing you to aggregrate stats from all your different games! Don't spam the servers with requests. NEWS | 10.06.2012 - added > > Universe 81 [Increase in the next update] var date = returnDate;var options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric',day: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}; If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. It is potential the most accurate due to the extensive research and testing, along with large sample of expeditions done. An up to date suite of calculators for various situations. Create your own profile and get all your stats in one place! By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Some classes and methods to retrieve public data of the online game ogame. These are then used to generate statistics and charts on your raids and expeditions over time. OGame is a classic real-time strategy MMO developed by Gameforge. #%% import ogame_stats #%% supply the two inputs to uniquely identify a universe universe_id = 162 community = 'en' #%% instantiate and thereby load the data universe = ogame_stats. Source: https://board.origin.ogame.gam…ad/4107-CerealOgameStats/Developer: cereal, I've update the script to make it work on V7 :…ereal-ogame-stats.user.js. Messages • A very simple to use tool designed to compute the cost and time for anything you need to spend resources on. Since the data sets and classes avoid the usage of This is the wiki about it, that anyone can edit. It is also possible to see new inactives, name changes, deleted players, banned players, etc. Any use of bots, automation scripts, or attack alarms is considered cheating. These are the update frequencies I copied over at some point in time (might have changed): Maybe the easiest way would be to use requests_cache. The most searched players on the site during the last 24 hours. Joining a long standing alliance in an older universe is often a way to discover additional tools developed by that alliance or not widely known. It shows miners completion times, missing resources, the amount of ships that can be constructed as well as putting names over the images. For fleeters there is the popular spy table on your messages page, which will help you with your attacks. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. Rank and Increase: Resources, Economy, Fleet, Research. For example, it is possible to look up all inactive players or a certain rank in a certain system range. It does not consider the impact of plasma Technology level, classes, boosters, or officers, or other newer features and changes to the came. (Google translate also possible). discord bot Add the bot to your server. Be sure to include the tests. Register yourself now and be a part of our community! Site does not work well on mobile but does work on desktop. Everything what you need to the play is a … XML attributes, it's easy to just pickle your UniverseData for tests, development and everything else. Learn more. Top Raider is an add-on and external site. The site is in French but not too hard to figure out for English speakers. Site map. You can upload your OGame Combat Reports to OGMem and then share them with other players. This page lists a variety of available tools, but is by no means an exhaustive list. CerealOgameStats., a service provided by | All Rights Reserved. The add-on allows saving of combat and expedition reports, along with other details, into the external site. Work fast with our official CLI. We don't use cookies and we don't use analytics. Top raider the current month. 10 462 476 Lieutenant Spacewalk [LA_FERME] Status: This site provides player stats and alliance stats and reports for all universes. they're used to log you in. ...that forums have been a key part of the game experience from the beginning? create your virtualenv with your preferred versionin a new directory. UniverseView apps such as TrashSim and OGotcha are also included in the browser expansion. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. Enter the universe settings and information, your class, and the fleet you plan to send. Expedition statistics mainly, along with other stats such as universe lists and marketplace analysis. 18 014 273 Quasi Modo V7-5 [THC]. An up to date calculator for expeditions, based on extensive research by the French community. #%% supply the two inputs to uniquely identify a universe, #%% instantiate and thereby load the data, ##%% get the coordinates and names of all the planets of a player, xmltodict as a convenience to convert XML data to more basic python types. set up now. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Shows ranks, and increased in resources, economy, fleet, research, etc. It is currently out of date. Trade • Now, data itself is nice. Add our Discord Bot and brag your stats to your friends. But lets ask it some questions. ...that a variety of helpful tools, calculators, and simulators have been developed by the community of players? You can search for planets on almost every page using the player and alliance search, or in the galaxy view simply go to a playername using your mouse. This script makes alliance evolution stats from the OGame alliance memberlist and transforms it into a forum friendly code. You can calculate trades, costs of building, research, fleets, defense, production, or Graviton Technology.


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