shi'ar gladiator
Created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum in the late 1970’s, the devoted Strontian has served as a sometimes ally, sometimes foe of … After a battle with the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four, who had been possessed by the Uni-Power and transformed into Captain Universe, the Uni-Power transferred over to Gladiator so he could rush the Invisible Woman to Los Angeles to help prevent an impending tsunami. Juggernaut | Knorda | Destroyer | He investigates rumors of a prisoner with the aid of Thanos and Star-Lord. Gladiator leads the elite corps of the Imperial Guard that protects and carries out the personal directives of the majestor or majestrix (emperor or empress) of the entire Shi’ar Galaxy. In addition to his extraordinary strength (he once lifted the top 35 stories of the Baxter Building), he is virtually invulnerable, and has survived an explosion of nearly nova force uninjured. Supreme Intelligence | The New Mutants: Essex Corp (Cecilia Reyes) | Demon Bear, Television Krakoa | Gladiator goes to help them, and discovers Talon was there. Among the Shi’ar Imperial Guard, one member stands above the others, both as their leader and as the team powerhouse: Gladiator! As they left, Medusa shouted that the Shi'ar would pay for what they have done, with their blood. Prior to Kallark becoming the Preator of the Imperial Guard known as Gladiator who had been trained under the tutelage of Deathbird, Lilandra's evil sister, he was a promising young cadet warrior of a proud bloodline back on his home planet Strontia. deactivated-5f035224e8503 After fighting off Korvus, Gladiator orders the Imperial Guard to with draw accompanying the Empress. All-Black | Colossus and Namor beat up and broke down Gladiator until a powerful optic blast from Cyclops put Gladiator out of the fight for good. As the X-Men tried to save Shi’ar Empress Lilandra from the power-mad D’Ken, Gladiator and his team tried to stop them. Character » Mongoose | When he turns on the Secret Order and the Araki Sequence, one of the most oldest and noblest lines of the Shi'Ar genetic lines, Araki is protected by Black Cloak, one of the most powerful members of the Death Commandos. Xorn, Movies Summary. D'Bek is quick to assure Kallark that the title will soon be his again. He first appeared in X-Men #107 (October 1977) and was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Dave Cockrum. These defenses however are not able to defend against all telepaths and he is still susceptible to attacks from telepaths of a high order. Azazel | It is unknown whether or not this ability is inherent to Strontians or if it was a part of the training he received as being a member of the Imperial Guard. In his home back on Asteroid Haven, Gladiator receives a visit from Lilandra, whom he shows to care for in spite of what he must do. Gladiator possesses a number of superhuman capabilities as a result of his unique alien physiology including superhuman strength (capable of shattering a planet and give trouble to characters like Hulk and Thor), superhuman speed, stamina and durability (capable of withstanding planetary explosions), reflexes, heat vision (stated as "hotter than a star"); "frost breath," a regenerative healing factor, and warp speed flight (measured as "a hundred times the speed of light"). Gladiator appears in 911 issues. Lilith | Gladiator was featured in the Marvel Universe line from Hasbro. Thor: Loki Laufeyson | Frost Giants (Laufey, Grundroth, Hailstrum, Raze & Jotunheim Beast) | The Destroyer | Jasper Sitwell He also has been seen to have the ability to drop the temperature of his opponents when expelling chill like winds famously known as “Freeze Breathe”. Phil Noto’s 'King in Black: Return of the Valkyries' #1 cover reveals a brand-new Valkyrie! When Lilandra learned of the many Earth heroes that had sacrificed their lives to stop the malevolent psionic being named Onslaught, she dispatched eight members of the Imperial Guard, including Gladiator, to protect Earth. Cassandra Nova | Stranger | Marvel Unlimited members can now read brand-new comics just three months after they’re in stores! The mission is a success. While during his attack he defeated Wolverine and the Beast. He first appeared in X-Men #107 (October 1977) and was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Dave Cockrum. Complete your Marvel Studios’ Avengers collection On Digital now! After thwarting an assassination attempt on Lilandra,  Gladiator plays a role in temporarily turning Earth into an intergalactic prison. [32] During an attempt to return her to the throne, she is assassinated. The limits of his strength are unknown but to date he has been seen performing feats such as carrying massive spaceships across vast distances with very little effort, overpowering the likes of Colossus, Wonder Man and the Thing with ease and rivaling Thor in brute strength. Mister Sinister | His near corpse of a body was taken away by Warbird to the medical ward for immediate assistance. Onslaught | After Deathbird was struck down whilst siphoning Phoenix's power, Gladiator ordered the Guard to retreat, thus robbing Deathbird of the chance to become supremely powerful. [2] Gladiator's name, Kallark, is a combination of Superman's Kryptonian and human names: Kal-El and Clark Kent.[3]. Emma Frost | Kid Gladiator however wishes not to run from a fight. This helps him especially when he has to do interstellar travel. Dracula | Firelord | Gladiator is an alien whose race is called Strontians. Reed Richards hypothesised that Gladiator’s moment of vulnerability was the result of a brief weakening of his will power, and hence of the psionic  reinforcement of his resistance to injury. Pandemonia | [37] With them, he protects Galador from the Dire Wraiths[38] and opposes the Universal Church of Truth's attempt to revive the Magus. Gladiator quickly left, clearly showing his dislike for his cousin and her presence. However, just as Kallark is ready to deliver the killing blow, having grabbed Darkhawk by the throat, they are bombarded from above and Darkhawk escapes. Fantastic comes up with a plan. Gladiator’s unique physiology allows him a vast amount of stamina. Mole Man | Mister Jip | Drawbacks: Kraven | Bastion | Ares | The Lore, Legends, and Heroes from Marvel have arrived in Fortnite. Skrulls | This was seen when Gladiator lifted the entire 35 story Baxter building that the FF4 resided in with little effort and without destroying it. Gladiator has the ability to exert himself at physical peak for several days before fatigue toxins begin to impair him. Gladiator is the last of his race and the last Strontian to have undergone the process making him of the most powerful in the history of his people and also one of the physically strongest beings in the Marvel Universe. Kallark, codenamed Gladiator, was once the Praetor of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, the most faithful servant of the Shi'ar throne. After an encounter with the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four,[27] Gladiator invites the Uni-Power to return to the Shi'ar Empire as their guest. With the Scy'ar tal defeated Gladiator and the Imperial Guard sent out in the frontline with one Imperial mandate which is the expansion of Shi'ar Empire. Trevor Fitzroy | [7], While pursuing a band of shape-changing Skrulls, Gladiator arrives on Earth and mistakenly attacks the Fantastic Four. In addition to his natural abilities, this made him able to survive in the vacuum of space and increased his power levels. Plutonia and Mentor volunteer to become a Raptor to help. Get the latest news, original content, and special offers from Marvel. When Lilandra's bid reaches a critical state, with riots from sympathizers of Lilandra fight against Vulcan loyalists, he defends Lilandra when the Shi'Ar Death Commandos attack Lilandra as she tries to consolidate her power by appearing before the temple. Magus | Although the Uni-Power agrees, it is captured en route by Krosakis, an energy leeching warlord who forces the Uni-Power into his body to become Captain Universe. Hela | Reflection/Deflection only works against psionic/mental attacks. Purple Man | HYDRA | Space Phantom | All Strontians are born with the capacity for great strength and various superpowers, but can only use them when they are completely devoted to a purpose. Master Mold | Nimrod | This brought them to Earth. Moses Magnum | Ultron | Simon Trask | He was part of an elite group of young males and females of his race who under went a series of Trials in a contest which would allow them to have their psionic-fueled abilities be enhanced to Gladiator levels. Collector | Gladiators’ physiology allows him great movement, balance, and body coordination that is beyond the capability of any human being. Sat-Yr-9 | Gladiator’s physiology grants him the ability to inhale large amounts of air within his lungs and expel it in a hurricane like force. Galactus | Crusader | Mystique | Connections: Sauron | Freedom Force | Omega Gang | [30] Vulcan begins to expand the empire,[31] leading to a war with the Kree. Graviton | Abomination | Kang the Conqueror | However with the Phoenix Force's power flowing through their veins Gladiator had trouble fighting 1 let alone 3. Fenris | He’s got light purple skin and a dark blue mohawk. When the formerly-exiled Deathbird had usurped the Shi'ar throne from her sister Lilandra in a successful coup, Gladiator was forced to swear fealty to his new empress, even though his loyalties still lay with Lilandra. The prisoner turns out to be an amnesiac Beyonder. As an anecdote, Gladiator’s powers have been theorised by Byrne (and Reed Richards) to be psionic, and his STR was explained by tactile telekinesis. Gladiator took on Black Bolt and was able to defeat him with some help from White Noise. [8] Meanwhile, Lilandra's sister Deathbird stages a coup and becomes the new Shi'ar Empress. Beyonder | Grandmaster | Dweller-In-Darkness | Vulcan escapes with the aid of some rebellious Shi'ar and leads a successful coup against Lilandra, becoming the next Shi'ar Emperor. Shadow Xavier | Savage Land Mutates | Mr. Bad Hair Day, The X-Men #107 - Where No X-Man Has Gone Before. Nanny | She informed him that the Emperor ordered him to return to present Lilandra to him. He may have been indulging in hyperbole in saying this, for his powers have not been demonstrated to be that great. [9], After an alternate universe version of Gladiator has a bout with Thor,[10] the Earth-616 Kallark has an encounter with a rogue alien. Pyro | William Stryker | Kallark doesn't rest or hesitate, as he goes after Chancellor Araki and kills him without mercy.


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